Market News

Increasing role of drugstores in market of air fragrances

According to data from the ConsumerScan of GfK Hungária, the quantity of air fragrances sold in the first four months show stagnation, but sales dropped in terms of value, owing...

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Following the gendarme from Saint-Tropez

Not much remains from the charm of the French Riviéra seen in the Louis de Funés movies of the 1960’s. Though the landscape and the sea is still beautiful, industrial...

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Moderate optimism on board the OKSZ Klubhajó

According to Péter Feiner, chairman of the National Retail Association, the best we can hope for this year is that the decline of retail trade will stop. The Association is...

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Market share of private labels continues to rise

According to data from GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, both the quantity of pralines purchased by households and the amount spent increased in the first third of the year. As a result...

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When you need a little energy

According to Orsolya Varga, trade marketing manager of Energizer, growth in the market of batteries is continuous but slow, with an increasing proportion of consumers choosing quality in the shape...

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(HU) Kereskedelem kínaiul

Commerce in Chinese When I recently visited China, I had read the travel guide beforehand to see what I could expect. One of my destinations was Hong Kong, which I...

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First multi-sensory project in Europe

Leroy Merlin has been the first store chain in Europe to use all elements of sensory marketing in a combined way. Mood Media has been contracted to provide music, visual...

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Healthy products also need promotion

Health consciousness has been the most important trend in recent years. Manufacturers are adapting to changes in consumer preferences and hyper markets often allocate separate shelf space to healthy products....

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Britons shopping, Spaniards saving

According to an Eurostat estimate, the volume of retail trade was up by 2 per cent on average in the 27 EU member states in May, compared to 2007. Retail...

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Summer moments

With my wife and some friends, we have decided to go touring by car. Our destination was Barcelona via Italy and the Riviera. We have chosen the shortest way, through...

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Promo using PDA

PDA-s have been issued for the sales team of Promo Power Trade Marketing Ügynökség. The software has been developed with regard to the special needs of their clients. The 20...

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Still not enough knowledge

According to Otília Dörnyei, director of Gfk, dietary preferences are slowly changing, with a shift towards healthier food. Unfortunately, when money has to be saved, consumers economise on healthy food...

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The power of strawberry

Prices of agricultural products were up by 31.5 per cent in May 2008, compared to May 2007. The average price of plant products was up by 38.3 per cent, while...

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Cooperatives keeping pace with modern commerce

At present, fifty production and sales cooperatives are active in Hungary. Merchandise is supplied by their members (primarily fruits and vegetables) and delivered without the participation of intermediaries.Mórakert – this...

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New statutes for the association of canned maize manufacturers

A new statutes was accepted by the Association of European Canned Maize Manufacturers at its general assembly held in Budapest on 18. June. The mandate of the chairman has been...

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Cleanliness is not enough

Products related to washing are the largest category among chemical products. The assortment of such products has become confusingly wide for consumers… According to Ágnes Benke, from EVM Zrt, the...

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Water melon cheap and early

Trends in the world market of meat and poultry are monitored by Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI). Data from the price and market information system of KSH and AKI can...

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Packaging in three steps – part 3: illustrating flavour

Many types of illustrations exist in many styles and with many different purposes. Illustrating flavour is a relatively new development. This modern method is barely 50 years old. Even at...

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Strengthening organised wine trade

An increasing quantity of wine is sold in the major retail chains. In the June 2007- May 2008 period, sales were up by 3 per cent in terms of quantity...

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Brands are strong among washing powders

According to data from the ConsumerScan of GfK Hungária, the quantity of washing powder sold in the first third of 2008 shows stagnation, compared to the same period in 2007,...

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Deficit lower than planned

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt and Erste Bank, both the internal and external balance of payments are expected to show significant improvement this year. Real incomes are...

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New generation advertising messages on TV2

The recently established TV2 Brand Care group and the spot types developed by them were the topics of a roundtable discussion held in June. In recent years, TV2 has been...

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Let’s have a festival!

Wine competitions and festivals are becoming synonyms, though the two things are quite different, as their purpose and form is quite different. 300 wine competitions are held in Hungary annually....

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The well known Clorox

brand represent quality in the eyes of consumers. Product debvelopment is driven by market trends and feedback from consumers. It is very important for us to keep the confidence and...

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Food industry catching up

Domestic industrial prices were up by 0.3 per cent in May, compared to April and by 11.7 per cent compared to May 2007. Export prices were down by 2.2 per...

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ECR Europe: when we make customers happy

„We have achieved a revolutionary breakthrough in co-operation between manufacturers and retailers. Instead of focusing on confrontation, we have begun to work together”- said Peter Braback-Lemathe, co-chairman of ECR Europe,...

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Lower wine consumption last year

Rising average prices, smaller quantities purchased less frequently – these were the main trends in Hungarian wine consumption in 2007, according to data from GfK Hungária. Wine consumption was down...

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Innovation changing cleaning habits

Spring and autumn are the main seasons for detergents and other cleaning products. SC Johnson, Unilever and Vileda all have new products waiting to be launched in the autumn. Housewives...

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Recession slowing down

The total volume of retail trade was down by 1.5 per cent in April, compared to April 2007. Retail sales totalled more than HUF 508 billion in April. The turnover...

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ECR=mozgalom a közös érdekekért

Az ECR (=Efficient Consumer Responce, hatékony reagálás a fogyasztóra) az FMCG-szektor vállalatainak közös testülete. Célja, hogy fórumot adjon az FMCG-piac szereplői számára a minél szorosabb együttműködésre, azzal a céllal, hogy...

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