Market News

Big increase in yoghurt sales

According to the Retail Index of Nielsen, retail sales of yoghurt were up by 9 per cent in terms of quantity in the June 2007 – July 2008 period, compared...

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E-invoicing useful for everybody

Electronic invoicing had been regarded as a remote possibility by companies for a long time. However, it has become reality. Companies using electronic invoicing will soon find themselves making more...

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What is business intelligence good for?

Most companies spend days or weeks compiling data for background analysis which is required for business decisions. Results are far from being up to date or accurate, which means that...

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Money contra health among yoghurts

Health consciousness is the only factor which can counter the sudden urge felt by consumers to economise on food spending. The price of milk started to drop in February, after...

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Daily finances

According to László Göndör, consulting director of Hostlogic Kft, we not only see financial systems, but also ERP systems in use today. These systems allow FMCG companies to process information...

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Pioneering in-store research: long live shopper marketing! (ECR Europe, part 2.)

For a long time, we have been waiting for a method to measure the effectiveness of POS marketing. We have seen a promising method at the annual ECR Europe conference...

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Roasted coffee leading, instant 3in1 growing

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, the consumer price of roasted coffee was up by 10 per cent in April-May this year, compared to the same period in 2007, while...

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Industry down

Industrial production was down by 0.3 percent in June, compared to June 2007. According to a report by KSH, total production was up by 5.6 percent in the first half...

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Quotes – from our correspondent in Berlin

„We have taught consumers to focus on prices” Kees Jacobs, director of Capgemini • „When the taxes on packaging materials are raised by politicians, they seem to forget that packaging...

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Quick and convenient coffee with or without machines

Coffee machines for home use and pre-portioned capsules have appeared in the assortments of both leading coffee distributors. Consumption habits are slowly changing in the coffee market as well. Manufacturers...

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Inflation highest in Latvia

Inflation averaged 4.3 percent in the 27 EU member states in the June 2007 – June 2008 period. It was lowest in the Netherlands with 2.3 percent and highest in...

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Increasing consumption in the 3in1 segment

According to data from GfK ConsumerScan, the number of consumers in the 3in1 segment has been growing at a double digit rate in recent years. Consumption of ground-roasted coffee was...

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Moderate rise in the price of swine

Trends in the world market of meat and poultry are monitored by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI). Data from the price information system (PÁIR) operated by KSH and AKI...

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Brands getting stronger in the fondant category

While overall sales dropped last year, most manufacturers increased their sales, owing to a leading competitor leaving the market. This year, we will probably see if the shift from quantity...

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Deteriorating prospects for Europe

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. with Erste Bank, growth will speed up in the second half of the year. Both internal and external balance is improving and...

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Fondants in bags still most popular

According to data from GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, the market of seasonal sweets for Christmas shrunk last year, with sales of fondants down by 14 percent and chocolate Santa Claus figures...

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Rising incomes

Gross average income was up by 8.2 percent, while net income was up by 7.3 percent. According to KSH data, the average income of employees in full time employment was...

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Pet food as supplement or snack

According to data from Euromonitor, the global market of pet food has been growing continuously since 2001. Global pet food sales totalled USD 45 billion in 2007. Growth is expected...

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Deteriorating balance of foreign trade

According to KSH data, exports totalled EUR 6113 million in July, while imports amounted to EUR 6351 million. Whereas export increased by only 8 percent, import was up by 10...

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Corporate financing: everything for sale!

At the moment, there are no signs of any decline in demand for financing among companies. According to a forecast by MNB, last year’s trend is expected to continue, with...

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Food still on top

Consumer prices were up by 0.1 percent in July, compared to June and by 6.7 percent, compared to July 2007. According to KSH data, food prices were down by 0.7...

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Leasing of production equipment showing constant growth

The leasing market expanded by over 16 percent in 2007, compared to 2006. Financing of real estate and equipment have been the main driving forces behind growth. 15 new specialised...

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Driving to new discounts

Large stores have become the primary scene for pre-planned major shopping, while smaller stores, accessible on foot are the places for daily shopping. Small stores were again visited most frequently...

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It’s time to…

Sour cherry, water melon, apple…Which one will be the next time bomb exploding in the gardening sector? An excess of supply exists in other countries as well, but that is...

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Shared fears, gloomy prospects

According to Péter Biczó, director of PricewaterhouseCoopers Kft, the most important conclusion to be drawn from the past 12 months is that uncertainty can be predicted for certain. Banks have...

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Agricultural prices continue to rise

The supply prices of agricultural products was up by 21.6 percent in June 2008, compared to June 2007. The prices of plant product were up by 20.5 percent, while those...

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List of forbidden practices

In the first days of September, officers of various authorities were probably the only people aware of the tasks and obligations imposed upon retailers and manufacturers by the new rules...

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Change in trend

According to MasterCard, a change has taken place in the trend seen since the introduction of bank cards in 1995, as 2007 was the first year when card holders used...

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Romania: booming hyper markets and brand loyalty

According to Nielsen findings, the primary consideration for the average Romanian consumer in choosing a store is ease of access. Finding everything in a single store ranks only third among...

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Competitors catching up

According to a recent study by Atradius Hitelbiztosító, China’s position as the most important target for investment might be threatened by other regions of the world. Though 60 percent of...

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