Market News

A mass of Hungarian pigs are carried to Romania

At the eastern border of Hungary, Romanian purchases and deliveres a large mass of Hungarian pigs often on the back seats of Dacias, to get support after a few months...

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Wine reform comes soon

The second phase of the EU wine market reform in Hungary started in early August. The relevant EU legislation is already available in two weeks – said Csaba Horváth, Secretary-General...

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Most people want the taxation of luxury items

Most people would fill the loss of state revenues with the taxation of luxury items, while consider the financial sector and the car industry more negative. According to the survey...

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French farmers have to pay 330 million euros back

According to the decision of the European Commission the French fruit and vegetable producers should pay back unfair state aid received between 1992 and 2002.  Agricultural Minister Bruno Le Maire...

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The SME prosperity index of Ecostat has improved

According to Ecostat’s prosperity index; the expectations of domestic SMEs, became better. The production forecast, for the next quarter is the best since last October; 22 perccent of the companies...

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Six times more import milk arrives to Hungary than before the EU connection

At the beginning of the year, the purchasers gave 90 HUF per liter for high-quality milk, now only 59 HUF. According to experts the purchase price was reduced because there...

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United States – the manufacturing index is nearly 50 points

Due to the improved sales outlooks the pessimism of the manufacturing companies decreases in the U.S.: the purchasing manager index of the ISM Institute rose from 44.8 points to 48.9...

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German retail is not in a very promising position

In contrast to expectations, German retail sales were significantly reduced on monthly basis in June and even the 0.4 percent increase of May was modified to a 1.3 percent decrease,...

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The majority wouls spend more on environmentally-friendly products next year

According to the results of WPP Group's more than 5,700 people asked, involving seven-countries survey, that showed that despite the recession and the higher prices, it is worth to buy...

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Chances for Agriculture during the crisis

Although the financial and economic crisis put a big impact on agriculture, according to experts, the crisis also has significant potential in the sector. For example crediting agriculture is less...

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Labor control at Lake Balaton

Irregularities had been found at 87 percent of employers and 71 percent of employees during a control action of the the National Work and Labor Inspectorate at Lake Balaton. The...

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Nielsen’ Consumer Confidence Index reached its peak in July

According to Nielsen market research company’s usual monthly survey; after the 37 points nadir of March, measured 48 points of consumer confidence, which is the highest result of the year,...

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GKI forecasts – looking forward to the nadir

According to the joint forecast of GKI Economic Research Institute and Erste Bank the nadir of the economic downturn is still ahead of the Hungarians. The national GDP expected to...

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World trade getting lively again – according to WTO

The 250 billionUSD of incentives is beginning to affect especially in Asia – reported Pascal Lamy, Main Director Of World Trade Organization (WTO) this weekend in Johannesburg. Lamy noted in...

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Nearly seven thousand department closed in Great Britain

According to Local Data Research (LDC) from the elapsed part of 2009 about 12 thousand independent retail shops and 7 thousand departments of large department stores have closed. A year...

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Cheap goose and duck liver

Eight-ten euros per kg price reduction can be experienced on the market of duck and goose liver, which is also put strongly back the duck and goose stock. The participants...

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Retail: dynamism despite crisis

Big part of the domestic retail investments were in an advanced stage, at the start of the crisis, so closure would have cause a greater loss, than completion,so there was...

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Eighty-five percent of the small and medium-sized enterprises do not expect bankruptcy

According to the confidence index research of the K and H Bank; Two-thirds of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises introduced restrictive measures since last autumn, because of the crisis....

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Organic food does not improve health

The British Food Standards Agency after the most comprehensive research of the last 50 years, has come to the conclusion, that the consumption of organic food does not improve health...

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The product sellers join forces in Békés County

The government will assist in the South Plains region of the three main product sellers but the other product sellers of Békés County will not receive support. Many of the...

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New regulations in poultry-farming from 2012

After 2012, the European Union did not authorize the use of traditional poultry cages. According to the new regulations the base area should be increased by 25 percent and less...

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Foreign trade balance can be improved due to a decline in consumption

According to the datas of KSH, the trade balance for the first five months of this year showed 455 billion HUF (1.528 billion euros) assets. According to analysts; foreign trade...

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Germans have not drink so less beer since two decades

Beer consumption in Germany is in a big decline. Germans have not drink from their national drink so less since 1991. According to the Federal Statistical Office, during the first...

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Falling advertising market

In the first half of the year a 7.5 percent reduction on tariff prices had been measured on the domestic advertising market by TNS Media Intelligence. The spendings of the...

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Consistent agri payment system from 2010

According to Gráf József Agricultural and Rural Development Minister, the government decided to introduce the consistent agri payment system (SPS) in Hungary next year.  In the Minister’s opinion the introduction...

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This year, there will be 20-25 percent less cereals production

The harvest of cereals and oilseed rape completed in Hungary. According to GOSZ; that due to the bad weather conditions 25-30 percent less cereals were produced. Vancsura József, Chairman of...

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Shop Network of Magosz offers social bakery and home-made milk

Even social bread and social roll have appeared on the food shelves of the social shops selling food shelves. Some stores operate home-made milk machine as well. In the social...

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Pessimistic consumers in the USA, the UK retail sector in decline

According to the survey of Conference Board the consumer mood of the U.S. population continued to decline in July, due to the worsening of employment situation. In Great Britain, retail...

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Desperate Russian beer producers because of the triple tax increase

Russian breweries asked Prime Minister Putin, that the government should think again the threefold increase of beer tax. The Finance Ministry's proposal for next year would increase from the current...

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Austrian tourism declines during the crisis

According to the Austrian Statistical Office;.32 million foreign guest nights recorded in Austria which is a 8.2 percent declinem, compared to the same period of last year. From Germany, which...

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