Market News

What you should know about the Complaints Act

The topic of the first broadcast of international business and tax consulting firm Grant Thornton is Whistleblowing, compliance with the EU’s new Whistleblower Directive, also known as the Whistleblowing Act....

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Az ananász jegyében működik együtt a Pepsi és a Little Caesars pizzázólánc

A Pepsi Co. Inc. a Little Caesars pizzázólánccal együttműködve új lehetőséget nyújt az ananász szerelmeseinek kedvenc gyümölcsük fogyasztására: a vásárlóknak korlátozott ideig egy 4,7 dl-es Pepsi Pineapple italból és egy...

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Elsőként kínál a Penny Italia vertikális gazdálkodásból származó saját márkás termékeket

A Penny Italia diszkontlánc Olaszország 18 régió­jának 435 üzletében elsőként indított útjára vertikális gazdálkodásból származó saját márkás termékcsaládot. A „pianetiamo” termékcsaládot aeropóniában állítják elő, amely a vertikális gazdálkodás egy olyan formája,...

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Németország: minden ötödik Burger Kingben eladott Whopper növényi alapú

Egyre népszerűbb a húsmentes táplálkozás Németországban: a vegetáriánusok aránya mintegy 10%, míg a vegánoké 3,8%. A Burger King az országban a növényi alapú ételek iránti ugrásszerűen megnövekedett keresletnek úgy tesz eleget,...

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New store opens opened its latest store on 11 August. This is Alza’s second store in Budapest, where a selection of over 2,000 of the online shop’s best-selling products are available to...

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Seed production is a production alternative in the shadow of the Ukrainian grain market

Due to the presence of Ukrainian crops on the European market, Hungarian farmers should also establish themselves on several legs, in which seed production can be a viable alternative for...

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PepsiCo brings hydration juggernaut Gatorade into water

The electrolyte-infused beverage, which was developed by the CPG giant to help support all-day hydration, will start hitting shelves in 2024. Gatorade is launching its first-ever water offering as the...

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HUF 11 billion in support is coming to milk producers and fattening bull farmers

In order to ensure the liquidity of cattle farmers in a difficult economic situation, the Ministry of Agriculture has created the conditions for the temporary national support to be paid...

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Amazon to launch pay-by-palm technology at all Whole Foods stores by year-end

Amazon will let shoppers pay with their palms at all Whole Foods stores by the end of the year, the company announced Thursday. Amazon One is a biometric technology that...

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Walmart CEO talks consumer spending, inflation predictions

Inflation is on course to continue declining, but food prices are unlikely to return to their levels from two years ago, Doug McMillon said at an investor conference Tuesday. Grocery...

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You can apply for EU compensation for grain imports from Ukraine from October

From October 1, farmers can apply for EU compensation for grain imports from Ukraine, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced. He added that the ministry determined the terms of use of...

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A nagyvállalatok többsége még nem látja, mivel jár a globális minimumadó

A multinacionális nagyvállatok döntő többségére hatással lesz a globális minimumadó, mégis csak a töredékük van tisztában azzal, hogy valójában mivel jár, ha bevezetik jövőre – hívja fel a figyelmet az...

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ÉMK: the food rescue program starts

The food rescue program is starting – the Élélmiszermentő Központ Nonprofit Kft. (ÉMK) announced to MTI on Tuesday. It was written that last Monday, the operation of the ÉMK trial...

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This is how you can use the Price Monitor shopping list function – GVH also helps with a video

Many people use the shopping list of the online Price Monitoring system operated by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH). GVH is now presenting the operation and benefits of the new...

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The school milk program faces challenges

Despite facing hurdles, the School Milk Program remains a vital and enduring initiative, according to dairy industry experts interviewed by Agrárszektor. This program, supported by the European Union, aims to...

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The campaign promoting domestic wines reached every second Hungarian

Young Hungarians prefer champagne and sparkling wine among wine products, according to an online survey of the Hungarian Wine Marketing Agency. The focus of the organization’s first nationwide campaign, the...

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Forradalmi változásokat hoz a digitalizáció az élelmiszeriparban és italgyártásban is

Az élelmiszeripari és italgyártó cégek háromnegyedénél hozott komoly fejlődést a termelésben a digitalizáció, felüknél pedig még további javulásra számítanak – derül ki a Schneider Electric friss tanulmányából. A cikk a...

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Két év alatt 49%-kal nőtt az alternatív tejek eladása Európában

A hohenheimi egyetem legújabb tanulmánya a növényi tejek elfogadottságát vizsgálta az Európai Unió hat országában. Az adatok azt mutatják, hogy 2020 és 2022 között az alternatív tejek eladása 49%-kal nőtt a...

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Másfélfok: we could save tens of thousands of forints a year by reducing food waste and it would even be good for the climate

By reducing food waste, several tens of thousands of forints could be saved per year, and the emission of greenhouse gases would also be reduced – wrote the specialist portal...

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Selling Studenac isn’t on the cards

Polish private equity fund Enterprise Investors has announced: they don’t plan to sell Croatian supermarket chain Studenac. Croatian newspaper Jutarnji List reported at the end of July that the Polish branch...

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The popularity of sauvignon blanc has grown by leaps and bounds in our country

Sauvignon blanc is becoming more and more popular here, there is almost no Hungarian wine region where such wine is not produced – says Antal Benesch, head winemaker of the...

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New domestic products are under EU protection

The European Commission has registered the names of three new Hungarian agricultural products, namely Borzag pálinka, Sárréti kökénypálinka and Szabolcsi apple. This brought the number of Hungarian geographical indications under EU...

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Creativity at the highest level: student competition results

POPAI Hungary Association has launched a competition for university students for the fourth time. SPAR was the main sponsor of POPAI Student Design Awards, and this year’s theme sponsor was...

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The Polish government called on Brussels to extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian cereals

In its decision adopted on Tuesday, the Polish government called on the European Commission (EC) to extend the import ban on Ukrainian cereals, which expires on September 15, the Warsaw...

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The knowledge acquired within the framework of the Eurosheep project can improve the competitiveness of the domestic sheep industry

The EuroSheep project supported by the European Union’s HORIZON2020 program is coming to an end. During the three years of the program, the actors of the sheep industry were able to...

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This is how the seeding rules will change next year

If, by 2024, the European Commission does not allow the member states to provide their farmers with a temporary exemption from the new rules for crop rotation and the designation...

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TikTok Shop launches in US

Brands, merchants and creators can sell products directly through shoppable videos and livestream features. TikTok Shop went live in the U.S. on Tuesday, according to a blog post by the social...

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Lidl Denmark To Acquire Former Aldi Stores From REMA 1000

Discount chain Lidl plans to expand its presence in Denmark with the acquisition of 10 former Aldi stores through REMA 1000. Last month, Danish competition authorities approved REMA 1000’s acquisition...

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The deadline for payment of the damage mitigation contribution is approaching

The Ministry of Agriculture draws farmers’ attention to the fact that members of the agricultural damage mitigation system must pay the damage mitigation contribution by September 15, 2023. The above deadline...

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The “Professional Taster” career orientation program weeks were a great success

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) considers the promotion of agricultural professions, informing young people choosing careers and their parents, and promoting enrollment in agricultural vocational training institutions to...

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