Market News

Champagne is catching on again

The crisis that shook up the world’s financial markets in 2009 did not spare the champagne industry. In 2010, however, the industry began to bounce back. Dr. Stephen Charters, Reims...

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Post-Christmas discount sales to start

It is expected, that the post-Christmas discount sales will start today. Due to the accelerated buying habits, the traders do not wait until January, and start the discount sales, in...

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The president of the GVH would strengthen the client-friendly nature of the Competition Authority

Juhász Miklós, the new president of the Competition Authority would strengthen the client-friendly nature of the Economic Competition Authority (GVH), that has substancial and technical elements. According to the president;...

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The chestnut puree will be re-regulated

The Ministry of Rural Development will continue to campaign against poor quality products: the Ministry’s latest measure will rewrite the 30 year old rule over chestnut products. In many of...

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German manufacturing industry may increase with a slowing rate next year

In Germany, manufacturing industry output may increase by approx. 5 percent, so 70 thousand new jobs would be created in the sector. According to the Association of the German Chambers...

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Fewer grapes grew in Pannonhalma

Half of the predicted quantity was harvested in the region of Pannonhalma – said Liptai Zsolt, manager of the abbey’s winery. The new wine quality is good but not outstanding....

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Post Christmas rush has already started on Saturday night in London

The Post Christmas discount sales have already begun on Saturday in the United Kingdom. Despite the cold weather and the economic crisis, costumers were gathering in front of the stores...

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GKI: The recession is over soon?

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., the Hungarian economy is recovering slowly from the recession. In the world economy the Irish crisis that followed the Greek one...

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Crisis-taxes remain, according to 2011 budget

The Hungarian parliament approved the 2011 Budget Act which they referred to as the budget of resurrection. The new budget shows revenue of HUF 13,151 billion and expenditures of HUF...

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Fish-control for food-safety goes on until early January

Intense and strict controlling of stores and restaurants offering fish started in early December, and will go on until early January: the fine might even surpass millions of forint in...

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EU-support to keep ewes

According to data published by the Agricultural and Rural Development Office (MVH), a total of 5,812 farmers will receive an aid of more than 2.6 billion for keeping of ewe-...

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Magazine: Spaniards like supermarkets

With its 45-million population, Spain is on of FMCG retail’s ‘Big Five’. Economic recession hit the country the hardest in the second quarter of 2009. In 2010 food retail in...

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25-30 percent of fish marketed in the last weeks of the year

25-30 percent of the annual 30 thousand tons of fish production used to be sold in the last weeks of the year, especially around Christmas in Hungary – said Németh...

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Christmas gift for the producers: the take-over price of milk has been increased

The dairy sector is in a better situation than a few months ago. The take-over price of milk increased by 20-25 HUF per liter – said Feldman Zsolt, the Deputy...

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Analysts still expect trade balance surplus

According to analysts; the improving European business cycle has an impact on the Hungarian foreign trade. A surplus is expected in the foreign trade balance, however, the rate may slightly...

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Advertising market: online ads may supersede printed ads

The online ad revenues may be bigger this year than printed ad’s in the United States – says Bloomberg referring to the projections of eMarketer. The online advertising market, just...

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The Association for Solidarity for society conscious purchase

The Christmas period is the period of gifts, donations and charitable activities. The new initative of the Association for Solidarity gives ideas, that how we can help people on the...

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Consumer sentiment improved further in the United States

Consumer sentiment is exactly in line with the expectations of the analysts in December, in the United States: the monthly sentiment index of the University of Michigan was 74.5 points,...

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Increased monitoring is expected at places selling fish

The members of the Agricultural Office (MGSZH) will increase monitoring before the Christmas holidays at places selling fish – said the Ministry of Rural Development (VM). Some dealers do not...

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Magazine: The crisis did not bring the expected purification

In the first nine months of 2010 the insolvency index of companies was up 18 percent from the same period last year. Coface Hungary forecasts an insolvency ratio above 6...

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Hungarians make food purchases influenced by commercials

Influenced by a product- or brand advertisement, seven out of ten Hungarians have brought some sort of food in the past 12 months, wheras four of them have opted for...

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Nearly 3 percent drop in retail sales until October

The volume of retail sales – on the basis of the calendary-adjusted data – remained essentially unchanged in October 2010, so overall the sales of the first ten months showed...

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Visa Europe: probably 38 million transactions on the last day before Christmas

According to the analysts of Visa Europe; there is a chance that on the 23rd of December shopping turnover may reach a record in Europe – told the company to...

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Tons of contaminated tofu found at an illegal food factory

Authorities found an illegal food factory in Vecsés, where tofu and maybe even meat was prepared for several months now, in commercial quantities. Only at the time of the raid,...

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Nézőpont Institute: We will have a more economical Christmas

According to the survey of the Nézőpont Institute; 53 percent of respondents will spend less for Christmas shopping this year than last year, and just 7 percent of them pay...

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Buy honey-cake rather than poppy-seed roll in the supermarkets

It is not worth to buy Christmas poppy-seed rolls in the supermarkets, because they do not sell high-quality. From honey-cakes many excellent products are available in stores – said the...

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This year's agricultural damages are around 150 – 180 billion HUF

2010 was a poor year for agriculture, has not seen in decades,. The government also intends to give compensation from next year's budget. This year is very difficult year for...

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The world's largest economy grew more modestly than expected

Contrary to the expectations of the Experts, U.S. GDP, grew more modestly in this year's third quarter than expected. According to the final datas of the U.S. Department of Commerce;...

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Gfk: More people listened to the radio in November

The last autum-month of the year showed an increase in terms of time spent on listening to the radio, which led to a higher contact-number for advertisers. In November 2010,...

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The prohibition of selling price below cost price may harm the interests of the consumers

According to the socialists; the law amendment idea may be anti consumer. The law amendment would prohibit sales below cost price in food trade – was said on yesterday’s agricultural...

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