Market News

Pessimism in the SME sector

Hungarian firms became more pessimistic, compared with the previous years. The SME index of Policy Agenda and Ipsos stood on 50.2 percent in this March. It is the lowest data...

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Chocolate prices may increase despite the ciwil war has ended

According to experts, the world price of cocoa beans can decrease by 12 percent in the next few days after yesterday the fights have ended in Ivory Coast, so cocoa...

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The EU plans to introduce more stringent emission limits for Japanese food imports

The European Union plans to introduce more stringent emission limits for Japanese food imports and Japanese animal feed imports as the “low prevalence” water is returned to the sea at...

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Information Point in the service of the New Széchenyi Plan

A New Széchenyi Plan Information Point opens in these days at the Regional Enterprise Foundation of a Székesfehérvár (RVA). At the information point, one can get free advices in connection...

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Four members already leaving the wine-marketing comittee

Four members of the newly resurrected winemarketing association need to leave because of decision made by Sándor Fazekas Minister of Rural Development – pointed out. THe four members are...

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One quarter of supermarket shoppers buy organic food products

Bioculture Association, with support from the Agricultural Marketing Centre, conducted a survey at two Budapest organic product marketplaces and in a downtown supermarket about shopping habits concerning organic products. The...

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GKI: Three economic policy challenges

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., in 2011 the government was finally forced to do what it wanted to avoid, and to implement a program envisaging some...

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Hungarian wines will be served during the Polish EU presidency

Hungarian wines will be served during the Polish EU presidency, that will last in the second half of 2011 – announced the Ministry of Rural Development (VM). To compile the...

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Hungarian meat industry is in nadir

In recent months, discussions have taken place continuously, because of the dramatically increasing feed prices. The association of pig farmers turned to the ministry, pushing for government intervention as soon...

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Poultry Product Council: Need a day of poultry meat!

The Poultry Product Council (BTT) proposes  the International Poultry Council (IPC) the introduction of poultry world day at the meeting of the organisation that will be held from the 6th...

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The change of waste management rules may result in rising food prices

The change of waste management rules may lead an up to a 10 percent food price increase. The waste management law, still under construction increases the product fee obligation of...

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Compulsory chamber membership to be introduced?

The Law of Chambers of Agriculture still in construction would impose mandatory membership of the entire food industry, not only on producers and processors, but also on traders – reports...

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The administrative burdens of businesses may be reduced by five hundred billion

This year, the administrative costs of businesses may reduce by a total of  five hundred billion HUF. The government will decide over the first 100 billion HUF relief package this...

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Hungarian milk goes to export

Due to the expanding export, milk shortage emerged in the country, resulting in price increase of raw milk. Only in the past month, the price of raw milk increased by...

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Price increase to be postponed

The price of bread did not increased, although the bakers obtain flour at a higher price – told the merchants to Magyar Nemzet. According to Fodor Attila, communications director of...

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How long before the recession ends?

In the United States people start to return to restaurants. What is the view of the profession’s Hungarian representatives on the current recession? Krisztián Kiss /Head chef of Cascade/: Our...

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Five billion HUF to the development of local markets

The government would spend five billion HUF on the development of the local markets, in order to transport the locally produced goods to the local communities without intermediaries – said...

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Sunday opening hours – Pro and con

The proposal is intended not only to give the workers a rest day, but also to reduce the competitive disadvantage of the smaller shops against hypermarkets. Harrach Péter believes that...

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A new network of primary producers' market at living estates

A network of market for primary producers will soon be created, mainly in the cities at living estates, if the the example shown on Saturday by the 11th district of...

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Hungary remains GM food free

For Hungary it remains an important objective to preserve the country free from genetically modified organisms (GMO) – said Ángyán József, State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development, responsible...

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Common Agricultural Policy is still the way to go

Plans to limit subsidies paid to big farms under the Common Agricultural Policy have won insufficient support in the Council of Farm Ministers. The farm commissioner thought that the proposals...

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The future of the mushroom industry can be positive

Hungarian mushroom  production can increase by up to 30-40 percent, after the previously experienced downturn stopped. If the mushroom industry can compete with its competitors it will have a great...

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E-invoicing could be resulted in 40 billion euros savings per year

According to the previously stated intention of the European Commission, they want to achieve a 20 percent electronic bill penetration in the EU, until 2020. The expectation is not impossible,...

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Coffee, sugar, cocoa: Five-ten-fold price increase may come?

According to the latest forecasts, by 2014 the coffee, sugar and cocoa prices will increase to their five-ten-fold. In the key production areas, production is decreasing, because it is more...

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The .hu is not necessarily a Hungarian webstore

The Hungarian organization of the European Consumer Centre (ECC) advises to the consumers to be informed of the businesses operating the webstore, before purchasing anything. The communication of the European...

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The white wines of Eger are promoted under the brand name Egri Csillag

To promote the white wines of Eger that received little attention, local winemakers created the Egri Csillag wine brand. The name was chosen from more than three thousand proposed names,...

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The market of retail household chemicals expanded

Hungary's retail household chemicals and cosmetics market was worth roughly HUF 300 billion HUF in the twelve months to February, level with the previous twelve-month period, market research company Nielsen...

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New cafeteria: the Széchenyi Rest Card soon to be arrive

The government decided on the 30th of March on issuing the Széchenyi Rest Cards, that the employers can give to the employees in a value of 300 thousand HUF, contribution...

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One-third less malls were handed over last year

According to the study of Cushman & Wakefield; last year, such a decline occurred in the developments of the shopping center, that has not observed since 1983. 5.2 million square...

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Government submission has not prepared in connection with the hamburger tax yet

The Secretary of State of the National Ministry of Resources, responsible for Health issues confutes Thursday morning’s press informations over the ready submission in connection with the hamburger tax. The...

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