Market News

Nielsen: Household chemicals, cosmetics market stagnates

The retail household chemicals and cosmetics market was worth about HUF 300 billion in the twelve months to April, unchanged in both volume and value terms, market research company Nielsen...

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The big chains are selling hungarian vegetables

In Hungary, the bacteria, which is believed to be infected a spanish cucumber cargo and  caused ten deaths in northern Germany, has not been detected in Hungary. Hungary received a...

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We need to increase the competitiveness of the dairy sector

We need to increase the competitiveness of the dairy sector. The tighter collaboration of the sector's participants and to increase the added value is essential for the industry – said...

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Russia bans the Spanish and German fruit and vegetable imports

The outbreak of the diarrheal disease in Germany causes the Spanish economy a weekly 200 million euros damage, while Russia banned the Spanish and German fruit and vegetable imports. Because...

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The price of food can be doubled in the next 20 years

While a few forints price increase causes serious revulsion among the traders, which can sometimes lead to demonstrations, according to economic experts, it became inevitable that in 2030, food prices...

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Polish economy is soaring because of the domestic consumption

In this year's first quarter, Polish economy grew by 4.4 percent, compared to the previous year, just like in the previous quarter. The datas of the Polish statistics office are...

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No trust in the financial sector

As a result of the crisis, people are losing their trust in the players of the financial segment – B&P Braun & Partners' new 2011 research Reputation Rating pointed out....

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Agricultural development needs a new direction

The 21st century needs to be the era when agriculture comes to a crossroad because current setting are unsustainable – this is the main conclusion of the research project carried...

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FruitVeb: the cucumber season starts, dealers only purchase domestic products

Last week, the Spanish cucumber essentially disappeared from the shelves of the Hungarian stores. In mid-May the domestic cucumber season started, and since then, traders have purchased only domestic prioducts...

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Hungarian food is unreasonably expensive

Two-third of the Hungarian food products are offered more expensive than it would be justifiable – refers the Magyar Nemzet to the survey of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute. Kertész...

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The domestic wheat crop can be less than 2 million tonnes, compared to the usual

In addition, less wheat and maize crop is expected this season. After these news hit the exchanges, the price of grain increased. Worldwide yields are also worse, than expected. The...

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Good melon crop is expected in the Ormánság this year

After last year, which was the worst season of melon cultivation in 30 years, this year, a good harvest is expected in the Ormánság – said Kovács István, producer. As...

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Innovations and promotions drive deodorant sales

Deodorants sell best in the summer period but they do well in the Christmas season too, because they are an integral part of gift packages – we learn from Dávid...

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Only the exports seem to increase

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., in 2011 external demand has been somewhat better than expected, however, uncertainty in the global economy has been greater than usual....

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Venison for private purposes without much administration

Hunters will have to go through a simplified form of administration from now on, and if they only use venison for private purposes, the rules of small entreprenours will apply...

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Disabled people working in agriculture

Hard work will be honoured again – MIklós Soltész secretary in charge of social, family, and youth issues said on Monday in Karácsond, Heves county. The village signed a contract...

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No decrease in quantity when it comes to FMCG-products

“The Nielsen Company ended 2010 with strong fourth quarter performance. We continue to see high growth in developing markets and have accelerated investments in our portfolio of products and services....

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Rising food prices draws back retail

The slowly rising consumer food prices already draw back the retail traffic – even though analysts expected expansion. The retail prices, due to the strong price competition and weak purchasing...

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Animal breeders will receive 20 billion HUF support this year

In 2011 the swine and poultry sector will receive a total of 20 billion HUF from the Hungarian state -said Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Secretary of State, of the Ministry of...

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Few people familiar with the Hungarian Mangalica, Tokaji wine and goose liver in China

According to the Chinese ambassador; the value of investments have also increased both in China and Hungary, and cooperation increasingly shifted from the traditional areas towards the dierction of green...

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Spanish vegatables checked in Hungary

Hungarian rural development minister Sandor Fazekas has ordered the imediate strict control of groceries of Spanish origin, in order to protect the rights of Hungarian customers – the MInistry of...

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IT revolution in retail

Currently one of the busiest branch of IT is the retail trade, where there is a constant need for business motivating solutions. Beside the developments within the retail space, such...

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The sugar beet growers will receive two billion forints

The government provides 1.98 billion forints from the budget to support the sugar beet growers – states the communication of the Ministry of Rural Development on Friday. According to the...

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To what extent does income influence consumers’ store choice?

Krisztina Kovács, sector manager, Consumer Tracking: GfK Hungária’s Retail Analysis 2010 helps us in answering the question in the title. Nearly nine out of ten households bought something in a...

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Member States are discussing standardisation of their environmental legislation in Budapest

Hungary, with the environmental provisions of its new Constitution, is providing strong background support for the operation of organisations such as IMPEL (the European Union Network for the Implementation and...

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Hungary is at the forefront of volunteerism

At the opening event of the ‘TeSzedd! Volunteer for a clean Hungary!’ action on Saturday, Sándor Fazekas said that this was a very important date in the European Year of...

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Győri: The spirit of the Presidency is manifest in volunteering

There are few things that express the spirit of the Hungarian Presidency as well as volunteering does – Enikő Győri, Minister of State for EU Affairs of the Foreign Ministry,...

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Font Sándor: The entire food industry privatization should be reviewed

The committee will primarily review the spontaneous and state privatization of the early '90s, the latter factory closures. The parliamentary committee will be formed within two weeks, and will be...

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Austrian-Hungarian cooperation will create the Center for Poultry Excellence

The Vienna University of Veterinary and the Georgikon Faculty of the Pannon University signed a three-year cooperative agreement – announced by the cooperating parties. One of the world's leading university...

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Patagonia can be a famous wine growing region

Argentine winemakers are trying to turn Patagonia as a famous wine-growing area. The task is a challenge, since the land is more a fertile land, the area has a very...

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