Market News

KSH: the downward trend of investments, modested by the agriculture and the manufacturing industry

Last year, the national economy investments were 4.5 percent behind the previous year's investment volume. Downward trend characterized the fourth quarter of 2011 and the whole year. In the last...

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The list of Hungarian orchards to be renewed

The Central Statistical Office will census the orchards located in Hungary between June 1 and November 30 including areas, planted with fruit trees – told the Ministry of Rural Development...

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The Hungarian seed is a strategic product

The Hungarian seed is a strategic product, it can be sold unlimited all over the world – said Szépe Ferenc, head of the agricultural department of the Ministry of Rural...

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Hungarians want sustainable farming

HALPIM / Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management is the leading professional association of companies, institutes and individuals involved or interested in the fields of logistics, purchasing, supply...

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KSH: 40 thousand more people are working than a year before

The number of employees between November 2011 and January 2012 January was 3 million 816 thousand, 40 thousand more than a year ago – announced the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Hungarian Product Grand Prix competition announced for 2012

The 15th Hungarian Product Grand Prix® competition was announced in 2012. Its main objective is to promote a quality-conscious approach, by which conscious consumer behaviour can be achieved. Applications are...

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GKI: The number of bankruptcies will slightly increase this year

According to Hungarian companies, the number of bankrupt businesses will slightly rise this year as well, following an all-time high of last year. They expect a particularly strong wave of...

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No serious errors were found in Zala county during the food safety control

During last year’s more than 3,500 food safety controls, inspecting  150 firms a total of 21 million HUF fine was imposed in Zala county by the Food Chain Safety and...

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Magazine: Most of the wiener was sold in discount stores

Last year we bought wiener fewer times – reports GfK Hungária’s Consumer Scan – which means that the market contracted a bit despite its stable circle of buyers. In the...

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German consumer confidence grows significantly

The March indicator of the German consumer confidence index increased to its highest level of the year to 6.0 points – told the GfK market research institute on Tuesday. Analysts...

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E-commerce opportunities are seeked with model cities in China

E-commerce opportunities, risks, and the limits the application are seeked with model cities in China. Twenty-one settlements were selected for modern information technology experimental application of e-commerce model cities. In...

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Magazine: Women apply makeup even during recession time

Decorative cosmetics is characterised by a complex portfolio, with lots of products per brand – we learned from Viktória Etter, public relations coordinator with Coty Hungary Kft. Coty’s portfolio is...

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It is not sure that the E-mark gives enough information

The food manufacturers often indicate the components’ chemical names on the packaging of their products, so the average consumers can not decide whether a product contains harmful materials or not...

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“Alföldi kamillavirágzat” Wild Camomile Flower granted EU Protection

he European Commission has registered the name “Alföldi kamillavirágzat”, and given it “protected designation of origin” (PDO) status. The Commission registry currently includes more than 1000 officially protected denominations. One...

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KSH: declining domestic freight, stagnant passenger traffic

The volume of domestic freight, decreased by 11 percent its performance by 6 percent last year, which was offset by the 5 percent growth of international freight and its 3...

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The companies’ turnover in the Western Transdanubia on pre-crisis level

The turnover of firms operating in the Western Transdanubian region have increased to pre-crisis levels on the basis of last year’s VAT – said Varga Lászlóné, Regional Director General of...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index rose to its last autumn level

In February, the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects rose to its last autumn level following a continuous decline of almost one year. According to the empirical survey...

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Stabilized retail turnover

According to the National Trade Association (OKSZ); despite the difficulties, retail trade improved in 2011. The National Economy Ministry (NGM) believes that it is beneficial that after four years of...

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Loss occurred at the banks for the end of the year

Due to the end repayments and deteriorating loan portfolio the banks closed the last quarter with a 150 billion HUF loss. After thirteen years the Hungarian banking system made loss...

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Magazine: Sales of all non-alcoholic beverages elevated

In December 2010-September 2011 retail’s revenue from selling carbonated soft drinks, mineral water, fruit juice and ice tea amounted to nearly HUF 130 billion. Sales were up 3 percent from...

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The Kremlin Award vodka will be the star of Russian state events

The premium category vodka was presented at the food fair in Moscow recently. The Vodka’s specialty lies not in its taste or aroma its status is the most interesting. The...

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EU pig prices remain high during 2011

European finished pig prices remained at a high level through the second half of 2011. Normally, prices fall during the autumn before recovering slightly in the run up to Christmas....

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Magazine: Only the hair dye market was able to grow

Hair care product sales are highly concentrated as drugstores and hypermarkets realise the majority of sales. According to the Nielsen Retail Index, manufacturer brands are in a rather favourable position:...

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GfK: Worsening economic forecasts cause uncertainty among European consumers

New rescue packages, uncertainty about further developments in Greece, Italy and France and the prospects of poorer economic development in 2012 are all heightening the anxiety of European consumers. This...

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Economic forecast: GDP will stagnate in the EU a slight fall will occur in the euro area this year

The real value of the GDP in the EU 27 will stagnate this year, in the Euro Area containing 17 EU Member States a 0.3 percent drop is expected –...

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Not the school canteens are responsible for the obesity of school students

Authorities are trying to banish soft drinks and hamburgers, containing to much sugar, salt and fat from the American educational institutions, because they believed that school students  become fat, because...

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Ministry of National Economy: the ECE has not called for exemption under the mall stop

The ECE that is planning to build a 140 thousand square meters mall in Óbuda, has not yet applied for exemption from the plaza stop – said the Ministry of...

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A mall is under construction in Óbuda

A shopping center can be built between the Szentendrei Road and the Filatori Dam train stop. Roads an utilities will be renewedstored, and the proportion of green areas will be...

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The majority of companies in the meat industry has not implemented the wage compensation

The expected wage increases, wage compensation has not implemented by most of the meat industrial companies, or could not perform in the areas of trade unions – told the Meat...

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Anuga FoodTec: Future packaging will be expected to fulfil rigorous requirements

At present, food packaging tends to get judged in terms of three criteria: the environment, marketing and functionality. Packaging and packaging technology have been around for over 100 years now....

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