Market News

Tobacco products and alcoholic beverages will be more expensive from the summer

The price of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products will grew, due to the excise tax increase in July – said Kondrát Zsolt, senior analyst at MKB. After the 5.9 percent...

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Hungarian eggs were not allowed to enter the Czech market

The Czech National Veterinary Authority (SVS), not allowed about three million eggs from abroad to the Czech market in the first quarter of this year. According to Thursday's communication of...

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Ministry of Public Administration and Justice

On 11 April 2012, the general debate on administrative districts began in Parliament. In her opening speech, Erika Szabó laid emphasis on the essence of the system, pointing out that...

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Golden medal in Bordeaux for Tokaji Kereskedőház

Since it was created in 1976, the Challenge International du Vin has acquired an expertise, skills and fame which make it a genuine reference in the world of international wine...

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Inflation is 5.5 percent, food prices increased below the average

This year's average inflation may be around 5.3 to 5.6 percent – told the analysts of Takarékbank and ING on the basis of the datas of the  Central Statistical Office...

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ILO: The number of unemployed continues to increase worldwide

The number of unemployed is expected to grow this year and the next year, it can be close to 210 million – says Guy Ryder deputy CEO of the International...

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The second frost caused serious damages in the orchards

The fruit trees located in unfortunate places froze for the second time this year. A part of the buds were destoyed during the extremely cold weather, that came after an...

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The price of wheat may fall further, global supply is expanding

The price of wheat decreases for the second year. According to projections, global supply is projected will grow by 7.1 percent to 210 million tonnes this year. Beside the oversupply,...

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The Maltese Charity Service opens a bakery in Óbuda

The Maltese Charity Service opens a bakery for people with changed work abilities in the 3rd district of the capital – informed the organization MTI on Wednesday. The premise is...

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Experimental distillery at the space station

Whisky is made at the International Space Station. With the unique experiment the role of gravity will be tested. Experiments using malt from the Ardbeg distillery on Islay are being...

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The government's austerity may be softened in the case of mall stop

Népszabadság was informed from various market sources, that the amandment of the mall stop may be submitted after the Easter holidays. According to the informations of Népszabadság a proposal made...

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European mall area expanded by nearly six million square meters in 2011

According to the lastest study of Cushman & Wakefield, the expected 2011development boom in the European shopping center market is below the expectations on several markets, due to delays in...

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Years may pass until the internal consumption can help the food industry

Domestic consumption will not change within four or five years – calculate the major food companies, so the low domestic market activity should be balanced with foreign market developments –...

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K & H: bank loans are the most important sources of SME financing

The bank loan is still the most important source of SME financing. One in five businesses plans to use loans – said Németh László, head of K&H’s SME marketing department,...

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KSH: Industrial production increased by 1.1 percent in February

On the basis of the preliminary datas, industrial production rose by 1.1 percent in February 2012, compared to the same month of last year – announced the Central Statistical Office...

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FruitVeB: cold weather caused serious damages in the orchards

Frost caused serious damages in the Hungarian orchards. According to the primary surveys, the cold nights of the past two days, caused even larger damages in the orchards than last...

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It is worth to wash the reusable shopping bags

The consumption of disposable nylon shopping bags shows a slowly but gradually decreasing trend and more and more reusable shopping bags are available – the latter, however, can be infected...

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Future Store at FOODAPEST (VIDEO)

Videos of the event (3 pcs): A Future Store szervezői: Támogatóink:...

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Chia seed to conquer the world

Many people in the UK won't have heard of the chia seed, but if regulators give their backing this US superfood craze could be on the way. Goji berries, kombucha,...

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A reduction in the price of eggs

According to informations of MTI, the retail price of eggs has stopped and even decreased in some places before Easter. The price of eggs, especially in the urban shops and...

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KSH: imports grew stronger than exports in February

In the second month of the year, the forint value of imports growth exceeded the forint value increase of exports. Imports increased by 9.5, exports by 6.3 percent, compared to...

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Nielsen identifies attributes of the global, socially-conscious consumer

Sixty three percent of global, socially-conscious consumers are under age 40, they consult social media when making purchase decisions and are most concerned about environmental, educational and hunger causes, according...

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Easter consumer protection control: the number of infringements reduces

The Consumer Protection Authority and the Food Chain Safety Board of Heves County identified only minor offenses during their controls, focusing on Easter products – announced Horváth László, Government Agent...

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A novelty in communication between consumers and retailers

The NFC technology-based system will make the communication between consumers and retailers easier. The new system debuted in a store of a national supermarket chain in Budapest. According to the...

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Protection is needed in the orchards due to the cold weather

The weather of the recent days is ideal for some dangerous mushrooms, so it is required to protect against brown rot, the tafrina, the scab with spraying – reminds th...

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More than 8 thousand venues accept OTP SZÉP-cards

Currently, there are 300 thousand users possessing OTP SZÉP-carrds, which is the new form of cafteria tickets to purchase food. These users can now spend their money at more than...

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Hipercom: How much does Easter cost this year?

Easter has already began if we consider it from the viewpoint of special offer leaflets. The database of Hipercom Monitoring takes a closer look at the prices of products linked...

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Kopint-Tárki: GDP will grow with 0.3 percent this year, while inflation rises to 5.5 percent

Kopint-Tárki expects 0.3 percent economic growth in 2012, same as it was previously projected, but increased the inflation forecast to 5.5 percent, compared to the 4.6 percent forecast projected in...

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Retailers of the malls consider the rents too high

The retailers consider rents high in the malls- writes [origo]. Behind the conflicts, the decrease of turnover lies. According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), between 2007...

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AMC: strictly controlled pigs

It is worth to look for the official seal on pork products and search for the HU country signal, which provides a good chance that the product is made of...

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