Market News

Self-restriction in food advertising for children: also confirmed in Hungary

Eight major companies in Hungary created the platform of companies that will comply to the voluntary self-restriction of the EU pledge in the presence of Szalai Annamária, President of the...

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A model project will be started to increase fish consumption in Hungary

President of Békés County Council Zoltán Farkas and State Secretary for Rural Development Zsolt V. Németh signed a cooperation agreement on Thursday in Békéscsaba regarding the development of a model...

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NFC capability conquers on the mobile market

The Magyar Telekom, Telenor and  Vodafone mobile service providers have selected the devices that are recommended to the Mobile Wallet Service. The world's top ten mobile phone manufacturers, placed their...

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An interview with André Mohr, from collects the catalogues of various merchants in one place, and offers them based on location. Each necessary information is listed: maps, open hours, coupons, special offers etc. Besides, users...

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The vast majority of customers believe that consumer rights are stonger in shopping centers than in small shops

Seventy percent of the consumers believe that consumer rights are stonger in shopping centers than in small individual shops – shows the research of  Nielsen and the CP Contact Fogyasztóvédelmi...

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One-fifth less pálinka

This year, about 20 percent less home-made ​​pálinka will be brewed, because less fruit has grown due to the summer drought and spring frosts – said Mihályi László, General Secretary...

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Large decrease in the euro zone’s retail sales

The largest decrease of the past six months occurred in the retail sales of the euro zone in  October. The volume declined by an average 1.2 percent compared to September...

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The government complies on meat firms with the local governments

The government reviewed the issues on Gyulai Húskombinát and the meat plant of Kapuvár and Pápa in the scope of its Wednesday meeting and initates consultation for next Monday with...

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Hungary’s first shopping mall library opens in Eger

The first shopping mall library of Hungary opens in Eger, at the Agria Park Shopping Center on Friday. It will be the branch library of the Bródy Sándor County Public...

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Cafés and shops may open in the soon moving FBI headquarters

The FBI headquarters in Washington will move from the heart of the city in a few years – The Washington Post wrote. “The FBI cannot afford to continue the status...

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Even more dynamism at the 25th LUXE PACK Monaco trade fair

Between 24 and 26 October the Grimaldi Forum in Monte Carlo was the home of this year’s forum for luxury packaging. LUXE PACK is held in Monaco, New York and...

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GfK: the amount spent on Christmas sweets remains on last year's level

Last year 10.2 billion HUF, the year before almost 10.5 billion HUF was paid to Christmas sweets by domestic consumers. This year it is expected that the level of spending...

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People save for Christmas at the markets – The decrease of demand leads to oversupply on the egg market

A few weeks before Christmas, less than usual is spent on markets, compared to the recent years. The approach of Christmas has shaken up the egg market. But this year...

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Hungary is on the podium in terms of Mineral Water in Europe

In Hungary, 159 certified mineral water brands can be found. More mineral water brands in Europe can be found only in Germany and in Italy – Pet-Pack Ipari és Kereskedelmi...

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Hungary lags behind the EU average in the collection of beverage cartons

Although there is a growing range of those in Hungary who collect beverage cartons separately, the volume is still below the average of EU member states – shows the survey...

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Budai Gyula: GMO-free Hungary is a competitive advantage

GMO-free is competitive advantage for Hungary, and for the Hungarian agriculture – Budai Gyula  said on Tuesday in Eger. Budai Gyula pointed out that agriculture is a strategic sector in...

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Canned fish: swimming upstream

Although fish consumption in Hungary is still way below the European average, the slow conquest of health trends had a favourable effect on fish and canned fish sales in the...

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KPMG: the importance of consumer taxes increases worldwide

The governments around the world are planning to collect more revenues from VAT, after the corporate tax rates are decreasing together with the profits of the companies and the corporate...

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Analysts: trade surplus remains high next year

No significant recovery is expected in internal demand next year, so trade surplus may remain high in 2013 – analysts told MTI. Calculating in euros exports declined by 4.2, while...

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The denomination of certain milk products will be clarified in the Hungarian Food Codex

The denomination of certain milk products would be clarified in the Hungarian Food Codex. The ministerial decree on this draft was published on Thursday in the government news portal. Under...

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Illegally distributed cooking oil and granulated sugar was found by Nébih

More than 250 thousand liters of imported and illegally sold cooking oil and more than 70 thousand kilograms of granulated sugar was found in two Székesfehérvár warehouse – the National...

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Sales promotion on a higher level

Nowadays, one of the key tasks of each marketing and trade marketing expert is sales promotion. Experts need to think in terms of complex promoting strategies, ones which are commensurate...

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The cherry pálinka of the year is being prepared

Twelve premium pálinkas will be included to the special blend of 2013. Hungary once again jointly prepares the pálinka of the year, this time with sour cherries. The experts of...

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New Year’s Eve-period buyers rule the sparkling wine market

In the 12-month period between September 2011 and August 2012 44 percent of Hungarian households purchased sparkling wine. This represents a small drop from the previous such period. Sparkling wine...

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Travels around FMCG – Business Days 2012 – part 2

On Thursday the second section focused on the labour market and human resources. The moderator and first presenter was Randstad managing director Sándor Baja, who analysed challenges on the labour...

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Changing demand is reshaping production as well

Budapest was the host of the COPA and COGECA congress between 1 and 3 October in 2012. One of the topics discussed was better utilisation of opportunities in bioeconomics. Participants...

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Tobacco products: the black market is growing again

GfK Hungária’s latest study reveals that illegal tobacco product trade is becoming more and more widespread. According to official data, in 2011 total revenue from tobacco product sales was HUF...

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There will be no Hungarian potato left by spring

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that the production price of potato in July-October 2012 was 28 percent higher than...

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Their plan goes up in e-smoke

In 2010 the state budget’s revenue from the excise duty and VAT on tobacco products amounted to HUF 360 billion. Hungary’s parliament passed the new ‘tobacco shop law’ in September....

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Retail – the artery of the economy

Tesco invited its media partners to a press meeting on 14 November, where the company shared with participants the results of the study conducted by Századvég Economic Research Institute, which...

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