Market News

Nielsen: the Hungarian consumers would buy especially food products if they would have more money

If the Hungarian consumers could spend 10 percent more money each month, they would spend the most part of it (2.4 percent) for food and drinks, that can be consumed...

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The fisheries are entirely using EU supports

The 150 EU fishing projects’ support value excessed 7.8 billion HUF. Along with this the sector implements a total of 47 billion HUF investments, taking advantage of the full funding...

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GVH: consumer affairs in focus

The Competition Authority closed about 110 cases in 2012, and launched about the same number of legal proceedings. Consumer protection issues made up the majority of cases that were initiated...

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The Balatoni Crown has lived up to the expectations

The Balatoni Crown (Balatoni Korona) can be be used in 200 places. The local currency was introduced end of March this year – Leitold László, President and Chief Executive Officer...

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MNB expects a 3.5 percent inflation and 0.5 percent economic growth for the next year

According to MNB’s new inflation forecast, this year’s average inflation rate will be 5.7 percent. Next year it will be 3.5 percent and for 2014 a 3.2 percent is forecasted....

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The price is the most important aspect at shoes and dress

When the Hungarian consumers choose to buy, most of them, (50 percent) considers price as the most important aspect at shoes and dress. 48 percent the Hungarian consumers considers the...

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In third of the test purchases problems were found during the Christmas shopping inspections

Inspectors found problems one in three cases, during this year's pre-Christmas test purchases, while last year this rate was 55 percent – Fülöp Zsuzsanna, spokesperson of the National Consumer Protection...

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Bognár Lajos: Successful Fishery Operational Program

The Fishery Operational Program’s (HOP) commitment level is more than 68 percent, therefore Bognár Lajos, Deputy Secretary of State, of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) responsible for food chain...

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One in five people is low-paid in Hungary

According to the datas of Eurostat, released on Thursday, the proportion of low-paid people was 17 percent in 2010 in the Member States of the EU 27. In Hungary, the...

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Nébih warns to the dangers of surface-treated fruits

A high attention should be paid when using the peel of citrus fruits, because surface treatment is carried out on fruits imported to Hungary from far away locations, so the...

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The EU would tighten the indication on infant formulas

The European Parliament's Health and Food Safety Committee in agreement with the European Council, adopted the draft law under which they would tighten rules on indicating  infant formulas and nutritional...

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GfK: champagne market is dominated by New Year’s Eve

In the last month of the year – mainly due to the popularity of New Year's Eve – frankfurter and champagne purchasings increase significantly: in both categories, the chains expect...

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Magazine: A haircut for special occasions every day

When the cold weather comes, women start wearing caps, hats and hoods, which is a real nightmare for many of them as they might ruin their haircut. Obviously, in the...

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eNET – Telekom: Christmas shopping fever on the Web

While the domestic retail is still struggling with the crisis, online merchants can not complain. In the past year, 1.6 million people bought online at least for once. The turnover...

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Ipsos: improving outlooks

Half of the world's citizens (52 percent) do not mind, that the year 2012 ends, because it was a negative period in terms of their own and family’s lives.  The...

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Increased Pangasius controls until the end of January

The Far Eastern pangasius breeding sites are often criticized, because in Vietnam animal health rules differ from the European rules. In Hungary, the authorities have already carried out Pangasius test...

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Nébih destroyed one hundred tons of contaminated Polish potatoes

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) destroyed one hundred tons of contaminated Polish potatoes, because the authority’s Bacteriological Laboratory found bacterias in it – Nébih informed MTI on Wednesday....

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Attention! Psychiatric pills for behaviour problems?

Should your child or any child you happen to know be treated by psychiatric pills for certain behaviour problems, or if you happen to hear of any kind of wrong...

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Hungary can maintain its position in the EU agricultural subsidies

Hungary can maintain its position in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU, that will enter into force after 2014. Hungary can reach the same amount from the shared...

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Moscow awaiting Brazilian chicken – More poultry for more money

Brazil’s government is making the right noises. But now for the hard part, how to revive animal spirits? In the latest move to tackle the country’s competitiveness problems, the government...

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Decreasing consumption and investment

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., following the 1.5 per cent decline in 2012 the Hungarian economy will only stagnate in 2013, which will be the second...

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Rural Adventure Chosen as Europe's Best Communications Programme

The Vidék Kaland (“Rural Adventure”) Programme has won the competition for communications programmes related to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) launched by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural...

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FruitVeB: strategic aim is to reach 3.5 million tons

The Hungarian fruit and vegetable sector’s strategic objective is to reach 3.5 million tons quantity until the end of the following 2014-2020 EU budget cycle – said Mártonffy Béla the...

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Slow food price increase is expected

Food price increase will not stop, but instead of massive price increase a slow increase is expected. “While wheat is expensive, the price of flour decreases, which is a rather...

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Decline in the abuse with home-brewed pálinkas

A decline occurred in the abuse with home-brewed pálinkas. The number of abuses became lower, but still has a high number – told the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV)...

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Does beer protect the children?

According to a Japanese brewing company, the beer has anti-viral attribution. Referring to scientific researches, it is believed that one component of beer has a beneficial effect; protects against colds...

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The wines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were selected for 2013

Seven Hungarian wines won the wines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs title. As it was announced on Thursday in Budapest, the best entries will represent the Hungarian Ministry of...

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Szeged and Temesvár have jointly developed their wholesale markets

Szeged and Temesvár (Timisoara) have jointly developed their wholesale markets for more than one million euros in the scope of the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Co-operation Program. In the scope of the...

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Gastro Bandits in Italy

Two truckloads of cheese was stolen from a cheese production facility in Aprilia near Rome. The Pecorino cheese made of sheep's milk half worth half million euros. Fifteen armed “bandits”,...

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