Market News

Beijing’s subway lets you pay with PET-bottles

Beijing’s subway line 10 has introduced reverse vending machines which allow travellers to offset their transit costs by recycling. Recycling for a reward. The manufacturer of the machines, Incom says...

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KSH: GDP grew by 0.5 percent in the second quarter

The gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.5 percent in the second quarter of this year, compared to the same period of the previous year and increased by 0.1 percent,...

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Analysts say that the increase in investment and consumption is encouraging

The second-quarter increase in investment and consumption is an encouraging sign – analysts of MKB at ING said. However, the analysts called attention to the fact, that the momentum in...

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KSH: retail sales volumes rose by 1.2 percent in July

In July, the calendar-adjusted volume of retail sales rose by 1.2 percent, compared to the same period of the last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday...

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This year 78 applications won a Hungarian Quality Product Award

This year, 78 applications of 65 companies won the Hungarian Quality Product Award, that was allocated for the 16th time. The recognition were handed over in the Parliament on Wednesday....

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Hungarian wines at the G20 Summit

The participants of the G20 summit in St. Petersburg can taste a selection of Hungarian wines. After almost half a year selection process, the Russian administration officials found four Hungarian...

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Eurostat: Euro area GDP up by 0.3%

GDP rose by 0 . 3 % in the euro area 1 (EA1 7 ) and by 0.4% in the EU2 7 1 during the second quarter of 201 3...

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GfK: the rosé is the favorite of the youth

About a quarter of the turnover of spirits comes from wine sales. Although the customer base has shrunk by one-tenth in the past two years, the volume of sales has...

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Consumers would also benefit from the 17 percent meat VAT reduction

The farmers and the food industry trade associations have long been trying to reach to reduce the VAT on meet products that is the highest in Europe. Due to the...

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Six million tons of corn crop is expected this year

Although corn crop will be smaller than expected this year; about 6 million tons, price increases are not expected – the Deputy Director of the Agricultural Research Institute told MTI...

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The NAV found counterfeit washing gels in a value of more than fifteen million HUF

The finance guards of NAV seized counterfeit washing gels from a truck on the M5 motorway in a value of more than fifteen million HUF – the National Tax and...

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Agriculture can help the GDP in 2013

According to the forecast of the GKI Economic Research Co. after the decline in 2012 and in the first half of 2013 the GDP will increase by about a half...

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The expansion of investments in the second quarter surprised the analysts

Analysts surveyed by MTI on Friday considered the expansion of investments in the second quarter as a surprise, while the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) pointed out that this is...

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KSH: trade surplus amounted to 581 million euros in June

In June 2013 the value of exports was 6.7 billion euros (1978 billion HUF) and the value of imports was 6.1 billion euros (1805 billion HUF). The foreign trade balance...

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Foie Gras Festival again

The 5th Foie Gras Festival will raise the awareness of its visitors on the differences between geese and ducks liver – the organizers informed MTI. The National Food Chain Safety...

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A new application was announced on pálinka trademarks

From the beginning of September, one can apply for pálinka trademarks again. The samples can be submitted between the 20 and 30 September at the Wessling Hungary Kft. that will...

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Hungarian economy has still been frozen even after a hot summer

GKI Economic Research Co. forecasts that GDP is expected to grow by around 0.5 per cent in the second half of 2013, following its decline last year and in the...

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Dynamic expansion in the electric toothbrush market

Toothbrush retail sales are above HUF 3 billion a year and in the first four months of 2013 both value and volume sales grew by 4 percent. Electric toothbrush sales...

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Above-average sales growth in both value and volume

Mouthwash sales go beyond HUF 3 billion per annum and growth in the category is bigger than the average. In the first four months of the year both value and...

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Strong manufacturer brands among toothpastes

The annual toothpaste market’s value is HUF 12 billion. This January-April retail sales augmented by 3 percent but volume sales dropped 1 percent. Hypermarkets were responsible for 33 percent of...

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Growing number of consumers want their toothpaste to have therapeutic effects

Modern oral care involves more and more products in addition to the traditional toothbrush and toothpaste. Anita Boros, Procter & Gamble’s PR manager told our magazine that they put a...

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Recession did preserve

f we analyse the structural trends of the recent past, we can see that the lower price category increased its weight, sales shifted in the direction of private label products,...

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Manufacturer brands increased their market share

Fruit juice is the seventh biggest (in value) from the 90 grocery categories audited by Nielsen. Annual sales are worth between HUF 38 and 40 billion. In the December 2012-May...

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Salami’s market share rose

Salami retail sales rose by 8 percent this January-March from the base period twelve months before and surpassed HUF 8 billion. On the contrary, the Nielsen Retail Index registered minus...

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Forward to the past

The salami and sausage market has been contracting for years: data courtesy of Pick Szeged Zrt. show that between 2008 and 2012 volume sales declined by 15.5 percent, while value...

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No change in grocery value sales in the last six months

Retail’s revenue from grocery sales didn’t change in the 90 categories audited by Nielsen in the last six months if compared with the base period twelve months earlier. In December...

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The summer stopped the rise of the GKI-ERSTE economic sentiment index

After the growth in May and June, in July the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index stopped climbing. Industrial expectations worsened a bit, but the confidence index improved a little in retail...

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Sanitary pad sales developed most favourably

Annual sanitary pad sales approach HUF 6 billion per year. Retail sales increased by 4 percent in value and by 2 percent in volume in the first four months of...

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After improvement came decline in the consumer confidence index

After the considerable improvement in the first quarter Nielsen’s consumer confidence index for Hungary declined a little, from 43 to 41 points in the second quarter. About the three components...

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The most patriotic brands

Research consultancy firm Brand Keys (New York, USA) conducted a survey with 4,500 participants to find out which brands are considered the most patriotic by US consumers. The top ten...

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