News and articles

SPAR received the Commercial Award of Excellence for Hungarian Products

The Commercial Award of Excellence was handed over for the first time. The award recognizes the market access of healthy and safe Hungarian products. The award this year went to...

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Autumn wheat was tested at ten sites

A total of 46 autumn wheat varieties were tested by experts within the post-registration breeding experiment organized by the Seed Alliance Interprofessional Organization and Product Council, and the National Association...

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Today’s employees require individual assessment and treatment

Companies can forget about their employment models used in the last century, which were operable in a predictable labor market environment. Indeed, today, merit-based assessment and motivation based individual skills...

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Fifth of Austria’s raw milk is organic milk already

Austrian dairies are hardly keep up with the increasing production, the tanks are full especially with organic raw materials. 19 percent of the raw milk delivered in Austria is already...

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The Mediterranean Diet can also help prevent depression

The Mediterranean diet can also help prevent depression, according to a new study reported by the BBC news portal. The authors of the study published in the current issue of...

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The champagne for teas is produced on the Khangchendzonga

The Khangchendzonga Peak can be found at the Indian part of the Himalayas, where a rare and precious emerald green tea is produced, which is also referred to as the...

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Higher than expected profits at Nike

Nike reported profits far beyond the analyst’s expectations for the closed quarter, but despite the fact that the new advertising campaign was successful, profit margins only rose slightly and management...

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Consumer confidence continued to increase in the US in September

Consumers confidence in the United States continued to strengthen, the Conference Board index rose to a 18-year high in September. The Conference Board Non-Profit Organization announced on Tuesday that the...

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Many innovations want to make consumers healthier

Consumers know very well that what they eat affects their health, mood and condition. Hungarian consumers are becoming more and more interested in eating healthy products. According to Tibor Tolcsvai,...

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The harvest of maize stopped due to bad weather

The harvest of maize stopped temporarily due to the rainfall and storm in several regions, however, the amount harvested so far has a good quality and the yield is encouraging...

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The Szentkirályi Primary School was given a tournament course

The Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Ásványvíz Kft. during its “Collect the Kilometers with us to the Szentkirályi Primary School”! donated 1.5 million forints to the Szentkirályi Primary School. The institution built an outdoor...

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The PromoBox Hungarian Product Gift Packs were transported into a hospital and into a temporary home

The representatives of MAGYAR TERMÉK Nonprofit Kft. and the PromoBox Kft. handed over donations at the Count Tisza István Hospital in Berettyóújfalu and in the Temporary Home of Families in...

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The dry spring was bad for oil seeds

The production of all oil seeds decreased this year, but especially rape suffered during the dry spring – wrote. This is a problem because, as a whole, it is...

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In August, the number of jobseekers decreased by 6.7 percent

The number of registered jobseekers decreased by 6.7 percent in Hungary over a year, according to the National Employment Service (NFSZ). On the closing day of August, there were 251,300...

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An innovative exhibition and a fair is organized in Budapest

The Innovation Exhibition and Fair will be held at the Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center from 1 March to 3 March 2019 for the first time – the organizers announced at...

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It is not a simple task to remove the nylon bags

Biodegradable plastic bags can replace the disposable bags in supermarkets, and the state is planning a lot of tightenings in this area. However, to reduce the amount of plastic waste,...

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The Chinese-US customs war affects almost the whole world economy

The war between China and the United States of America affects almost the entire world economy – Szabó Dávid József, research director at Századvég Alapítvány told M1 news channel. He...

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Belgium would cut thousands of pigs to prevent the outbreak

Belgium would cut about four thousand pigs to prevent the spread of African swine fever. ASF was detected in a total of nine wild boars – the La Libre Belgique...

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The most common herbicide can be responsible for the destruction of bees

The most common herbicide, the glyphosate can be Indirectly responsible for the destruction of bees – according to a US study. A study by the University of Texas at Austin...

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Online ordering is becoming more popular

The Netpincér’s range is available in the Simple application, so nearly 600,000 users of the app can now choose from more than 1,000 restaurants – Világgazdaság wrote. According to statistics,...

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European retail sales expected to grow by 2.1 percent in 2018

According to a forecast by GfK, retail sales will increase by 2.1 percent in the 28 member states of the European Union this year. GfK’s ‘European Retail in 2018’ study...

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A significant food price increase may come

Despite the VAT cuts, a price increase of more than 10 percent is likely to occur in food prices – wrote. The rise is due to the rise in...

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The Hungarian milk export prices are great

Producers are happy to have a good price for milk, especially in the foreign markets – wrote. According to the Central Statistical Office, in Hungary, the average producer price...

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Great interest surrounded the Hungarian pavilion at the Turin flavor festival

Huge interest surrounded the stand of Hungary and the quality products exhibited there at the Slow Food movement’s International Festival in Turin, which is dedicated to the conservation of gastronomic...

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EC: there is a danger that Hungary will not achieve the 50 percent waste recycling by 2020

In the 14 EU Member States, including Hungary, there is a risk that the 50 percent waste recycling rate will not be achieved by 2020 for household waste – the...

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Record American soybean yield decreased soybean prices

The price for soybeans dropped to 8.14 USD at the Chicago stock exchange, which is an almost ten year negative record – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The price peaked in August...

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Water for irrigation should only be drilled to the extent that nature can replace

Áder János Presidents considers the increase of the size of irrigated agricultural land as inevitable, however clean water should only be drilled to the extent that nature can replace. Áder...

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MNB: cash machines exchange currency abroad on unreasonably high prices

Abroad, an increasing number of POS and ATM recognize the currency of the bank cards and provide forint payments besides local currency payments, but this can result in unfavorable exchange...

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The forklift driver training is popular

This year, the engineering and mechanical industry courses are the most sought after, according to the data of Perfekt Zrt., which deals with adult education. This year, in addition to...

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The heat in Germany was good for the wineries but bad for the cereal producers

This year, vintage began nearly a month earlier than usual in Germany – the wrote. Grape growers have never started harvesting so early, and this was mainly due to...

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