News and articles

Economic sentiment in the euro area deteriorated in January

Economic sentiment in the euro area and the European Union deteriorated in January, according to a report by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG EcFin). The...

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Dunkin’ Makes Valentine’s Day Sweeter Than Ever

Dunkin’ is promoting its seasonal menu for Valentine’s Day with an experiential campaign that includes a chance for couples to get married or renew their vows in a drive-thru lane....

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Never Mind The Losses, Focus On The Big Picture, Says Lidl GB

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Vitalis Launches Water Bottle Made With 100% Recycled Plastic

A portugál SuperBock Group új palackot alkotott, 100%-ban újrahasznosított műanyagból ásványvize, a Vitalis számára. Az új, 1,5 literes flakon, amely kizárólag újrahasznosított műanyagpalackokból készült, több mint 6,3 tonnával kevesebb új...

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Hot Yoga pop-up bubbles in Toronto – VIDEO

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Nébih: Five of six curd products have already been awarded the gold grade of the High Quality Food Mark

Manufacturers and distributors of six products competed for the gold grade of the High Quality Food Mark (KÉÉ) among curd products; five have already been certified, one is still in...

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METRO honors the persistence of its employees in 2021 by raising the base wage

On 22 January, following a series of negotiations covering all the details, an agreement was reached on METRO’s wage increases for 2021. The management of the METRO Kereskedelmi Kft. assured...

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KSH: 4 and a half million people had a job in December again

The average monthly headcount was 4,500,000 in December last year, 4,000 more than in the previous month and 14,000 less than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Wage increase at Auchan

Auchan Retail Magyarország has decided to increase wages in 2021. The basic salary of non-executive store employees, who make up the largest stock, will increase by an average of 5.6...

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The importance of private transport has increased during the pandemic

The importance of private transportation has been greatly enhanced by the coronavirus pandemic, as many people choose to travel with their own car to reduce contact with others. In contrast,...

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You also spent four thousand less due to the 19-hour store closure

More precisely, because of the pandemic. In November, four thousand forints remained in your wallet – wrote. The spending per capita value was 99,000 HUF in November in the...

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IKEA’s turnover in Hungary increased by 8.5 percent last financial year

Despite the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, IKEA’s sales in Hungary increased by 8.5 percent to 98 billion HUF in the company’s financial year that last from September 1,...

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7-Eleven continues its store evolution

7-Eleven has opened its 5th concept Evolution Store, in the Dallas neighborhood. The concept test stores have realized sales three times original projections. The company incorporated its learnings into new...

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GfK: consumer sentiment deteriorated in Germany

Due to restrictions on the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, German consumer sentiment deteriorated in January, for the fourth consecutive month, according to a survey by the GfK Economic Research...

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Goat milk is consumed in East Africa for thousands of years

People drink goat’s milk in East Africa for thousands of years – an international study found by analyzing ancient proteins. For a long time, archaeologists researched the history of milk...

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The Douglas perfume chain is closing hundreds of its stores

The Douglas perfume chain will close hundreds of stores – the German company, operating in 25 European countries announced on Thursday. It was highlighted that restrictions imposed due to the...

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Sales of Swiss watches fell last year

Sales in the Swiss watchmaking industry declined last year. A decline in sales was recorded for the 11th consecutive month in December. According to data from the Swiss Watch Industry...

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Merkur Tests New Technology To Counter Food Waste

Austrian retailer Merkur is trialling a new anti-food waste technology in a number of its stores. The chain, which is part of the REWE Group, is implementing the ‘Smart-Shelf’ technology...

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Walmart keeps store operations cool with IoT

Walmart manages temperature, operating functions and energy use in stores using a network of connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The discount giant currently has more than 7 million unique...

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Amazon expands high-tech grocery format in Illinois

Amazon is opening its second Amazon Fresh grocery store in the state of Illinois. The latest Amazon Fresh store will measure approximately 45,000-sq.-ft. and open its doors in Schaumberg, Ill.,...

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The gap between wages in the capital and in the countryside has narrowed

In 2020, Budapest was also the best place to earn in Hungary, but rural salaries have caught up significantly with the capital compared to previous years. The highest average salary...

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According to a survey, Hungarian workers expect lasting changes in employment

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the Hungarian workers expect lasting changes in employment. Hungarian workers consider job security to be increasingly important, for which they are also willing...

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The mood of Hungarians is improving, but fears of corruption are growing

The world’s population continues to see the coronavirus as the main threat to society. On the other hand, the Hungarian population is most afraid of financial and political abuses and...

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The vast majority of businesses do not agree with the tightening of KATA

The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry came to the forefront in 2020 with the proposal to tighten KATA and the proposal to reduce the business tax, which, as expected,...

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The future of the supply chain is cobots, drones and artificial intelligence cameras

According to research by Deloitte Technology Trends 2021, in the near future, data sharing will come to the fore among the participants in the supply chain. The entire product chain...

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Ten years Together for the babies This year again, dm supports families living in difficult circumstances with a diaper donation

This year, dm will also donate 6,500 packs of diapers worth 20 million forints to 260 families with small children. The diaper is delivered to families by the Catholic Caritas....

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From February, the minimum wage will increase to 167,400 HUF gross

From February 1, the gross value of the minimum wage will increase to 167,400 HUF and the gross value of the guaranteed minimum wage to 219 thousand HUF, which means...

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Henkel is moving to a new headquarters

Leaving its headquarters behind, Henkel Magyarország is moving to the Millennium Gardens office building in one of the busiest downtown areas of the capital. For Henkel, which has been present...

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The country’s wild boar population needs to be reduced

The Hungarian wild boar population needs to be reduced in order to slow down the spread of African swine fever and to make the country free of the disease in...

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Despite the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, European investment has exceeded expectations

The volume of commercial real estate investments in Europe reached 275 billion euros last year. Although this represents a decrease of 17 percent, compared to 331 billion euros in 2019....

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