News and articles

Opening hours in SPAR stores have changed

Spar has changed its opening hours: customers are welcome for a longer period of time nationwid – origo wrote. Due to the pandemic situation, the opening hours of the stores...

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Mol Delivered more than 21,000 liters of hand and surface disinfectants

Mol delivered more than 21,000 liters of hand and surface disinfectant to the Budapest headquarters of the Emergency Police on Tuesday, from where it is transported to all parts of...

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Chamber of Agriculture: less asparagus will be produced this year

There will be about 30 percent less asparagus to be grown this year, but even harvesting and selling will cause problems for growers due to labor problems and a shrinking...

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Minister of Agriculture buying flowers can save many jobs

In Szőlősgyörök, Somogy County on Tuesday, the Minister of Agriculture encouraged the population to buy flowers. Nagy István told reporters: this could save many jobs and make the environment more...

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Kinder Joy of moving The joy of moving program – even at home!

The Ferrero Group Kinder Joy of Moving – The Joy of Movement program in Hungary is encouraging regular schoolchildren to exercise regularly for the eighth time this school year. In...

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Smaller shops could open in Slovakia

The easening of restrictions on the coronavirus epidemic have begun in Slovakia, where smaller shops and service providers were able to open on Wednesday as a first step. The number...

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Consumer confidence in the euro area deteriorated more than expected in April

Consumer confidence in the eurozone deteriorated more than analysts expected in April, according to a preliminary flash estimate released by the European Commission on Wednesday. In the euro area, the...

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Two-thirds decline at Heineken

Heineken sales declined in the first quarter due to pandemiological restrictions. Due to the expected further decline in sales, the company also canceled its annual profit plan – wrote....

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Almost four million peolple work part-time in Germany

Nearly four million people work part-time in Germany due to the coronavirus epidemic – according to a survey released on Tuesday. Fourteen percent of the 7,600 employees surveyed by the...

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Henkel will reduce fossil-based virgin plastic by 50 percent

Henkel is stepping up its commitment for sustainability and has set further ambitious packaging targets for 2025 to promote a circular economy. By then, 100 percent of Henkel’s packaging will...

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Both adults ad children watch more tv

Among children, and in the morning, the time spent watching TV in Hungary increased the most as a result of the restrictive measures taken by the coronavirus epidemic, but the...

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Spar cuts down its plastic ewaste by another 25 percent

Spar is keen to cut down on the production of plastic waste, so the retailer hast started selling private label mineral water in lighter PET bottles and packaging various apples...

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Auchan supports health care workers, too

Auchan would like to thank the National Ambulance Service for its hard work. Health care workers receive fresh fruit at the ambulance stations on a daily basis and Auchan has...

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ÖMKI: time to re-consider global food supplies

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(HU) Innováció: új glutén- és laktózmentes pékáru az ALDI-ban

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Thousands of UK pubs will go under without bailout, industry warns

Thousands of pubs will close for good unless they are granted a special bailout, the industry trade body has warned, after the government said pubs would be among the last...

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Amazon to launch ultra-fast delivery service in UK

Amazon is reportedly retrofitting nine of its existing depots in order to handle fresh produce and fulfil grocery orders within hours. The service is said to be a merging of...

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Shoppers Resume Stockpiling As UK Govt Extends Lockdown, Study Finds

Shoppers in the UK resorted to a second wave of stockpiling in the week ended 19 April after the government extended the lockdown, according to latest data from Edge by...

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Brand dilemma – quarantine or activity?

At first glance, a fast-rotating daily articles market suffers the least from the coronavirus situation. Foot-traffic has increased in certain categories. Completely new and even hitherto rejected customers in other...

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Global Report on Food Crises reveals scope of food crises as COVID-19 poses new risks to vulnerable countries

Today an international alliance of UN, governmental, and nongovernmental agencies working to address the root causes of extreme hunger have released a new edition of their annual Global Report on...

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AM: the country’s food supply is ensured

The country’s food supply is ensured, the Ministry of Agriculture is in constant contact with the actors of the food supply chain – Zsigó Róbert, Secretary of State responsible for...

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NAK: calls on retail chains to choose Hungarian foods!

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) calls on retail chains to give preference to Hungarian food, otherwise the public body will initiate a restriction to eliminate their market advantage after...

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Fresh Hungarian strawberries will be available from NAK this weekend

Fresh Hungarian strawberries will be available from the weekend at markets, greengrocers and department stores, and domestic yields are expected to last until mid-June, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)...

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MNB: only solution is lending now

The only rational solution on the part of banks in the current epidemic situation is lending, Nagy Márton, Vice President of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) said at the Portfolio’s...

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New types of recruitment methods at Penny Market

Pénzcentrum regularly conducts interviews with HR managers of the largest Hungarian employers. Penny Market was approached in the early days of the pandemic to answer how their labor needs have...

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The turnover of pesticides exceeded 100 billion HUF last year

More than 26,000 tons of pesticides were sold in Hungary last year, reaching a net sales of 104.5 billion HUF, which was 4.7 percent higher than the previous year’s revenue...

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SIÓ-Eckes will not raise the price of its products this year

SIÓ-Eckes, Hungary’s largest domestic fruit juice company, helps to color the meals of healthcare workers and hospital patients with juices rich in vitamins and fibers. In the coming period, the...

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Bravos supports healthcare workers as well

In these hard times, it is especially important to recognize whom and how we can help the most. It was obvious to the Mocca Negra Zrt., producer and distributor of...

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Auchan warns of abuse

Abusers using Auchan’s name are asking consumers for money and credit card details – the chain announced in a statement on Tuesday. Fake notifications promise a mobile phone as a...

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Coca-Cola: Coronavirus will have its effect felt in 2nd quarter results

Coca-Cola has published its latest figures, and the company’s revenue and adjusted profit have also been better than previously expected, but the company expects the pandemic could significantly reverse the...

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