News and articles

Nébih’s educational program has expanded

The National Food Chain Safety Authority’s (Nébih) education program has also been expanded with live, online lessons and several new materials for preschool and elementary school age groups. Nébih told...

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The ZEW Eurozone and German Economic Index declined strongly in April, but remains highly optimistic

For April, instead of the expected increase, the ZEW Economic Research Institute’s investor sentiment index in Germany and the euro area declined, but in absolute terms it is at a...

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Pek-Snack and Kometa in strategic partnership

Pek-Snack is convinced that quality is both a goal and a tool.The comapany is continuously improving their products and strengthening their market position and increasing the satisfaction of their customers...

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Nearly half a million under-25s could be affected by next year’s SZJA exemption

As of 2022, there were an order of magnitude 280,000 people affected by the SZJA exemption for under-25s. This is derived from the age group employment data of the CSO,...

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Shabby stores and bare shelves wait back shoppers

As retailers focused on e-commerce and faced supply-chain challenges during the pandemic, store appearance often became an afterthought. Market leader Walmart’s stores were downgraded by research firm and criticized by...

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April is the month of coffee: new varieties at OMV

In order to celebrate the month of coffee in April, OMV has created several new products, including the purchase of premium Colombian coffee from the wells. In addition, Italian Cimbali...

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Magazine: Mothers’ trust is difficult to win and easy to lose

In the baby care market the Pampers brand of Procter&Gamble has observed sales growth recently, especially in the wet wipe segment. Yvette Krubl, the company’s communications PR manager in Central...

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Analysts: inflation may continue to accelerate

In line with expectations, the rise in inflation in March and the rise in world oil prices and excise duties on tobacco products are expected to accelerate further – market...

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SPAR is expanding its own branded product range this year

SPAR will increase the offerings of almost all its own-branded divisions this year, and the store chain plans to expand its own-branded products with more than three hundred new items...

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Hungarian village program – The small settlement shop development starts

From Monday, it is possible to apply for the 48 billion HUF with which the government supports the establishment and development of small settlement shops in the Hungarian Village Program,...

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K&H: small businesses are becoming more and more optimistic

Despite the pandemic, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly optimistic about the next year, K&H told MTI on Monday, citing its first-quarter research. According to the survey, the SME...

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The natural cosmetics brand is expanding its markets

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for home products has increased worldwide, so focusing on the Central and Eastern European region, Ilcsi natural cosmetics brand is expanding its markets...

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The total closure ordered for the Easter period has ended in Slovenia

In Slovenia, the full closure ordered for the Easter period ended on Monday: schoolchildren and preschoolers were able to return to education and reopen their shops and services, the local...

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Retail sales in the euro area increased in February

In February, retail sales in the euro area increased much more than expected, according to a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. In February, seasonally adjusted retail sales...

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The pet food market is alive and kicking

Pet food is one of those product categories where the COVID-19 pandemic caused no damage. Sales grew by more than 10 percent in 2020 too and this dynamism continued in...

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Amazon develops private label brands

Amazon has unveiled Aplenty, a new private label food brand set to eventually include hundreds of products across a variety of center store categories. Amazon is expanding its lineup of...

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China’s Alibaba is not afraid of the negative effects of its record-breaking penalty

Chinese internet retail and technology giant Alibaba is not afraid that the record-breaking penalty -imposed on it over the weekend – will have negative effects, the Hong Kong newspaper South...

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An illegal cigarette factory was found in Budapest

The National Tax and Customs Board (NAV) found an illegal cigarette factory in Budapest that has caused more than 25 million HUF damage. NAV investigators have been informed by police...

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New Hungarian leaders and global strategic transformation at The Coca-Cola Company

On 2 April, The Coca-Cola Company will continue its commercial, marketing and communication activities throughout Europe, including in Hungary, with a new line-up, leadership changes and a newly established operating...

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The state of play in Hungarian retail

Tünde Bujdosó, risk director of Euler Hermes told our magazine that the GDP decreased by 5.1 percent in 2020, and individual consumption dropped 2.5 percent – after the 4.2-percent growth...

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Magazine: All the colours of the rainbow at the the bar

Thanks to its low alcohol content and smooth taste, liqueur perfectly fits into the current alcohol trends. According to Sára Palcsó, Zwack Unicum’s marketing director, in the last few years...

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Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó – Trade magazin’s Business Podcast starts now!

Have you ever thought about using a time machine to see the future? So that you know what you need to do and avoid in the present to become successful...

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KSH: retail sales decreased by 5.9 percent in February

According to raw data, retail sales fell by 5.6 percent in February and by 5.9 percent, adjusted for calendar effects, compared to the same period of the previous year. The...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 3.7 percent in March

In March, consumer prices were on average 3.7 percent higher than a year before. Prices rose by an average of 0.7 percent in one month, the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Analysts: retail does not support first-quarter economic growth

Retail is on a downward trend and, taking into account the pandemiological restrictions in March, is expected to make a negative contribution to GDP in the first quarter, analysts reporting...

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Varga Mihály: we can reach a public investment peak in the EU

On Thursday, Minister of Finance Varga Mihály shared specific investment forecasts on his Facebook page, which show, among other things, that the public investment rate could rise to 6.5% of...

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Well-known origin, naturally pure, harmonious taste, balanced texture, refreshing – these are the criteria of good mineral water

Often, the most basic and important things get the least attention. Even if it is needed for our well-being, mood, creation and preservation of our inner harmony… This is how...

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In times of pandemic, the support of PENNY Market really helps children in need!

Social responsibility is paramount for PENNY Market, so the company is always happy to stand up for good causes. This is especially true for initiatives where the goal is to...

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Heineken Hungária is the first PET bottle-free large-scale beer producer

Heineken Hungária was the first of the large-scale breweries to withdraw PET bottle products from its portfolio in the name of sustainability. As an environmentally conscious company, this year it...

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