News and articles

The fate of Hungarian farmers depends on their customers

Dr. Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture and Farkas Sándor, Deputy Minister of the region, visited the areas of Árpád-Agrár Zrt. in Szentes. During the visit, the Minister of Agriculture described...

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Climate change shifts farming north

Agriculture is undergoing a huge change due to the increasingly extreme weather – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. Farming is slowly shifting from the hot south to the north. At least...

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The Hungarian winemakers of the Carpathian Basin make the Wine of Togetherness

The Association of Hungarian Winemakers Abroad prepares the Wine of Togetherness from the blending of white wines from typical local grape varieties from all the wine regions of the Carpathian...

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These sweets have been the favorites of generations

Dunakavics, Franciadrazsé, Macskanyelv, Melba kocka and Pilóta keksz – especially the older generations remember these retro Hungarian sweets, as they lived their heyday in the sixties, seventies, eighties – origo...

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The number of customer calls at Cofidis increased by a third in May

Cofidis’ new customer service in Nyíregyháza and in Budapest received more than 30,000 customer calls, 30 percent more than in the months before the coronavirus pandemic, the financial service provider...

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Modern cities – Gyopáros 1,800 HUF billion has been spent on developments so far

The Modern Cities program paid 1,800 billion forints for developments, which is almost half of the estimated budget of the program – the government commissioner responsible for the development of...

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The World Bank expects global GDP to decline 5.2 percent this year

The World Bank expects the global economy to shrink by 5.2 percent this year, the biggest decline since World War II. The World Bank’s half-yearly Global Economic Outlook report, released...

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Global sales of smartphones declined in the first quarter of this year

In the first quarter of this year, 299 million 138,000 smartphones were sold worldwide, 20.2 percent less than a year earlier, according to the U.S. market research website Gartner Strategy....

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Demand for flour from hundreds of years old mills has increased in England

Demand for traditionally produced flour has increased in the UK due to closures related to the coronavirus pandemic. There’s an old mill where there’s a week-long list of cities for...

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China’s exports fell slightly more than expected in May

Although to a lesser extent than expected, China’s exports declined in May due to the crippling effects of the new coronavirus epidemic on international trade. According to data released by...

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A giant wave on a LED façade in South Korea- Video of the day

A giant wave has appeared on the LED façade of the city’s SMTown COEX building, South Korea’s biggest digital billboard. The anamorphic illusion rears up before crashing into the surface...

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Aldi introduces self-service checkouts to speed up sales

Aldi has announced new changes to its checkout service in an effort to speed up transactions amid the pandemic. Most recently, the German discounter has installed the new tills at...

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Impossible Foods starting direct-to-consumer plant burger sales

Impossible Foods said on Thursday it will sell plant-based meat burgers in the United States directly to consumers through its own website, as demand for vegan alternatives surge amid rising...

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Adidas sales in China return to growth while UK sales remain doubtful

Adidas has reported a faster-than-expected growth in sales in greater China as stores continued to reopen in the country post-lockdown. While Chinese sales returned to growth, the business awaits for...

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Two wheels – double-digit ascent

During the pandemic, American consumers rediscovered the joy of cycling. As a result of the “stayathome” provisions, purchases have increased since March and more and more families have started cycling....

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Krisztián Steigervald: the world’s biggest sarcasm is to refer to the emergency-situation as home office

The emergency-situation was a hard time for everyone: in addition to the women having to work, there was an expectation that they would also be kindergarten teachers, educators, and kitchen...

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Germany temporarily reduces VAT rates

From 1st July to 31st December 2020, the VAT rate is to be reduced from 19 per cent to 16 per cent and for the reduced rate from 7 per...

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Who will be in control of our food supply? Time to think it over

Who takes over our food supply? The multis did well while many sectors of the economy came to a standstill, but backyard self-sufficiency became important. The two are not mutually...

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Analysts expect retail sales to pick up

Data on retail sales in May may already pick up after the April low, according to analysts interviewed by MTI. According to a report published by the Central Statistical Office...

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Recognition for quality: SPAR won Superbrands Award for the 11th time

The Hungarian store chain has once again proved to be an excellent brand: in 2020, Superbrands’ professional decision-making committee of sales professionals and experienced business leaders ranked SPAR among the...

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World Environment Day: Mars is committed to climate protection

This year, on the occasion of World Environment Day, Mars is not only working to stop the spread of the coronavirus, but also to keep in mind the impact of...

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How to defend against the second wave of the pandemic

After the first wave of protection of store outlets, you must also prepare for the second wave of infection. The second wave affects reopened restaurants, offices returning from the home-office,...

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The National Association of Packaging and Material Handling is celebrating its 30th anniversary

The National Association of Packaging and Material Handling (CSAOSZ) celebrates its 30th anniversary in June. Over the past three decades, a modern packaging industry has emerged in Hungary by international...

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Retail sales fell 10.9 percent in April in the Czech Republic,

In April, calendar-adjusted retail sales in the Czech Republic fell 10.9 percent from a year earlier, the Czech Statistical Office announced in Prague on Friday. The decline, which can be...

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Retail sales in the euro area fell with a record high in April

Retail sales in the euro area declined less than expected, but still at record levels, in April, when virtually all commodity sales fell as a result of severe restrictions due...

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Employment in the United States grew significantly in May

Contrary to analysts’ expectations, the number of employees in the United States did not fall, but rose sharply in May, when the economy partially rebounded in parallel with the easing...

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We are wasting too much water

An average Hungarian uses almost 320 glasses of water a day during household work, according to data from previous years. Since most households benefit from this from the drinking water...

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Spending at shops fell by thirds in Budapest

In April 2020, though, the earnings are highest here. True, most infected people also live here. In Nógrád county, the decline was only 2%. In Budapest in April 2020, the...

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Shops and borders are opening, and shopping tourism may just begin

According to recent statistics, Hungarian shopping tourists kept going on shopping trips until the last moment in early 2020. And they are likely to continue their march after the border...

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(HU) Business Dinner 2020: „Ilyen durva padlófékre nem kell még egyszer számítani”

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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