News and articles

The unemployment rate in the OECD fell in July

The unemployment rate in the 37 member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) fell to 6.2 percent in July, compared with an average of 6.4 percent...

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HELL ENERGY supports the Hungarian eSports team

The Hungarian E-sports Federation (HUNESZ) introduced the members of the Hungarian eSports team, who represent Hungary in six games at the IESF World Championships, the World Esports League and the...

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Fidelity: Women’s place in the economy is becoming more stable, but the epidemic has hit them harder

In 2030, 100 million more women are projected to be active earners than they are now. Globally, women currently earn 23% less than men and are still more likely to...

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SAP’s Hungary greens with carefully thought-out company car policy

Sap Hungary halves emissions per company car in four years. The success of the new company car procurement rules is illustrated by the fact that, despite the grace period, only...

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Delayed, but this year’s storm season has made up for it – the damage reported to Allianz exceeded HUF 2 billion

Between May 1 and August 31, customers of Allianz Hungária reported damage related to storms in excess of 20,000. Using the experience and technological developments of recent years, the insurer...

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Praktiker continued its store renovation program in Miskolc

Praktiker’s Miskolc store has been completely renewed, offering its customers a larger sales space and a wider range of products from September. The DIY store is prepared to serve families...

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Hungarian seed sector faces new challenges

Increasing competition in the international seed market is expected in the coming decades. The export-oriented domestic sector must also take into account the effects of climate change, he said at...

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41 entries from 38 applicants earned the Value and Quality Grand Prix award in 2021

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Coop Rally got to Csípőtelek

Last year it had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, but this year the coop rally field was able to take off with the 15th form. Sole-Mizo Zrt. also...

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The market-leading Finnish multinational IT company expands in Hungary

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Magazine: Zoltán Soós: ‘The level of trust that exists in a family is difficult to create elsewhere’

Pasta company Soós Tészta Kft. was founded 40 years ago. A few years ago the founder of Hungary’s most dynamically developing pasta maker, Zoltán Soós passed the baton to his...

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Innoskart Digital Day is about to start on 16th September

On Innoskart Digital Day we aim to inspire both the industrial manufacturer and the technology provider / researcher / servicecompanies in order to develop and facilitate the availability of technologies...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 4.9 percent in August

In August, consumer prices were on average 4.9 percent higher than a year before, and on average, they grew by 0.2 percent on a monthly basis, the Central Statistical Office...

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The foreign trade balance turned into a deficit

In July, the value of exports in euros was 10.0, while imports were 14.7 percent higher than a year before. The foreign trade balance deteriorated by 379 million euros, compared...

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AM: the “Szegedi tükörponty” also received EU protection

With the decree published by the European Commission on Wednesday, the “Szegedi tükörponty” became a protected name in the EU. This is the fourth Hungarian freshwater fish name after the...

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The exhibition of agricultural machines adds color to the harvest feast in Vácrátót

Veteran vehicles and agricultural machinery will be exhibited at the harvest party on Saturday in Vácrátót, where an Ikarus 311 bus will transport visitors between the National Botanical Garden and...

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NAV dropped a cigarette smuggled with drones

This year, NAV seized more than ten million forints worth of cigarettes smuggled with drones and drones at the Ukrainian-Hungarian green border. The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told...

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The euro area economy grew better than expected

Economic performance in the euro area grew more than analysts expected in the second quarter, according to a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. Eurostat reported as final...

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AstraZeneca and the Hungarian Nephrological Society enter into strategic cooperation

It is estimated that nearly 850 million people worldwide suffer from impaired kidney function and its complications, and all indications are that this will be one of the most threatening...

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Pandemic and logistical trends: digitisation and China’s rise by 2030

COVID-19 has led to significant changes in the logistics sector worldwide. Fluctuating demand, uneven supply, dramatic rise of e-commerce, realignment of logistics needs. Industry 4.0 and 5G. How does this...

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Hungarians spend more in shopping malls

Data-based marketing consultancy Marketing Resolution and Westend have assessed people’s views on shopping malls and changes in their visitation and spending habits over the past year. The data shows that...

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Furniture store found a home in stately showroom

What makes a furniture store more than a series of chairs and tables on display? According to Dublino, the recipe requires a good amount of professionalism, many years of experience...

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Metropolitan students’ startup idea could say goodbye to thermal paper blocks

A team of Metropolitan students also made it into the top ten projects in Hungary’s first higher education startup course. A solution invented under the Hungarian Startup University Program (HSUP)...

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The Budapest Wine Festival is coming from 23-26 September 2021 on the terraces of the Buda Castle Palace

In 1991, Hungary’s iconic wine festival opened to the public in Vörösmarty Square, in front of only a few hundred prying capitals. Spar Hungary to publish its Wine Catalogue again...

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BOCI chocolates with hazelnut, raisins and bits of jelly

Shoppers can choose from three versions of the product, milk chocolate, milk and dark chocolate, and dark chocolate. All three come with hazelnut, raisins and bits of jelly, so that...

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The Chamber of Agriculture considers a 95 percemt share of domestic pork to be desirable in retail

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) would consider it an example to follow and it would be beneficial for both the actors of the food chain and consumers to sell...

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Hungarian plums are grown on 6,400 hectares

The fact that 2021 will not be a favorite year for fruit growers was already known in the spring, when an unusually cold and cloudy period came after the mild...

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Farkas Sándor: investing sentiment in animal husbandry is growing

Thanks to the targeted subsidies, the willingness to invest in animal husbandry will increase, the parliamentary secretary of state of the Ministry of Agriculture said in Kistelek on Tuesday, at...

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The II. Bodrogi PET Cup starts on Thursday

The II. Bodrog PET Cup river cleaning and waste collection competition, in which the teams clean the Tisza by touching Bodrogolaszi, Olaszliszka and Szegi and reach the finish line in...

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Let’s Eat for Each Other – The Food Bank’s anniversary fundraising program has been launched

In September, the fundraising program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association’s Eat for Each Other was launched for the 10th time, for which restaurants and staff communities are invited to...

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