News and articles

GVH also pays close attention to unfair advertising in the food trade

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) pays particular attention to the protection of families against unfair market advertising, whose president also said in an interview with the Magyar Nemzet: due to...

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The agreement was reached at the UN Biodiversity Summit

The UN Conference on Biological Diversity has set a historic goal to restore our relationship with nature. As the culmination of four years of negotiations, the countries of the world...

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Information for small producers: How can the risk of mycotoxin contamination in milk and milk products be reduced?

The weather typical of 2022, the prolongation of the hot, dry summer period, not only resulted in a deterioration of the average corn yield, but also increased the risk of...

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Fish are continuously delivered to the shops from the fish ponds in Hortobágy

Tens of tons of processed and live fish are delivered to the shops these days from the winter ponds of the Hortobágy fish farm, the company’s CEO told MTI. Károly...

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The first version of the interface description of the National Soil Database is available

In order to prepare the laboratory software, Nébih published the informative WSDL description of the WEB-API service of the National Soil Database. The purpose of this document is to give...

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Energy drinks: Japanese people invented it 60 years ago, and this year Hungarians founded the world day

In 1962, exactly 60 years ago, the hard-working Japanese created the drink that they still consume today when they need a quick boost of energy or alertness. Since then, the...

Read more more people travel during the holidays than last year

Despite the increase in prices, more people travel within the country during the holidays than in recent years: the number of reservations for the Christmas period received by December 19...

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The bird flu epidemic also reached Hajdú-Bihar county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) also confirmed the presence of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in the animals of a breeding turkey farm in...

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Can non-tobacco products disappear from tobacco shop shelves?

The “salad law” published on December 19, 2022 modifies the retail trade of tobacco products on several points. With the help of lawyer Dr. Gergely Szabó, we summarize the most...

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The animal welfare grants have reached the farmers

This year, the drought, the drastic increase in the price of input materials and fodder have put livestock keepers in serious trouble. For this reason, within the framework of the...

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Takarék group: the price increase rate of agricultural land accelerated to a four-year high in 2021

The price of agricultural land rose by 8.5 percent in 2021, a rate not seen in four years, after 6.6 percent in the previous year, Takarék Bank, a member of...

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Spain’s Mercadona: 38% smaller carbon footprint last year

Mercadona measured its emissions from 2015 to 2021, in line with its commitment to the Paris Agreement. In order to reduce its footprint, the group has installed 9,000 solar panels...

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Erythritol in Tate & Lyle’s sweetener portfolio

Tate & Lyle has added ERYTESSE erythritol to its sweetener portfolio, having signed a strategic partnership distribution agreement with a supplier of the compound. ERYTESSE Erythritol has about 70% the sweetness...

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We can only decide on the use of pesticides if we know the exact numbers

Hungary agrees with the need to reduce the use of plant protection agents, but consumers have the right to know how much more they will have to pay for food...

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Household appliances work for disadvantaged children

Gorenje’s kitchen and household appliances will go to work on Lake Balaton for two good causes: this Christmas, the company will help the safe rest and the summer vacation of...

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Barilla Group to acquire Back to Nature brand

The Barilla Group is acquiring the Back to Nature brand from B&G Foods, Inc., Parsippany, NJ. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. Back to Nature is a manufacturer of...

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NAK also supports economic planning with an online calculator

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has developed an online calculator on its website, with which it helps those active in agriculture to pre-calculate the subsidies of the Common...

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Australia’s Woolworths To Take 55% Stake In Pet Food Retailer Petspiration

Australian supermarket chain Woolworths Group Ltd has announced plans to acquire a 55% stake in pet food and services retailer Petspiration Group for A$586 million (€375.3 million) in cash. Petspiration...

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Nébih compiled information for small producers on the prevention of aflatoxin pollution

Nébih has collected the most important information for small producers, with the help of which they can effectively reduce the risk of aflatoxin contamination in their dairy products. Due to...

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Bad vegetables! The hero carrot will stop you!

If anything, we are never disappointed in Aldi’s Christmas advertisement! The food chain’s social communication is mostly based on funny posts, so we were not surprised when we ran into...

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These are the quantity restrictions in Lidl for price-stop products now, and this is what the future will bring

Lidl cannot avoid the quantity restrictions in the case of food at official prices either, but stricter restrictions than the current ones are no longer planned. “In order to ensure...

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We wrap it, drink it, cook it: we choose quality wines for Christmas

At Christmas, wine is placed on every second table, even several types, selected according to taste and the menu. In such cases, we like to eat something special next to...

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This year, dm will also join the Veganuary challenge

Starting in January, a separate subpage will be dedicated to the topic on the interface, Start small in your household! and they invite their followers to play in a...

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European Commission: 43 percent of online stores violated EU rules during the Advent period

43 percent of online stores violated EU rules when announcing discount prices during the Advent period, according to a report published by the European Commission on Monday. The sellers announced...

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There will be plenty of fish available for Christmas

Domestic fish consumption has been slowly but steadily increasing in recent years; despite the difficulties, there is enough fish and everyone can find something for the Christmas table in the...

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Parents could help by buying Danone products in November

Danone Magyarország Kft. joined the Online Baby Store’s Care Week campaign of one of Hungary’s largest online baby stores, as a result of which nearly HUF 600,000 was collected...

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We no longer buy as many disinfectants as we did before the coronavirus

According to the signs, people seem to have given up and abandoned their practices to protect themselves from diseases. This is reflected in the disease numbers, but also in the...

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The visually and hearing impaired, people with limited mobility and people with autism can also learn without barriers on Coca-Cola Hungary’s free education platform

The website of Coca-Cola Hungary’s #énjövőm program has been updated, and it can now be used comfortably by people with hearing and vision impairments, people who use blindfolds and people...

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Damaged packages at Christmas can cause up to 18.1 billion euros in damage to companies

In the period from Black Friday to Christmas, online orders swell several times, which is why this period is of particular importance in e-commerce. The busiest months of the year...

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JYSK: Every year, nearly HUF 30,000 is spent on home furnishings

For the vast majority of Hungarians, 80 percent, it is important for their home to be homely and comfortable, 53 percent are satisfied with their current apartment, and for almost...

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