News and articles
Wine harvest at Auchan: if it’s October, it’s a wine fair
Date: 2023-10-12 11:36:31
Auchan’s wine and champagne selection also competes with specialty stores. 150 Hungarian wineries are represented in approx. With 1,000 types of wine and 200 types of champagne, including many new...
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Az Albertsons 30 percen belül házhoz szállít
Date: 2023-10-12 11:36:08
Az Albertsons szeptember közepén jelentette be, hogy új e-kereskedelmi szolgáltatást indít „Flash” (azaz Villám) néven, amely a vállalat több mint 2000 Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Jewel-Osco, Shaw’s, Acme és Tom Thumb...
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Smoothie-val buzdít az Edeka őssejt-adományozásra
Date: 2023-10-12 11:30:12
A német Edeka a DKMS nonprofit szervezettel együttműködve dobta piacra limitált kiadású All in Fruits „Mund auf!” smoothie-ját, amellyel igyekszik minél többeket az őssejt-adományozásban való részvételre ösztönözni. Az Edeka minden...
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Hungarians are less worried about the climate crisis than the global average
Date: 2023-10-12 11:23:39
Hungarians feel the negative effects of climate change more and more on their own skin, however, they consider the livelihood crisis to be the most important problem of the present...
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Óvatosan kell kezelni a növényvédőszerek határértékeit
Date: 2023-10-12 11:15:58
A zöldségekben, gyümölcsökben engedélyezett különböző gyom-, gomba- és rovarirtók maradványainak szabályos mennyisége aszerint kerül megállapításra, hogy mekkora adag jelent veszélyt az egészségre, amennyiben kizárólag az adott élelmiszerből, kizárólag az adott...
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Tesco has introduced a quantity restriction again
Date: 2023-10-12 11:00:16
According to the data of Árhielő, recently the cheapest place to buy chicken breast fillets is Tesco, which is why many people have bought this product in recent months. Due...
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József Bernáth bids farewell to Frutti, Veggi and Káosz with autumn delicacies
Date: 2023-10-12 10:30:07
At the last press workshop of the European Fresh Team program this year, a cabbage and apple dish evoking a real autumn flavor was prepared under the direction of chef...
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Beer can become more expensive and taste worse
Date: 2023-10-12 10:24:59
As a result of climate change, hops, an important raw material for beer, are facing quality and quantity problems. As a result, beer may become more expensive in the future...
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Interest-subsidized working capital loan for grain processing enterprises
Date: 2023-10-12 10:00:48
State-subsidized working capital loans are also available for enterprises involved in grain processing, among the agricultural loan programs operated by Magyar Fejlsztési Bank (MFB Zrt.), stated Zsolt Feldman, the state...
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The Consumer Goods Forum Launches #TooGoodToWaste Education Campaign
Date: 2023-10-12 09:58:57
The Consumer Goods Forum’s Food Waste Coalition of Action has launched a new food and waste education initiative, #TooGoodToWaste, which seeks to encourage firms to inspire consumers to reduce household food...
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Mushrooms in pink packaging available at
Date: 2023-10-12 09:55:56
For the third time this year, participates in the October pink campaign, within the framework of which the Bio-Fungi company group supports the anti-breast cancer work of Szent Margit...
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Spain’s Adam Foods buys Poland biscuit manufacturer Dr. Gerard
Date: 2023-10-12 09:33:28
A senior Adam Foods executive said the deal was “an important step in the development of our international activities”. Spain-based food manufacturer Adam Foods has acquired biscuit manufacturer Dr. Gerard...
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Georgian-Hungarian agricultural relations continue to develop
Date: 2023-10-12 09:30:15
Georgian-Hungarian agricultural economic relations are expanding at such a rate that Europe and Asia can clearly benefit from it, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Thursday in Tsinandali, where...
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Discounter Lidl Set To Enter Four Balkan Markets
Date: 2023-10-12 09:17:58
Discounter Lidl is in the process of entering the markets of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo, following the roll-out of successful operations in Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia....
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More than half of the children know the European Fresh Team! The program of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy has completed three successful years
Date: 2023-10-12 09:00:40
The final press conference of the program of the European Fresh Team, which promotes the consumption of vegetables and fruits of the National Chamber of Agriculture, was held at a...
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Consumption in a crisis period
Date: 2023-10-11 22:18:31
In recent years, we have been hit by crises one after another, the effects of which can also be felt in everyday life: something is not available in the store,...
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The list of shops where PET bottles can be returned has been published
Date: 2023-10-11 12:10:00
Starting from January 1, 2024, Hungary will implement a mandatory Deposit Return System (DRS), which includes the following key points: Non-recyclable beverage containers (e.g., single-use plastic bottles) will have a...
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Kifli has doubled the number of reduced-price products to support people with special dietary needs
Date: 2023-10-11 12:01:28
Kifli has doubled the number of reduced-price products to support people with special dietary needs. In mid-September, reduced the prices of more than fifty exempt products to the price...
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Mars unveils “accelerated, affordable and achievable” Net Zero Emissions Roadmap to reduce emissions by 50 percent across value chain by 2030
Date: 2023-10-11 11:59:02
Mars Incorporated today released the Mars Net Zero Emissions Roadmap, a firm action plan that aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the entire value chain by...
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After a year, PICK is coming back with a national prize draw
Date: 2023-10-11 11:58:48
PICK, a renowned brand, has kicked off an eight-week nationwide promotion in October and November 2023, providing a significant chance to win substantial cash prizes. This move comes after a...
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Pink pepper day is organized in Röszke
Date: 2023-10-11 11:34:13
Visitors can also learn about the traditions of growing and processing hot peppers on Saturday’s Rose Pepper Day in Röszke, which is organized in memory of the first paprika brand...
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Fagyasztott ételeket dob piacra Gordon Ramsay az Egyesült Államokban
Date: 2023-10-11 11:26:26
Gordon Ramsay nyolc különböző fogásból álló fagyasztott termékcsaládot dob piacra az Egyesült Államokban a „By Chef Ramsay” márka alatt, mely kizárólag a Walmart üzleteiben elérhető. Bár a séf számára nem...
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A digitális megoldásoknak a képzelet sem szab határt
Date: 2023-10-11 11:10:33
A digitalizáció és a fenntartható konstrukciók iránti megnövekedett igény összetettebb tervezési és gyártási folyamatokat igényel az eladótéri eszközök gyártóitól. Az innovatív megoldások és technológiák alkalmazása lehetővé teszi az olyan hatékony...
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A nagykereskedelem a kiskereskedelemnél jobb helyzetben van
Date: 2023-10-11 11:08:50
Az Euromonitor International információi szerint a nagykereskedelem tavaly a kiskereskedelemben regisztráltnál erőteljesebb növekedést könyvelhetett el. Az ágazatot globálisan még mindig az USA és Kína uralja, Európában pedig Lengyelország teljesített a...
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One of the best Hungarian restaurants is closing
Date: 2023-10-11 11:00:55
One of the best Hungarian restaurants, Mór24, will close in its current form in Balatonfüred. The owners of the restaurant, Tamás Albrecht and Edit Almás, shared the news in a...
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German inflation decreased in September
Date: 2023-10-11 11:00:26
In September, according to the final data published by the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, on Wednesday, inflation in Germany fell to the lowest level since the start of the...
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Inflation in Greece slowed to a more than two-year low in September
Date: 2023-10-11 10:36:52
Annual inflation in Greece slowed to 1.6 percent in September, the lowest since July 2021, from 2.7 percent in August, according to data published on the website of the Greek...
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Növényi alapú kebabot kínál a Unilever The Vegetarian Butcher márkája
Date: 2023-10-11 10:32:27
A német dönergyártó, a The Düzgün Group és az Unilever növényi alapú húsok piacán úttörő márkája, a The Vegetarian Butcher együttműködésének eredménye egy új növényi alapú kebab-nyárs termék, amely hűen...
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Ferrero Consolidates Position In Biscuit Segment With Kinder Kinderini
Date: 2023-10-11 10:00:46
Nutella maker Ferrero has launched a new breakfast biscuit, Kinder Kinderini, in Italy, and the company plans to roll out the product in other European markets in due course. Ferrero...
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Even Princess Pearsoon will like this – KMÉ is expanding with frozen green peas
Date: 2023-10-11 09:30:43
Do you know the story when a pea was put in the princess’s bed and she couldn’t sleep because of it? Although he could not have rested better with high-quality frozen...
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