News and articles

Camel milk grows in popularity as functional ingredients surge in demand

While plant-based options have taken over the dairy aisle in recent years, camel milk may be getting attention from more consumers. Camel milk is becoming an increasingly popular ingredient amid growing...

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A növényi alapú joghurtok piaca 2033-ra értékben 12,1 milliárd dollárra bővülhet

Az egekbe szökött a tejmentes, tisztán növényi alapú joghurtok iránti kereslet világszerte. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. Az előrejelzések szerint a globális vegán joghurtpiac 2033-ra értékben 12,2...

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PENNY and MUNCH have already sold food in nearly 100 stores

Munch’s increasingly popular food rescue service is already available in PENNY stores throughout Budapest, as well as in the counties of Baranya, Békés, Csongrád-Csanád, Hajdú-Bihar, Komárom-Esztergom, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Pest and Vas....

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Instead of tears, MediaMark chose humor and reality as the theme in its Christmas advertisement

The tension between generations in the digital age is the theme of MediaMarkt’s Christmas film. The main character of the story is a young girl who arrives home for Christmas,...

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SPAR opened an automatic store for Generation Z: both real and virtual

A SPAR automatic store based on artificial intelligence, without cashiers and salespeople, operated for two days in Budapest, at Europe’s largest Sneakerness festival. The service, intended primarily for members of...

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K&H: medium-sized companies are catching up

Hungarian companies are paying more attention to sustainability than ever before and are increasingly feeling involved, according to the research behind the K&H sustainability index. Large companies are by far...

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Carp is still the main character in the Christmas menu of Hungarians

In this Christmas season as well, domestic fish producers will delight consumers with high-quality domestic fish. Carp, which is still the favorite fish species of Hungarians, has a special role...

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ALDI “opened” insect hotels

ALDI supports sustainability with another step: after the company’s beehive in Biatorbágy, it has now opened insect shelters in seven cities, which provide shelter for pollinating insects that contribute greatly...

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Új, növényi hentesüzlettel ünnepli 13. születésnapját a The Vegetarian Butcher

Az Unilever tulajdonában álló holland The Vegetarian Butcher egy növényi alapú hentesüzlet nyitásával ünnepli 13. születésnapját Rotterdamban. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. Az üzlet „a létező leghúsosabb növényi...

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Survey: two-thirds of Hungarian companies have a CSR or ESG strategy

Hungarian companies are committed to social responsibility (CSR), but they are far from providing real solutions for the effective management of social and environmental problems, according to joint research by...

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Shein expands with cheap products and expensive stocks

Among the Chinese online retailers conquering the world with fashion goods at dumping prices, Shein is preparing for another big launch, as it has announced its intention to carry out...

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The average yield of potatoes is 25 percent higher than in 2022

The sunflower harvest was almost completely completed by November, 99.9 percent of the sown area was harvested, and 2 million tons of sunflowers were harvested from a total of 676.1...

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This causes the biggest headache for Hungarian SMEs wishing to enter the export market

In regional terms, domestic small and medium-sized enterprises perform on average on export markets, but overall, only slightly more than 5 percent of them still sell their products or services...

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Szeged researchers were the first to characterize the phosphate transport protein of green algae

The staff of the Szeged Biological Research Center belonging to the Hungarian Research Network were the first to characterize a phosphate transport protein found in green algae, the result may...

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The campaign to encourage the consumption of pork has been launched

This year, for the eleventh time, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Association of Hungarian Butchers launched their campaign to encourage the consumption of...

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Teljesen vegánná válik a tejtermékeket gyártó holland Boermarke

A hollandiai székhelyű Boermarke tejipari és növényi alapú vállalat bejelentette, hogy teljesen vegánná kíván válni. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. A vállalat tejipari tevékenységét a helyi társvállalat...

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Müller sells DTC business Milk & More to UK group Freshways

The dairy group made the decision to sell following a strategic review. Müller is set to sell its UK milk delivery business Milk & More to local dairy group Freshways...

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Logistics facilities are stable against the waves of the real estate market

On the housing market, the demand for newly built real estate and the announced new projects, together with market-based housing loans, “stood in the parking lot”, which CSOK Plusz can...

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High-quality Hungarian fish can be on the Christmas table this year as well

 As in previous years, Hungarian fish producers are preparing for the Christmas season with high-quality Hungarian fish. The star of the festive offer this year will be the carp, which is...

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A world-leading logistics company is moving its domestic operations to Páty

One of the world’s most important logistics providers, DHL Supply Chain, which is part of the DHL Group, will take possession of its 20,000-square-meter rental property in the largest contiguous...

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Aldi Suisse Plans Nationwide Fast-Charging Network

Aldi Suisse has partnered with Gofast to install fast-charging stations for electric cars at around 150 of the 240 Aldi outlets across Switzerland, starting in the summer of 2024. Initially,...

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The producer price of young bulls and slaughter heifers increased

According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), US beef production decreased by 5 percent and veal production decreased by 11 percent in January-October 2023 compared to...

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Nébih: Alpina meat turning paddle was recalled by the distributor

Edco Magyarország Kft. recalled a 34-centimeter Alpina meat turning paddle due to the release of primary aromatic amines, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Tuesday. According...

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Affidea Hungary changed agency

Since November, Positive Adamsky’s member agency specializing in healthcare marketing, Positive Health and Care, has been responsible for the marketing and communication tasks of the market-leading private healthcare provider. The...

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Minden várakozást felülmúlt idén az Anuga

A világ első számú élelmiszer- és italszakmai vására, az Anuga idén október 7. és 11. között adott találkozót az iparág vezető szereplőinek. A 200 országból érkező mintegy 140 000 látogatóval...

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A new law can help domestic companies operate more sustainably

The government has submitted to the Parliament a proposal to amend the law encouraging sustainable corporate operations, EY points out. The affected domestic companies must also clarify their operations from...

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Az I. Flexi Fórum főbb témái között a flexitáriánus életvitel, XYZ generációk táplálkozási szokásai is szerepelnek ​ 114 / 5 000 Fordítási találatok Fordítási találat Among the main topics of the 1st Flexi Forum are the flexitarian way of life and the eating habits of the XYZ generations

According to a domestic research conducted by Danone and NMS, Generation Z is currently the most open to replacing dairy and meat products with plant-based alternatives, as well as considering...

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Professional recognition for COOP employees

This year too, prestigious professional awards were presented on November 7 on the occasion of the European Trade Day, in the framework of which the outstanding work of six employees...

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Pass on the love in Auchan’s “Leftover Box”!

Christmas is about cozy family gatherings, long conversations that last late into the night, big cookouts, delicious food and drinks. At this time, we prepare much more food than at...

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SPAR – by planting indigenous fruit trees to reduce the carbon footprint

The first event emphasizing carbon awareness was organized and then evaluated by SPAR. The company compensates the carbon dioxide emissions of the partner event of the Budapest Wine Festival by...

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