News and articles

World-wide leader

Pepsi has always been receptive to consumer needs, which allowed it detect changes in these needs, namely the increase in the popularity of functional and carbon-free soft drinks in time....

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Sugar free Coke turning 25

Coca-Cola light was the first sugar free soft drink to appear in 1982. Today, 119 million glasses are consumed daily in 173 countries. Coca Cola light is the market leader...

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With buffaloes into the Hungarian market

Bols Hungary Kft. began selling one of the best known Polish vodka brands, Zubrowka in June. This is a premium brand sold in over 30 countries, achieving growth of over...

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Trends of recent years show a constantly developing market. Total turnover has grown from HUF 1445 billion in the year 2000 to nearly 2400 billion in 2006. Hyper markets produced...

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Increasingly specialised hair care – bigger challenge for marketing

Buying a shampoo is no longer a simple task. The increasing number of products in this category pose a major challenge for marketing professionals. More shine is an advantage emphasised...

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Potato price on the peak

The price of agricultural produce grew by 8,1 per cent in January-May, compared to the same period last year. The price of products made from plants increased by 14,2 per...

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Sédvölgyi Sonka

Made from 100 per cent pork, Hungarian style flavouring. Available in modernised packaging, in 500 and 300 gram sizes....

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Hungarian consumers changing

Hungarian consumers have changed as much in the past 15-20 years as average European consumers have in 50 years- said Ákos Kozák, director of GfK Hungária Piackutató Intézet at the...

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New leader for Metro

José Maria Cervera (42) will become the new CEO of Metro Cash & Carry Hungary on 1. August. The new CEO had worked in various positions for the Spanish Makro...

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Rendezvous for beverage manufacturers in Nürnberg

The BRAU Beviale exhibition to be held in Nürnberg, between 14-16 November will be the meeting place for the European beverage industry. 1,400 exhibitors and over 36,000 visitors are expected...

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Pre-packaged meat dominant

Retail sales of meat products are growing. Nielsen market research has registered a growth of 8 per cent in terms of value, in compared to a year ago. For the...

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Well groomed body with well groomed brands

Tanned and shiny skin is the trend again, if we believe what we see in the new segment of the body lotion category, where marketing activities increasingly focus on attractiveness....

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No change in rankings according to purchasing power

According to a recent survey by the GfK group, no major changes have taken place on the list of counties ranked according to purchasing power. Budapest and Győr-Moson-Sopron county are...

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Sajtos pulyka grill kolbász

Practical size product, made 100 per cent from turkey, packaged on plastic tray with vacuum foil....

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Warm vodka and sweating women

Using conventional consumer surveys, Univer had failed to increase its sales in the Russian market as expected. They have however, found another method which can help to form a realistic...

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On the wings of melodies

According to Mood Media Group, a leading provider of background music, the positive effects of melodies are beginning to be used in Hungary as well to enhance customer satisfaction. MMG...

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Cleaning industry meeting in Berlin

CMS (Cleaning Management Services), the exhibition of the cleaning industry will be held between 18-21 September, in Berlin. So far, 350 exhibitors from 20 countries have registered....

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Forced development in the market of meat products

There is a noticeable shift taking place in the roles played by various categories of meat products. New ones keep appearing, while others disappear. High quality hams and the grill...

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Young age groups over represented

According to data from GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, 36 per cent of households purchased some type of body lotion in 2006. 3-4 strong households, those led by housewives not older than...

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Consumers more optimistic

According to the Consumer Confidence Index survey conducted by GfK Hungária and Corvinus University, the majority of the population is satisfied with its financial position and is optimistic regarding the...

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Ambi Pur sensitive

Ambi Pur sensitive is the first hypoallergenic air fragrance aerosol product line for home use. Dermothologically tested special formula developed to reduce the risk of allergic reaction on human skin....

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Esomar congress in Berlin, in September

Esomar the world-wide organisation of market researchers will have a richer than ever program for participants at its Berlin congress, to be held between 16-19. September. 40 presentations and many...

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More companies insolvent

According to a recent survey by Coface Hungary, 29 per cent more companies became insolvent in the first half of this year than a year earlier. The number of liquidations...

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Alimentaria in Lisboa

The Alimentaria – International Food Show has become a strategic meeting place for businessmen from Portuguese speaking countries and European markets. Over 1,000 exhibitors from 40 countries attended the exhibition...

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Modern thirst quencher in modern stores

Sport and energy drinks are among the most dynamically growing food categories. According to the Retail Index of Nielsen, retail sales have grown by 53 per cent in terms of...

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Detergents double crossing

Like in other categories, specialisation is the trend among detergents. Effectiveness, extra strength and the ability to be used on sensitive surfaces, like stainless steel are the key words today....

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Habits and loyalty in choosing a store

The majority of Hungarian consumers still visit stores of two or three chains regularly. According to the Nielsen ShopperTrends survey, most people prefer to buy items consumed on a daily...

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Cillit Bang

The power of Bang in washing up buckets as well now. Removes grease and stubborn stains effectively in the whole household and outside houses as well....

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„Philosopher pasta maker” on innovation

– Dramatic changes are needed in marketing – declared i Guido Barilla, president of Barilla holding at the ECR Europe conference held in Milan, where over 150 lectures had been...

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Healthier baby food

Following a long process of development which had cost HUF 30 million, the baby food product line of Univer Product Zrt. has become the first in the Hungarian market to...

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