News and articles

Novelties from Cherry Queen

The market leading brand of alcoholic desserts, the Cherry Queen will appear with new design, new flavors and with two new special products on the market. The previous presentation will...

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Searching for tomorrow’s breakfast in Switzerland

The joint venture of Nestlé SA and General Mills, Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) specializing on cereal products – announced recently, the opening of a new innovation center in Orbea Switzerland....

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Tokaj: the forgotten wine region

If the prize for the world’s best forgotten wine region would be issued; Tokaj wine region could easily win – appeared in The Los Angeles Times. In the gastronomic section...

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Another crisis can hit the economy

According to Coface Hungary Credit Rating; This year's poor financial numbers will only appear in next year’s business ratings and more companies will enter to a worse category. In recent...

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Hoventa Trade and Tourism Exhibition

The Hoventa International Trade and catering technology fair will take palce between 6th and 9Th October at the Budapest Fair Center. The participants in the tourism sector have to face...

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Tesco: over 1 billion profit in 6 months, with decreasing profit dynamics

Britain's largest supermarket network, Tesco recorded a 1.03 billion pounds net profit in the first half of the year. A 1.01 billion was the recorded value a year earlier. Reuters...

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Csányi Sándor: About the break out points of Hungary

The Hungarian innovative capacity exists, but can not be applied – states Csányi Sándor in a video interview of Figyelő. The OTP Chairman and CEO would put the emphasis on...

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Sodexo and the Hungarian Food Bank surprise the elder with dessert

In October, the Sodexo Hungary Ltd. will preapare dessert, from the materials provided by the Hungarian Food Bank Association to greet the elder, on the occasion of the Elderly Month....

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Gazprom innovates with Supermarkets

According to Russian business daily, the Kommersant; Gaztorgpromsztoj, one of the subsidiary of Gazprom, plans to open a supermarket and fast food chain. Gazprom would develop its already existing 400...

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Carrefour plans big steps in Turkey

Carrefour is planning the opening of 100 more hyper-and supermarkets in 2010 in Turkey, after the sixty scheduled for 2009 – announced the French retail chain. The retail chain also...

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The price of cocoa is on its quarter century peak

The March term cocoa prices increased to its 24 and a half year peak on Monday afternoon, because of the unfavorable outlook for the global supply. Investors worry of cocoa...

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Latin America's leading beer producer’s brewing business can be bought

A SABMiller and Heineken also interested in the purchasing of the brewing business of Mexican Femsa. The purchase price of the largest Latin American beer producer can be 7,5-8. billion...

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Improved Biopon washing powders from Henkel

The improved Biopon washing powders of Henkel containing easy ironing formula are available in the stores since October. According to a 2007 survey; 70 percent of the consumers required fast,...

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GfK: stable consumer confidence

According to the joint survey of GfK Hungária and the Corvinus University; consumer confidence appears to be stabilized. Beside the Consumer Confidence Index, the consumer expectations index also stagnates compared...

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Eurozone’s retail shrank less-than-expected

The euro zone retail sales decreased by 0.2 percent, instead of the expected 0.5 percent decrease in August compared to the previous month. Behind the positive data the minor boom...

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Harvest can end until the end of October

So far, about 60 percent of the grapes were harvested by the farmers, so this year's harvest can last until the end of October. Because of the favorable weather conditions,...

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New shopping and entertainment center in Budapest

The Allee shopping and entertainment center will open its doors 11th November at the 11th district of Budapest.  "The shopping center will be opened on the official day of the...

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Hungary can export poultry from Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties again

The U.S. authorities terminated the import restrictions of the poultry, poultry meat and eggs of Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties. According to the American assessment, Hungary has the animal health control...

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Tesco opened a clothing Webshop

Tesco created a new clothing Webshop, paving the way towards further customer target groups. With this, Tesco entered into the market where such players can be found like Marks &...

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Tchibo offers first harvested Brazilian coffee speciality

Tchibo’s coffee experts harvest three times a year the first harvest of coffee shrubs for the production of Fresh Harvest products. The Tchibo Exclusive Extra Virgin appears in the Hungarian...

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Coffeeheaven bases on domestic demand, instead of tourists

The fourth Coffeeheaven café opened at the Astoria a few days ago. The international chain will also appear in Buda, in the near future. Learning from the bad experiences in...

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Women decide about the family cash nowadays

GfK Hungária Market Research Institute has examined what attributes belong to a typical man nowadays. The research showed that the majority of men consume alcohol, do not smoke, but do...

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Bankruptcy continues

According to Opten Company Information Service; The number of bankruptcies more than doubled in September, compared to the previous month. After the positive surprise of August, the datas return back...

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Soft drink “Oscar” for Coca-Cola Hungary’s Body Wakening Program

Coca-Cola Hungary’s Body Wakening Program was awarded on the beverage industry's most prestigious international competition, with Innovation Prize in the best preventive healthcare initiatives category. Coca-Cola Hungary’s Body Wakening Program...

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Farmer meeting in Hungary

In 2011, Hungary will be the host of the farmer meeting of EISA (European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture) where beside the large-scale farming, the traditional Hungarian agricultural activities...

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Carlsberg shares offered for sale, due to the Russian restrictions

Deutsche Bank classified down Danish Carlsberg’s papers from hold to sale, because of the risks in Russian alchol restrictions. Russia taxes alcoholic beverages  because of the declining population and lower...

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Visitor peak at Plovdiv Fair

A visitor peak, nearly 150 thousand visitors were registered at the Plovdiv International Technical Fair ended on Saturday, so the Hungarian exhibition was also seen by so many people like...

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New Marketing Director at Heineken Hungária

New Marketing Director has arrived to Heineken Hungária Zrt. Makkay János replaces Cor Honkoopot, who will continue his career at another company of the Heineken group. Makkay János graduated at...

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Spar Marathon: the country's largest running festival had started

On the 4th October 2009 the SPAR Budapest International Marathon starts for the 24th time. The SPAR is the sponsor of the event for the first time this year. All...

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A huge gap opened between exports and imports

According to the Central Statistical Office; the foreign trade balance surplus in July was 528 million euros, compared to the previously reported 548 million euros. The balance of the first...

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