News and articles

Danone closed a good year

French Danone, which is the world leader in the sale of dairy products, increased its profit to 1.41 billion euros last year. The price decrease of the raw materials, as...

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McDonald's focuses on women and vegetarians

McDonald's German subsidiary will increasingly focus on women and vegetarians in the future, in order to increase turnover. The cause of the strategy change is that food sales decreased last...

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Auchan became more expensive, but still leading the price competition

The January price increase continued: the basket price of Privátbankár rose by an average of 1 percent in all three tested hypermarkets (Tesco, Auchan, Cora) – but must pay at...

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A new Tesco will be built in Miskolc

According to Hackl Mónika, Tesco spokeswoman; Tesco plans to build a new Tesco in Miskolc, near the DVTK-stadion. Hackl Mónika said that work will not begun this year. The new...

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Third of the adult population in Hungary celebrates Valentine's Day

Some people think that Valentine's Day was invented by the lingerie, chocolate, balloons, and plush teddy bear manufacturers. Valentine's Day is a big business and the supermarket chains are eager...

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The paper’s time has expired, the future belongs to electronic devices (x)

Those who interested, can become acquainted with Szintézis ZRt.’s two innovative solutions – the Electronic Shelf labels, and E-Rail at the Foodapest. Both solutions are practical and useful too. These...

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The crisis and the bad weather worsened the performance of agriculture last year

The agricultural performance declined in 2009 to its one-third – said Gőgös Zoltán, the Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, on the event of the Pest County...

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Less credit applications for greater amounts

According to the datas of the Hungarian Development Bank; the borrowing mood of the companies decreased, but the value of credit applications increased. The average of the previous loan applications...

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Sustainable growth can cost tens of thousand billions

According to the report of the Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), consist of 29 large companies; The shift to sustainable development generates huge market demand and business opportunities worldwide....

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Swiss chocolate manufacturers closed a bitter year

The crisis affected badly the turnover of Swiss chocolate manufacturers: according to the trade association of manufacturers; for the first time in six years, the sales volume and revenue also...

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Men have better salary than women at all age of groups

In Hungary, men and those people have the highest salaries, who are facing with retirement. The average income for men in all age of groups is higher, than the salary...

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Improving sentiment in the euro area

The business sentiment in the euro area improvemed further in January this year. According to the datas of the German IFO Institute for Economic Research; the comprehensive business sentiment indicator...

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Organic food logo won on internet voting

The European Commission unveiled the new logo, which will mark the organic foods in the EU from July this year. The label was voted by the European citizens on the...

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RAUCH works with a new creative agency

Rauch Hungária Ltd. has chosen a new creative agency. The Grey Advertising company won the thender among six competitors. According to the order; Grey Budapest will prepare and manage the...

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Kraft will close a Cadbury factory

The new owner, Kraft announced that contrary to their earlier statements, Kraft will continue the closure of the British Cadbury’s Sommerdale plant, in accordance with the plans. Cadbury decided the...

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Agrármarketing Centrum: Three new exhibitions

After the successfully completed Grüne Woche exhibition, further domestic products will be introduced in Germany and the Hungarian exhibitors will also show their products to the Russian professional audience. The...

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Last year – with a significant surplus – foreign trade turnover declined

According to the preliminary datas of the Central Statistical Office; the value of export was 16 729 billion HUF, while the value of import was 15 439 billion HUF last...

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Concentrated beer market

According to the analysis of Plato Logic market research company; Due to the company acquisitions, now the four largest brewing group give more than half of the world’s beer producing....

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Coop credit card to come

This year, Coop Credit Zrt. will start to operate. The Zrt. was created with the aim, that network’s loyalty card could serve as a credit card – told Murányi László,...

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Now, it is certain: China is the world's largest exporter

Due to the 18.4 percent decline in exports of last year, Germany has lost the world's leading exporter title. Currently China is the world's largest exporter – reported the German...

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Thanks to Asia Coca-Cola’s profits were equal to the expectations

According to Coca-Cola's fourth quarterly report; the company achieved profits equal to the expectations of analysts, because sales in other parts of the world, could offset the decline in North...

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SNICKERS Team became fourth on the Budapest-Bamako 2010 rally

After a sharp fight, SNICKERS Team came home fourth, from the 2010 edition of the Budapest-Bamako race. The team members Lukács Tóth Kálmán and Lehotzky Norbert always fought with fair...

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Beer consumption is good against osteoporosis

The Department of Food Science of the University of California has good news for beer lovers. The silicon is key to the increasing of the bone’s density and thus plays...

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The Automatic Cashier debuts at Foodapest (x)

We spend a lot of time with shopping, standing in unpleasant long queues at the cashier. Among other things, IBM developed its Self-Checkout System to solve this problem. The sytem...

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Wine Marketing Renewal

According to Tornai Tamás, the President of the Hungarian Grape and Wine Association (MSZBSZ); to maintain the annual 3 million hectoliters traffic of the Hungarian wine, a concerted Wine Marketing...

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Sausage festival in Békéscsaba

The residents of Békéscsaba can be proud of their sausage festival, because it is the only festival that won the high-grade culinary festival title in Hungary. Thanks to the sausage...

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Hungarian National resources are not enough for EU supports

Hungary currently has no country-wide development policy, in addition to EU funds it can not be used as it should – said Parragh László, the President of the Hungarian Trade...

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There is no demand for cereals

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture; The demand for cereals declined, despite the cheaper corn and wheat. That can be a great loss for farmers. Until the harvest may...

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Székely products may appear in the shelves of Cora

In Hungary, the Cora supermarket chain is the first multinational company, that offers Székely products to local customers – annonced the Council of Harghita County. Borboly Csaba, Chamber President told...

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China: 270 million new credit card in a year

According to the Chinese central bank; The Chinese consumers last year, purchased with credit card in a value of more than 24 trillion USD, one-third more than in 2008. The...

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