News and articles

Detergents for the flood victims

14 million HUF worth of detergents, cleaning and disinfecting products were sent by the Reckitt Benckiser to the flood-stricken region, with the assistance of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service. The...

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Tesco’s sales turnover is increasing

According to the latest report of the UK supermarket chain; its global sales turnover excluding fuel – increased by 6.9 percent in the three months, ended on the 30th of...

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Milk Day: 41 percent of the Hungarians consumes milk daily

Milk is one of the most important basic food of mankind. 44 percent of the world's population consumes milk on a daily basis. The International Milk Assiciation and the United...

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Counterfeiting of goods – one of the most profitable industry

According to Forbes; Counterfeiting of goods is among the world's seven most profitable illegal industries. It is estimated that 5-7 percent of total international trade expose by fakes. Drug business,...

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Import food control will be more stringent

According to the plans of the government; import food control will be more stringent. According to domestic processors; this will not reduce the proportion of foreign goods, but at least...

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The supporters of Sunday opening hours have a narrow majority

According to the survey of Median; Public opinion is divided in the question if the state would regulate Sunday opening hours. The number of the proposal’s supporters has increased in...

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Farmer’s Day in Szerencs

Jubilee of the Szerencs Farmer’s Days. The city situates in Hegyalja will give place to the exhibition and fair, from the 18th to the 20th of June. Szabó János, manager...

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A surprising reduction in the U.S. retail market

U.S. retail sales unexpectedly showed a decrease of 1.2 percent in May, while the earlier data was revised from a 0.4 percent increase to 0.6 percent. Expectations were about a...

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Hill&Knowlton to help flood victims

Hill&Knowlton, one of Hungary's leading PR agencies helps the flood victims with donations. Among the customers of H&K, MARS, Kométa and Unilever have also joined to the action. Due to...

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Dynamic export expansion to Asia

According to the experts of the Hungarian National Bank; Hungary was the only in the region that was able in the last two years, to increase its export to Asia...

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METRO builds a unique Customer Academy

The Customer Academy is being built beside the Budaörs centre of METRO. The Customer Academy will also contain a high quality and professional kitchen for the students. METRO responds to...

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Consumer confidence is key to the growth in demand

According to the survey of Nielsen market research company; Although the turnover of food retail sales decreased, consumer confidence is coming back. Two thirds of Hungarian consumers switched to buy...

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The Pálinka Chamber would consult with the government

National Council of Pálinka (Pálinkatanács) initiates consultations with the government, to restore the right over the freedom of Fruit spirit making – said Piros László, vice president of the Pálinka...

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The producer price of eggs decreasing

The EU accession caused big losses in the Hungarian egg industry. There is no significant manufacturing behind it, the product largely comes directly from producers to food trade – states...

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The price of waste paper increased by 8-10 fold in Europe within a year

All over Europe, the price of corrugated packing materials are increase – states the communication of MAHUSz (Hungarian Association of Corrugated Association). Serious negative change occured in the European corrugated...

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HELL Energy doubled last year

HELL Energy Hungary Ltd. reached unique success last year, despite the economic crisis, which became Hungary's leading energy drink producer company in a very short period of time, despite starting...

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The SPAR cares about its costumers during the World Cup

Thje SPAR Hungary Ltd. prepares with a wide range of beer products for the soccer World Cup. A number of products are offered on a reduced price for football fans,...

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The alliance of Bunge Ltd. may help to the flood victims

The Management and the Trade Union Committee of the Bunge Ltd. launch a Joining Forces Program among the workers to help the flood victims in close cooperation with the Hungarian...

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SPAR gives quality for loyalty

The SPAR was the the first among the commercial chains in Hungary, that launched exclusive point collection promotions to its customers in 2005. Since then, consumers expect the loyalty actions...

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Explosively fruity refreshment from Cappy Ice Fruit

Anyone who likes to spoil their senses, rhe renewed Cappy Ice Fruit juices offering a great opportunity, that should not be missed. The magic taste world of Cappy Ice Fruit...

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The Agrármarketing Centrum at the 20 year old Győr Fair

This year, the Győr General Fair will be organised for the twentieth time also the Food and Agriculture Exhibition Agroraab will be held. The guest country of this year's event...

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World economy may slower improve than expected

The European debt crisis suggests that the improvement of the global economy may be slower than expected in the past – said Sinohara Naojuki, deputy managing director of the International...

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SMEs can apply for two hundred million HUF

SMEs can apply for a total of two hundred million HUF in order to improve their competitiveness and expand their capacities until the end of the month and until the...

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Slovaks bought meat Kaiser Food processor

Réti Attila majority shareholder sold his food processor after twenty years. The Debrecen Meat Group Ltd. of the Slovak investment group Penta acquired almost 100 percent of Kaiser Food. The...

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Ability Park won Tesco's “Supported of the Year 2010” title

The Ability Park became the “Supported of the Year 2010” at at the grant application announced by Tesco Stores Ltd. In the scope of the program, the staff of Ability...

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New Spar supermarket was built in Újfehértó

SPAR Hungary Ltd. opened a new SPAR supermarket in Újfehértó, on the 10the of June 2010. The modern department store is the city's first SPAR unit. 28 new jobs were...

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Handball is the second most popular sport

Nearly 60% of the Hungarian population follows the sporting events. Handball is the second most popular sport in team sports, also a silver medalist on the list of those sports,...

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New Veet products: the secret of fragrant and smooth skin

With the Veet ® hair removal products our skin can be smooth and silky in minutes and the effect lasts long. The new Veet® Supreme Essence cream and cream spray...

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Loctite and Porsche Motorsport: working together for victory

Henkel is committed to motor sports all over the world, where reliable power is needed in the toughest conditions. Henkel’s Loctite brand is the official technology partner of the 2010...

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The Hungarian economy grew slightly in the first quarter

The gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2010 increased by 0.1, eliminating the calendary effect by 0.2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. According...

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