News and articles

The rise of GKI-Erste economic sentiment index continued in October

In October GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects continued to rise, reaching its peak value of this year. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI ( with...

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Rosehip picnic will be held on Saturday in Tihany

Rosehip picnic will be held on Saturday at the Market Spot in Tihany, where a wide range of culinary offers and live music will await the guests all day next...

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Dm closed a successful business year

dm drogerie markt have completed their past business year 2012/2013 and have clearly jumped over the 5 billion Euro turnover mark. The months May to September ensured above-average values for...

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Kiscsákó is the first loser of the online conversion

The store in Kiscsákó, Orosháza has no money for the online conversion, therefore it will be closed. About one hundred, mainly elderly people are living in that settlement area. The...

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The European Parliament declared e-cigarettes as products that can be distributed as free-trade products

After a long debate, the Members of the European Parliament – with the votes of the Hungarian MEPs – decided that e-cigarettes and nicotine cannot be a medicament, because it...

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The lawsuit of Hungerit Zrt. against the Four Paws Foundation continues

Hungerit’s civil lawsuit against the Four Paws Foundation continued on Tuesday at the Metropolitan Court of Law with the process of evidence. According to the poultry processing company, the international...

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LMP: the mandatory parking spaces would ruin little shops

According to LMP, the proposal that would require small shops to create parking spaces in front of the store, would destroy the newly opened small shops – Ertsey Katalin told...

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A unique Pharma ethanol plant was built in Szabadegyháza

The Hungrana Kft. that is celebrating its 101st anniversary this year, has built its unique technology and capacity pharmaceutical grade alcohol production facility. The EU’s leading iso sugar manufacturer and...

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Harvest to be mechanized in the Sopron wine region

Harvest is more and more mechanized in the Sopron wine region, this is changing the work processes as well as the mood of the harvest – the president of the...

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The Nébih found an illegal packaging plant in Budapest

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found a total of 130 tons of non-traceable food products, when checking an unregistered warehouse in Budapest – the agency informed on Monday....

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A minimum price for alcohol to be introduced in Ireland.

The Irish cabinet decided to press ahead with a range of other measures designed to curb the abuse of alcohol, particularly by under-age drinkers. The main element of the plan...

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Chinese media say: Starbucks’ prices are high in China

The Chinese state media repeatedly criticizes the U.S. Starbucks coffee chain, because of its “disproportionately high prices” in China, compared to other countries. On Sunday, the CCTV TV station broadcasted...

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German food exports to the Czech Republic are increasing rapidly

German food exports to the Czech Republic are increasing rapidly: from January to September this year, increase was 12.3 percent, on an annual basis, so almost 25 percent of the...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index gained momentum again in September

In September, according to the empirical survey conducted by GKI with the support of the EU, business and especially consumer expectations improved no-ticeably reaching their peaks this year after a...

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Fazekas Sándor: the agricultural sector is producing 4800 billion HUF

The Hungarian agriculture produces about 2300-2400 billion HUF per year, and this amount is doubled by the food, industry. And trade does not even included to this amount – the...

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It's time to prepare for the Christmas rush!

One-fourth of the entire annual online retail sales are conducted in the Christmas period. Just like last year, the most popular gifts are expected to be tablets. The joint “Report...

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Five cash register types cannot be marketed despite they are not banned

There are no banned cash registers, but the fact is that cash register types cannot be marketed, despite they have a license. The Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (MKEH) responded to...

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Advertising Association: the money spent on advertising is spinning the economy

Every 10 HUF spent on advertising increases the performance of the Hungarian economy with 47 HUF – Hivatal Péter, Vice-President of the Hungarian Advertising Association said on Monday in Budapest...

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VM: the government would offer more protection to seed producers

The government would offer more protection to seed producers with its new proposal on state recognition of plant species as well as on the production and marketing of seed materials....

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SPAR: 3 million HUF donation to the zoo foundation

In the scope of the Magyarország (Hungary) sticker collection action, SPAR offered 1 HUF after every sold blue sticker package to the primary foundation of the Metropolitan Zoo. Thanks to...

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The Rézangyal became the majority owner of the Békési Pálinka Zrt.

After several phases of share purchasings, the Rézangyal Kft. has become the majority owner of the Békési Pálinka Zrt.. Békési Zoltán jr. continues to manage the distillery while, the role...

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Raben’s staff and partners are joining forces for the SOS Children's Villages

The Raben Trans European Hungary Kft. organized a fundraising campaign in the summer of 2013 among its Employees, Partners and Clients, in order to jointly help the residents of the...

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Visually impaired people can take part in the harvest at the Tokaj wine region

Blind and partially sighted people can take part in the harvest on Saturday in the historic Tokaj wine region, thanks to a unique initiative. The program is organized by the...

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Tchibo Cafissimo Picco Red – a conspicuous phenomenon

The red color has a wide variety of meanings; strength, love, and energy. It is the color of fire, a conspicuous, emotional and rich color, which highlights the important things...

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Magazine: Small things that do matter in a household

Foil, oven bag, grill tray, bin bag – small things that can be found in almost every household. In the bin bag market, cheaper branded products and private labels gained...

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Meat prices are increasing during the VAT debate

Conflicting news appeared about the possible VAT reduction on meat products. Rogán Antal Chairman of the Economic Committee of the Parliament said at a Friday morning radio show, that the...

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The NAV fined a shopkeeper to half million HUF

During about 100 checks the NAV imposed fines in a total of one million HUF to the shopkeepers, because of deficiencies in connection with online cash registers. There was a...

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KSH: a growth in average earnings in the January-August period

The gross average earnings increased by 3.4, the average net earnings increased by 4.8 percent in January to August 2013, compared to the previous year – the Central Statistical Office...

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