News and articles


In the spring of 2014 HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft. extends its Strong product line with a bombastically new, unique innovation. HELL STRONG COLA hits the stores in May and boasts...

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Magazine: The store of the future at SIRHA Budapest (Part 2)

Many visitors noticed the device above the drink shelves upon entering the store. HiperCom mounted a camera above the gondola that records shopper behaviour and the data can be analysed...

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Analysts: household consumption may be the engine of growth

The retail sales have expanded dynamically – according to those macroeconomic analysts who were interviewed by the MTI. According to the macroeconomic analysts, household consumption is the largest component of...

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KSH: retail sales rose by 6.3 percent in April

The volume of retail sales in April increased by 6.3 percent after the 8.5 percent of March according to the calendar adjusted datas from the previous year – the Central...

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Dairy market consultation: the government acts in order to reach balance on the market

The government considers it impotant with high priority to protect the interests of the participants of the dairy co-operation, against those who threaten the market equilibrium with their activities –...

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GKI: 2.5 percent GDP growth, inflation may be 0.5 percent this year

The GKI improved its growth forecast for 2014, so the gross domestic product (GDP) growth will be around 2.5 percent and a much lower 0.5 percent inflation is expected. In...

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The solvency of the companies has improved

The domestic enterprises should prepare for only six days financing time term, which will significantly improve their liquidity situation. The vast majority of the SMEs keeps their liquid assets on...

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Quality wine production in the Tokaj wine region

The Mountain Village Council of the Tokaj wine region prepares a comprehensive research on the historic Tokaj Wine Region by the end of the year – Prácser Miklós, president of...

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The Y Pulyka Kft. built a feed mixing plant

The plant of the Y Pulyka Kft., dealing with turkeys and broiler chickens was handed over on Wednesday, in Mágocs, Baranya county. The protuction cost 550 million HUF. With the...

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The market of Nagyvárad to be renewed in the scope of a joint Hungarian-Romanian project

The market of Nagyvárad will be renewed renewed in the scope of the Hungary-Romania Cross-border Co-operation Programme (HURO). A business incubator house will also be established in Debrecen. Miklóssy Ferenc,...

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Beer tapping into male minds

According to an article published in Adweek (USA), one of the major US breweries, MillerCoors started communicating on online platform only. For instance on 14 May they launched an online...

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New products with different chances

When it comes to innovations, consumers can be won with different strategies from country to country and the chances of success also vary. The Nielsen Shopper Trends – conducted in...

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Univer hamburgersauce

The tiny cucumber bits in Univer’s latest mayonnaise-based hamburger sauce make this product so delicious. We recommend it not only for hamburgers, but also for cold and hot sandwiches, salads...

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If Italian cuisine, then Cucinare, II.

The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE) at the request of the Pordenone Fiere Exhibition and Conference Centre invited the delegation of the representatives of Hungarian companies, magazines and professional...

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Magazin: Pan-ready chicken dishes – the ambassadors of fast but healthy eating

In today’s rat race world we hardly have time to care about our health, to eat healthy food that is nourishing as well. Taravis Poultry and Food Kft. can help...

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Varga Árpád: the online cash registers are effective against frauds

There is no one hundred percent efficient solution to eliminate the VAT frauds, there will always be cheaters in the system according to the Vice President of NAV. Varga Árpád...

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New fruity alcohol-free Dreher 24 to cyclists and runners

Those who are living an active lifestyle can refresh themselves with new fruity and natural drinks this summer: the alcohol-free Dreher 24 is available in the stores and catering units...

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Two billion HUF development at the Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft.

The Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft. (Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd. ) performs a 2 billion HUF worth development until the end of 2015 – the company informed MTI on Tuesday. Under the...

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Lidl to overtake?

Thanks to the fast adaptability of Lidl, the German discount chain, could raise the foot in a number of markets. Lidl operates 9,875 units across Europe – theguardian wrote. According...

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Nébih: a case in April can be associated with the current botulism case

After the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) consultated with the National Center for Epidemiology an April botulism suspicion disease is associated to the current food poisoning case – the...

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150 European companies for the Young People thanks to the initiative of Nestlé

In the last one year, the Nestlé Youth Initiative provided work experience and job opportunities across Europe, to 5000 young people. Now Nestlé has involved more than 150 of its...

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Sheep stew to be cooked at more than two hundred locations on the weekend in Karcag

This year, the sheep stew of Karcag, which is Hungaricum will be cooked in more cauldrons than ever before, in two hundred cauldrons, as the main attraction of the 16th...

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The wine will be celebrated in Mád

The feast of wine will be held in Mád, spiced up with several cultural and musical programmes. The concert series called Good Night! begins in Mád, (Tokaj-hegyalja region) at the...

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80 coaches in the NIH Mentor Club programme

This February the National Innovation Office (NIH) announced the launch of its coaching programme and more than 80 coaches registered to participate. As members of the Coach Club they give...

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Loans already available electronically

From 6 May starting or already active micro-enterprises can apply for loans electronically from the Budapest Enterprise Agency (BVK). The special micro-loans can be taken out by enterprises seated in...

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MLSZKSZ: 67 billion to be invested in logistics industry development in seven years

Members of the Association of Hungarian Logistics Service Centres (MLSZKSZ) successfully applied for HUF 9.7 billion worth of European Union funding in the last 7 years. This sum covered 40...

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If Italian cuisine, then Cucinare, I.

The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE) at the request of the Pordenone Fiere Exhibition and Conference Centre invited the delegation of the representatives of Hungarian companies, magazines and professional...

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Magazin: The state is a good owner

On 14 May Napi Gazdaság organised a conference called ‘The good owner – State asset management in practice’. Experts from the Hungarian National Asset Management Zrt. (MNV) and other state...

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The National Council of Wine Communities requests voluntary import restrictions from the wine merchants

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) calls the wine importers to the introduction of voluntary restrictions on imports, in order to reduce the imports of Italian wines – Tornai...

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GKI: economic expectations in June changed slightly

After a half-year of spectacular rise the seasonally adjusted value of the GKI-Erste economic index reached its fifteen year peak in April. According to the survey of GKI (, implemented...

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