News and articles

Exclusive French wine offer in the Lidl

Lidl continues to broaden the offer of products with high quality. The company’s aim is to satisfy the needs of the customers on a higher level and be more open...

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Internet Hungary: the digital industrial revolution rewires our world

Due to the large scale development of the Internet so far unthinkable changes taking place. Previously the “sharing” word was previosly used only in the social media, now it has...

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The Kalocsai Paprika Festival will be held for the twenty-fifth time

The twenty-fifth Kalocsai Paprika Festival will be held during the weekend – Török Ferenc (Fidesz-KDNP) mayor of Kalocsa informed MTI on Thursday. The main purpose of the event is to...

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More than fifty programs at the vintage days in Szekszárd

More than fifty programs, concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances, and almost forty wineries in the wine garden await the audience at th e vintage days in Szekszárd, during the weekend. Horváth...

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Gloss and care – not only for the ladies

In the lip care category Creative World Kft. put two new Himalaya Herbals products on the market n the middle of last year – we learned from commercial director Zoltán...

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Changing weight of store types

The six-month market of general cleaners is between HUF 5 and 6 billion. In the examined period value sales rose 4 percent but volume sales reduced by 2 percent from...

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Savings Bank: the GDP growth may be 3.5 percent this year and 2.9 percent in 2015

The analysts of the Savings Bank increased the expected GDP growth for this year to 3.5 percent, from the previously estimated 3.1 percent. The analsts expect a 2.9 percent growth...

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Apple consumption promotional campaign has been launched

This year a record harvest is expected of apples. The sales have became more difficult, due to the Russian embargo, so the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) helps the promotion of...

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GKI: Procurement? Innovatively?

The essence of the phenomenon that is called European paradox is that excellent academic results born in the union, but very few novelties are created, that will be marketed as...

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The Russian embargo may cause chain debts in the Hungarian food industry

The Hungarian food companies are already vulnerable, because of the significant black economy. The Russian embargo imposed on EU foods will cause further difficulties. Due to the Russian embargo chain...

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Czerván: we must prepare for new global challenges in crop production

Thanks to the world-class Hungarian agricultural research,. Hungary is at the forefront in efficient and economical crop production and in quality food production, such as dealing with global problems –...

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The Ingenico Group presented its payment solution designed for vending machines in Hungary

The Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346-ING), the the global market leader for easy and secure payment solutions, presented its payment solution designed for vending machines the iSelf product group on 12...

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A Hungarian merchant house opens in Rio de Janeiro

The first Hungarian merchant house opens in South America in Rio de Janeiro within days. Later an another merchant house is expected to open in Mexico – MTI wrote referring...

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Eucerin: extremely sensitive skin is no longer a problem

The new products of Eucerin® provide immediate and effective solution and regulate processes that cause skin sensitivity at the problem’s source. The new Eucerin® Hyper Sensitive Facial Skin products salve...

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Tax frauds declined in the Romanian bakery industry due to reduced VAT

According to the datas of the Romanian bakery producers tax frauds declined by about 20 percent in the sector due to the reduced VAT on bakeyr products, that was introduced...

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Top level cleaning

According to Dalma Kiss, trade marketing manager of Unilever, sales in the chemical cleaner category have been growing in 2014. As for the various sub-categories, wet wipes, sprays and toilet...

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Restructuring in the pet food market

The growth rate of the pet food market is slowing down this year. Zsolt Forczek, marketing manager with Nestlé Purina told Trade magazin that single-portion wet cat food and treats...

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FM: the government immediately helps the apple producers

The government provides immediate financial assistance to apple growers; can not wait for Brussels, and launches a program to deal with the situation in an amount of 3.16 billion HUF...

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Agreement between the CO-OP Hungary Zrt. and the Dairy Product Board

The CO-OP Hungary Zrt. – after becoming a member of the Council dated – signed a cooperation agreement with the Dairy Interprofessional Product Board. The CO-OP is the fourth among...

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Opten: the number of liquidations is reducing

The number of liquidations was as low as in Agust 2014 almost a year ago, in September 2013. The registry court deleted 2309 companiey in August 2014, while the indicator...

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Norbi Update: Will 840 million be enough?

840 million HUF seems like much, but the question is will it be enough in foreign markets. The declared aim of the Norbi Update Lowcarb Nyrt. to gather funds for...

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Rosemary plum cake won the “Sugar Free Cake of Hungary” contest

The winning cake of the “Sugar Free Cake of Hungary” contest announced by the One Drop Foundation was made with nuts, rosemary, prunes and oatmeal . The challenge for hobby...

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The rain washed Buda Castle Wine Festival away

To organize a European level event costs a lot of money. This year, several complicating factors caused hard headaches for the organizers. The number of visitors reached a negative record...

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Wine Competition to be held in the Cathedral Square in Szeged

From Wednesday an autumn wine muster awaits the wine lovers to the Cathedral Square in Szeged, where eighty producers will present their wines for five days – said Licsicsányi Ilona,...

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Hazardous swing was withdraw from the markets by IKEA

The IKEA withdraw a dangerous swing from the market – the company told MTI on Tuesday. The company asks anyone who bought Gunggung swing to return it to the nearest...

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Milk farmers demonstrate for better market conditions

This summer farmers demonstrated on the roads to call attention to the import dumping of dairy products – many of which are imported illegally and sold at very low prices....

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60 billion HUF a year can be spent on agricultural subsidies linked to production

From the next year unil 2020, an annual 60 billion HUF can be spent on the production of specified crops, on the support of horticulture and for protein crops –...

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The Sió-Eckes Kft. plans a revenue growth for this year

After the stagnation of the previous years, the Sió-Eckes Kft. is planning a sales growth this year – Barna János, the commercial director of the company told MTI on Friday,...

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The harvest begins in the Tokaj wine region

Despite the rainy weather the harvest is expected to be started in the Tokaj-hegyalja historic wine region on Monday – the Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. told MTI. The company told that...

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The Sole-Mizo Zrt. develops its cottage cheese and yoghurt production

The Sole-Mizo Zrt. develops its cottage cheese and yoghurt production in the scope of a 845 million HUF EU support. The total cost of the project is 1.8 billion HUF...

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