News and articles

How will Europeans shop this holiday season?

In November 2023, Offerista Group and ShopFully conducted research in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Spain. The purpose of the survey was to find out what worries...

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The Christmas pork consumption incentive campaign has started

In Hungary, pork is the second most popular type of meat after poultry, with an annual consumption of approximately 30 kilograms per person. The vicissitudes of recent years have taken...

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A forest from yogurt: Nádudvari supported the planting of 5,000 tree seedlings

This year, Nádudvari Élélmiszer Kft. implements a comprehensive environmentally conscious development program, as a result of which the amount of energy covering the needs of approximately 300 families has been...

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Festive mood cost-effectively

One of the most important pieces of advice when it comes to buying Christmas presents is to never leave it to the last minute. Despite this, it often happens that...

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Kiegyensúlyozottabb lehet a diótermés idén

Jó termésben bíznak idén a hazai dióültetvényeken gazdálkodók. Idén a termés mennyiségében és minőségében is jelentős előrelépés várható. A NAK és a FruitVeB szerint a piaci viszonyok ugyanakkor nem ilyen kedvezőek. A tengerentúli dióval nehezen...

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Növelné kiskereskedelmi jelenlétét a Redefine Meat Európában

Az izraeli növényi alapú húshelyettesítőket kínáló vállalat elsősorban a vendéglátóiparnak szállít. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. A Redefine Meat izraeli növényi alapú húsokat gyártó vállalat tervei szerint...

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According to a study, three quarters of the population will return every bottle with a deposit fee

On the whole, Hungarians welcome the introduction of the new bottle redemption system, three quarters of the population will try to redeem all bottles with a deposit fee – according...

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K&H: medium-sized companies are catching up

Hungarian companies are paying more attention to sustainability than ever before and are increasingly feeling involved, according to the research behind the K&H sustainability index. Large companies are by far...

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István Nagy: production and sales processes must be reevaluated

The effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war will be with us next year as well, which requires adaptation, reevaluation of production and sales processes, and quality progress, the agricultural administration wants...

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KSH: The service foreign trade surplus was 3.3 billion euros in the third quarter

In the third quarter of 2023, exports of services calculated in euros increased by 14 percent and imports by 9.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year....

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Elmúlt a németek hús iránti rajongása

Egy a Szövetségi Élelmiszerügyi és Mezőgazdasági Minisztérium megbízásából készült és októberben publikált felmérés eredményei szerint a németeknek immár csak 20%-a fogyaszt húst napi rendszerességgel a 2015-ben még 34% helyett. A...

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One of Hollywood’s best-known professional cosmetic brands has arrived in Hungary

On November 29, iS Clinical, one of Hollywood’s best-known professional cosmetic brands, was officially presented in Hungary at an exclusive event organized in the Budapest Marriott Hotel. At the event...

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Damage caused by wild animals: the Chamber of Agriculture firmly stands up for the interests of farmers

HUF 21 billion in wildlife damage occurs every year, of which only HUF 3 billion is reimbursed to field and forest farmers. Agricultural game damage usually causes enormous economic damage...

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Deficiency diseases in the winter: let’s pay attention to them in order to avoid them

Morning minuses, early darkness, rainy weather. Our body also actively reacts to the cold, we have a greater need for many vitamins and minerals, which we must supplement to prevent...

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The transformation in smoking habits is significant, the key to harm reduction is information

Although it is still high, compared to the situation two years ago, the proportion of Hungarian smokers who consume traditional cigarettes has decreased by 14 percent in Hungary – it...

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K&H: agricultural companies’ desire to innovate has broken

Over the past year, agricultural companies have strongly scaled back their innovation developments, according to K&H’s innovation research, the summary of which was sent to MTI on Wednesday. More than...

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We are still missing that little extra that we could do for health

Only half of Hungarians regularly take vitamins, and even fewer do sports. Although many people periodically consume supplements containing various minerals and vitamins, most people still do not do so...

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Slovakia extends the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products indefinitely

Slovakia will extend the ban on the import of agricultural products from Ukraine for an indefinite period of time and extend it to several products – the government in Bratislava...

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The price of eggs at the packing point is 34 percent higher than last year

Based on data from the European Commission, the packing point price of table eggs in the EU was 234.93 euros/100 kilograms in the first forty-six weeks of 2023, exceeding the...

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Just Eat to provide 1.5m hot meals for the homeless this winter

Just Eat will reach the milestone of giving 1.5m hot meals to those in need as it brings back its Winter Meal Appeal. The initiative, which first launched in 2020,...

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Production and sales processes must be re-evaluated

The effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war will be with us next year as well, which requires adaptation, reevaluation of production and sales processes, and quality progress, the agricultural administration wants...

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SPAR To Enter Uzbekistan, Teams Up With Korzinka

SPAR International has granted a license to Uzbekistan-based retailer Korzinka to operate the SPAR brand in the country. The move will see SPAR opening its first store Uzbekistan by mid...

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The support advance has already reached 125,000 farmers

Advance payments related to area- and animal-based direct subsidies are ongoing, so far 125,000 farmers have already received payments, the payments will continue at a steady pace – said Zsolt...

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Kim Kardashian’s private equity firm snags stake in Truff

SKKY Partners, a private equity firm founded by Kim Kardashian and Jay Sammons, has agreed to acquire a “significant minority stake” in specialty condiment brand Truff. Financial terms were not...

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Our focus is on short supply chains

In November 2023 in Békéscsaba, all those who consulted together at the REL Organizers’ Day could learn useful information about the sale of local products. The Excellent Quality Food (KMÉ)...

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A bakery in Vác was closed by Nébih

Due to serious food safety deficiencies and hygiene problems, the activities of a bakery and confectionary factory operating in Vác, Pest county, have been suspended – the National Food Chain...

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LG Electronics announced organizational changes

LG Electronics (LG) has announced organizational changes in order to strengthen the capabilities inherent in the company’s operations and business competitiveness, which is another step towards the implementation of the...

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Nébih: the distributor recalled turmeric powder due to unauthorized pesticide residues

Asian Home Kft. recalled the 100-gram Turmeric powder Haldi turmeric powder from the market due to unauthorized pesticide residues (chlorpyrifos), the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) pointed out in...

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Food may become more expensive if the fees to be paid for packaging increase next year

By the end of November, the Government must announce the amount of fees valid for 2024 to be paid by manufacturers to the concession company for food packaging. When the...

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The program of next year’s consumer protection inspections is public: we show who can expect to be inspected

In 2024, companies can expect comprehensive consumer protection target checks in many areas as well – warns EY. Next year, the measures introduced this year in order to break inflation...

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