News and articles

Business relations between Hungary and Serbia strengthen further

There was great interest in the Hungary-Serbia business forum that the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) organised on 2 July. The heads of 150 Hungarian SMEs and a 50-member delegation...

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Armageddon put off

Finally Greece didn’t bring Armageddon to the financial markets, at the very last moment an agreement was reached, but let’s admit it wasn’t a big surprise because nobody wanted Europe...

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Magazine: Role expansion

t the moment Tesco is the biggest wine retailer in Hungary. In the last business year we were working with 82 wine suppliers, three quarters of which were Hungarian. From...

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The retail security system of the future will cut costs in your store

Since the majority of theft cases in stores occur in the checkout zone, the combination of Justice Security’s cash register supervision solution POSeidon Control System® and Szintézis ZRt.’s retail system...

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NGM: the Hungarian retail is more than three times higher than the EU average

Retail sales are expanding in Hungary for two years. The increase in June was the fourth fastest in the European Union, and it was more than three times higher than...

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Less tobacco due to the drought

Because of the drought, less tobacco has been grown this year – the President of the Hungarian National Association of Tobacco Growers (MADOSZ) told MTI on Thursday. Bényei Illés, head...

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Maximum rating to the Heineken made in Hungary

The Heineken beers brewed in Hungary achieve a maximum rating on the taste test for the third consecutive month to reach the maximum rating of the parent company. The world's...

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The V4 agricultural ministers discussed about frauds in the food chain and about the dairy industry

The frauds in the food chain, the dairy industry situation and the main problems of soil management were the central themes of the V4 + 4 agricultural ministerial meeting –...

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When the cat is chasing the dog

Although dog food still has a bigger market share, cat food products are getting closer to them in the pet food market. Pet food sales in general are on the...

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The Hungarian Wine Route Rally has started

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture and patron of the event started the 20th Hungarian Wine Route Rally on Friday morning in front of the City Park’s Ice Rink. Fazekas Sándor,...

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This year's Buda Castle Wine Festival awaits the guests with playful programs

This year's Buda Castle Wine Festival takes place between 9 and 13 September. The visitors can not only choose from a great selection of the best national and international wines,...

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Vegetarian Festival at the weekend

The 19th Vegetarian Festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, where professional lectures, cooking classes and tasting will await the visitors to Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Kőbányai Cultural Center. The...

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One of the most important national agricultural organization was transformed

During the fall, the Hungarian Horticulture Propagation Nonprofit Kft. (MKSZ) starts the large national seed sales with a new director. Kasztovszky Zoltán was the former economic director of the Research...

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The chamber guide presenting the rural development program has been published

The new handbook of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) is completed. The handbook gives comprehensive and credible information for potential candidates about the new Rural Development Programme. The nearly 100-page...

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142 thousand children in the free summer meal programs

The summer meal program for children ended on Friday in which about 142 thousand children received free meals during the summer vacation – the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) announced....

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The first gastro photo-exhibition of the Catering Museum has been opened

The first gastro photo-exhibition of the Trade and Catering Museum (MKVM) has been opened. The exhibition is a selection of photos that were published in the Konyhaművészet culinary magazine between...

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Ministry of Agriculture opens mobile marketplace

A mobile marketplace opened in the Ministry of Agriculture’s building in Kossuth Square. Fresh vegetables and fruits, jams, syrups, honey, smoked meat products, dairy products and pickles can be bought...

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Agriculture: production prices down 6.2 percent

In June 2015 agricultural production prices decreased by 6.2 percent from the level of June 2014. The price of vegetable products was down 3.6 percent and the price of livestock/products...

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Producers’ cooperatives to be surveyed

NAK and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) are conducting a survey on whether NAK members are ready to start cooperating in various fields. One of the questionnaires is about...

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Meeting of the Visegrád Group’s Cooperation of the Chambers of Agriculture

Representatives met for the second time at the end of June, this time in Brno in the Czech Republic. They discussed the unfair market practices of retail chains and talked...

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KSH: accelerated growth in retail sales in June

In June, retail sales rose by 7.2 percent in volume compared with a year before, after the previous month's 4.4 percent increase – the second estimate of the Central Statistical...

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The Nébih found no quality errors in chocolate milks

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined a total of 39 products chocolate milks and drinks. During the examination of the products (19 of chocolate milks and 20 chocolate...

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A tamper-proof product identifier was developed in Miskolc

The Secure Mark (SMark) project of the Miskolc-based Vasbeta Kft. can gain world fame. To develop the tamper-proof product identification system, the company spent more than one billion HUF –...

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The blending ratio of the wine should be indicated on the bottle

According to a forthcoming regulation amendment, it will be mandatory to indicate the blending ratio of the wine on the wine bottle – Gál Péter, Deputy Minister of State of...

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Let shopping to be Fun! Innovative solutions in the renewed dm shop

The renewed shop of dm is waiting the customers from 18 August on the first floor of the Mammut II. shopping center. The customers in addition to the usual quality...

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Lidl plans to bulid an ice cream plant

Lidl builds a two-storey plant and a cold storage from 200-250 million euros, where the company will produce its private label ice creams from the summer of 2017. The German...

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The MasterChef will soon appear in the loyalty programs of TCC

TCC, the creator and implementor of customer loyalty programs signed an exclusive four-year license agreement with the popular TV show and the brand, MasterChef. Thanks to the agreement the retail...

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The government announces all European Union tenders by mid-2017

The government announces all tenders of the 2014-2020 European Union development cycle until 30 June 2017, in a total of 12 trillion HUF sum – Simon Róbert Balázs Ministerial Commissioner,...

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The University of Szeged and the Pick Szeged Zrt. signed a cooperation agreement

The strategic cooperation agreement includes research, development and education – the University of Szeged told MTI. The University and the company previously worked together in many areas, this document is...

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Syngenta turned down Monsanto again

The leading agrochemicals company Monsanto increased its offer again for Swiss rival Syngenta. The company is reported to have raised its bid to around 46 billion USD. The break-up fee,...

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