News and articles

Tenders for the development of the fruit and vegetable sector to appear soon

In the following months, several proposals will be published to support improvements in the fruit and vegetable sector. In the applications, in addition to the individual farmers, producer marketing organizations...

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NGM: the slowdown in growth is due to the weaker performance of agriculture this year

The slowdown in GDP growth is due to the weaker agricultural performance this year, compared with last year, which is the result of the droughty summer and previous year's high...

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According to a survey the domestic online B2B trade is expanding more and more rapidly

The domestic online B2B (business to business) trade is expanding more and more rapidly in Hungary. Betwen 2013 to 2015 the annual average of proposals increased by nearly 10 percent,...

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The transit time of packages can be even fifty days during the Christmas season

The transit time of packages can be even fifty days during the Christmas period. The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) and the Magyar Posta (Hungarian Post) wrote in a...

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InternetKon: building out free wifi and VAT rate cut was proposed to the government

On the basis of the national consultations on the Internet (InternetKon), the Internet users proposed the reducing of VAT on Internet to 18 percent and free wi-fi service at all...

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Foreign trade surplus of the euro zone increased in September

According to the first estimate released by Eurostat, the European Union’s (EU) statistical office, eurozone’s trade surplus increased in September. The surplus in goods trade was 20.5 billion euros (22...

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One in twenty founding companies will be successful

Tens of thousands companies are established by domestic entrepreneurs every year in Hungary, but almost forty percent of them proves to be short-lived, and only every twentieth will produce acceptable...

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The South-Balaton Wine Road Association held a huge St Martin's day new wine show

The St. Martin's day new wine show combined with media and business meeting of the South-Balaton Wine Road Association was organized for the fourth time. This time the Kristinus Wine...

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Jennifer Melanie Ziemons won again, this time in Birmingham

Jennifer Melanie Ziemons who has Hungarian ancestors won four gold medals at one of the world's most prestigious international confectionery tournament in Birmingham, England – the wrote. She applied...

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Bakers baking for people in need

On 16 October the Hungarian Baker Association organised its World Bread Day event for the 15th time. Many bakeries all over Hungary were distributing bread and other baked goods to...

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St. Martin's Day events in Hollókő

The ancient village of Hollókő awaits the guests to St. Martin's Day events on Saturday – Kelecsényi Péter director of the Hollókői World Heritage Management Office told MTI on Friday....

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New survey on trademarks

‘HUNGARIAN PRODUCT’ Nonprofit Kft. organised a partners meeting to share the results of their latest consumer survey. Managing director Attila Kecskeméti underlined that 80 percent of respondents buy products made...

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The old fee returns

Hungary’s government decided against the new food chain supervision fee and this means that the former 0.1-percent fee returns – reported Shops with a smaller turnover mightn’t be happy...

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Sweetener is most accepted as a soft drink ingredient

A survey conducted on sweeteners by Szinapszis this summer found that the proportion of conscious buyers increased in the soft drink, fruit juice, confectionery and fruit product categories, in terms...

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Magazine: Skin care matters even more in cold weather

Women’s skin care is a category that full of challenges, because the market of widely used products is in stagnation. Economic recession made the category suffer, as body care isn’t...

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The impact of the Black Friday and the Sunday store closure on domestic e-commerce

The Christmas season begins with the Black Friday in e-commerce, while despite the Sunday store closure we still not buy more online – according to the joint Online Retail Index...

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Cofidis: the Hungarian households intend to spend an average of 43 thousand HUF for Christmas expenditure

The Hungarian households intend to spend an average of 43 thousand HUF for Christmas expenditure this year, of which 29 thousand HUF is planned to be spent on gifts, only...

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The NGM is working on an agricultural lending stimulus package

The government is working on an incentive package to assist agricultural enterprises to get loans, in accordance with EU financial regulations – Hornung Ágnes, Minister of State for Finance in...

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The utilization of logistics real estate in Budapest has improved

14.2 percent of urban logistics real estate in the area of Budapest was empty at the end of the third quarter. A year ago this ratio was almost 20 percent...

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The marketing of e-cigarettes to be tightened

The government would tighten the marketing and the use of electronic cigarettes. According to a bill, such thing cannot be bought via the Internet in the future – the Deputy...

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Back in the summer with the new mango-flavored XIXO ice tea

In the autumn of 2015, the portfolio of the XIXO ice tea will be expanded with a new flavor. The new exciting flavor combination that contains rose hips extract is...

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Hungary is the guest of honor at the food fair in Sofia

Hungary is the guest of honor at the 14th Sofia International food industry exhibition. At the food fair 16 Hungarian companies are taking part – the Hungarian National Trading House...

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Two hundred exhibitors at the BabaMama Expo

About 200 exhibitors, children's programs, expert advices, stage shows and a number of toy innovations are waiting the families at this year's BabaMama Expo to the Budapest Sports Arena from...

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Natural-foods and wines at the Millenáris

More than one hundred natural-wines of about thirty producers from the Carpathian Basin, will be available to taste at the 5th Mitiszol festival on Saturday in the Millenáris Park, where...

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Martin's Day goose festival will be in the Vajdahunyadvár

The St. Martin's Day goose festival awaits the guests with goose delicacies and playhouse to the Vajdahunyadvár from Friday to Sunday. In addition to the classic stuffed goose neck and...

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According to archaeological finds, humans are keeping bees for almost 9,000 years

Traces of beeswax found on ancient pottery from Europe, the Near East and North Africa suggest the first farmers kept bees. The research, published in Nature, shows our links with...

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Soproni winner’s own festival

At the first weekend in October there was a very special beer festival in Tatabánya. Robi Szücs won the main prize in ‘A Million Experiences with Soproni’, a beer festival...

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Cooperation between GVH and OGYÉI

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) and the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) have signed a cooperation agreement. In the future the two organisations will help one another in...

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Energy drink with vitamins from HELL

In the autumn-winter period extra sources of vitamin are needed more than in other parts of the year. This is the reason why HELL ENERGY focuses on its Multivitamin energy...

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Raben Group wins two prizes on the same day

On 15 October the Raben Group won ‘Best 3PL for fresh food supply chains in Europe’ at the European 3PL summit in Venlo in the Netherlands. On the same day...

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