News and articles

Hajdú launches a new grilling cheese line

The Kőröstej Group’s Hajdú brand introduces a new, lighter grilling cheese. The cheese introduced under the Levante style name can easily be tried by dieters because of its lightness. From...

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FM: The sheep and goat sector performed well in recent years

The sheep and goat sector performed well in recent years and its production increased by 11 percent in volume between 2010 and 2015, rising by almost 50 percent at current...

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A new grain strategy has been formulated by professionals

The further expansion of the Russian and Ukrainian production, which already dominates the cereals market, threatens the export markets of domestic farmers. In order to preserve their traditional markets and...

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A coffee show in Gyenesdiás

After the Ice-cream of Lake Balaton, the organizers would like to find the Cofee of Lake Balaton within the Balaton Barista Championship in Gyenesdiás, paying more attention to coffee after...

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MNKH: the cross-border export academy continues this year

The Hungarian National Trading House’s (MNKH) cross-border training program series – that aim to provide professional training for the Hungarian entrepreneurs accross the border – has arrived to a new...

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Moody’s: the slowdown in productivity growth is one of the major global growth risks

The persistent decline in labor productivity growth, one of the key drivers of overall economic performance, corporate profitability and the government tax base, remains among the most significant risks to...

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This year the industry can be the engine of job creation

According to K&H’s latest SME confidence index, the majority of Hungarian businesses plan to continue working with the same number of employees in the next 12 months. Viktor Zoltán Kovács,...

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Number of companies dropped to the 2009 level in Hungary

In the first quarter of 2017 10,358 companies were deleted and only 6,600 new ones were started. Due to this, the number of businesses went below 540,000 in Hungary. Richárd...

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No change in sales concentration

COOKING OIL sales exceeded HUF 30 billion in the February 2016-January 2017 period. Value sales grew by 6 percent but volume sales dropped 2 percent. There was no change in...

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Magazine: Familiar Flavours Reloaded!

Do you wish to eat something that can be prepared quickly, fits into a balanced diet and is tasty? We have good news for you: MAGGI Familiar Flavours Reloaded products...

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KSH: retail sales grew in March

According to the raw data, the turnover of retail stores increased by 3.6 percent In March, compared to the same period of last year. Calendar effect adjusted the turnover of...

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Professional organizations are asking for the termination of the advertising tax

According to the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) and its affiliates, the advertising tax should be terminated immediately and they reject the intention of the government to maintain advertising tax, as...

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The 2017-2021 convergence program expects a vigorous economic growth

After a successful crisis management period, one of the main goals of the government’s economic policy is to increase the country’s competitiveness, which, in addition to stimulating the economy, will...

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Mineral water with renewable energy

The Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország presented its sustainable innovations on the Day of Discoverers at the Millenáris Park witin a Forest Walk and a Virtual Bicycle Tour. The company reduced the...

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FM: about 40,000 hectares are affected by frost damage

Due to the extreme weather and the great cold, some 40,000 hectares were hit by frost damage, the producers are facing a difficult year – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture...

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Organic Island and Organic Market at the 78th OMÉK

The organic farmers and the professional organizations present the best of the Hungarian soil at the 78th National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) with a more uniform and...

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EU retail sales declined

Monthly retail sales declined in March in the European Union, but increased in the euro area. The EU’s statistical office (Eurostat) on Thursday announced that according to seasonally adjusted data,...

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More than two thousand competitors are awaited for the semi-marathon of the Szekszárd wine region

More than two thousand participants are awaited for the 8th Tolle semi-marathon to Szekszárd on Saturday. The semi-marathon starts on Saturday, at 2 pm, from the King Béla Square, which...

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Food trucks paradefor Street food places

Food trucks paraded for Street food places in the downtown Budapest on Thursday. The chairman of the Hungarian Street Food Association, the organizer of the parade, said that no any...

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Jó rajtot vett a román kiskereskedelem

Az első negyedévben 6,9 százalékkal nőtt a román kiskereskedelmi forgalom volumene a tavalyi azonos időszakhoz mérten – közölte  a román országos statisztikai intézet. A szezonális és naptárhatással kiigazított érték szerint...

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GKI: Inflation is speeding up, external and internal balance to worsen a little

Last year the Hungarian GDP growth was 2 percent, just as GKI predicted it would be – less than the 2.5 percent targeted by the government and the 2.8 percent...

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Takarék Csoport: investment mood in agriculture continues to be strong

Although the number of worries has increased in agriculture due to the trend in profitability, the investment climate is still strong: most of the farmers are still planning to increase...

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The new AMC applications have been announced: up to 50 percent support is available

From today, foundations, associations, and inter-branch organizations promoting the products of the Hungarian food economy and representing the agricultural sector can apply for 90 million HUF non-refundable subsidies in 3...

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Food saving action in the SPAR stores

The SPAR Magyarország and the Bay Zoltán Public Research Nonprofit Ltd. are launching a special food-saving campaign. The population of the European Union is estimated to waste about 88 million...

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Soproni Óvatos Duhaj: We love variety, but only in our own way!

“The Soproni Óvatos Duhaj IPA is an over-unfiltered beer. It is made in the well-known and reliable Soproni quality, but distinctly different from the usual lager, but not too wild,...

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KSH: exports increased by 5.5 and imports increased by 7.5 percent in February

In February, the value of exports in euro increased by 5.5 and imports increased by 7.5 percent, compared to the previous year. The surplus of exports fell by 86 million...

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The importance of beekeeping is unquestionable

The importance of beekeeping is unquestionable. Its direct economic impact can be measured in billions, and indirectly it has a main role through pollination in order to maintain ecological balance...

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Four out of ten SMEs are preparing for investment

The investment willingness of the businesses remains low: 41 percent of the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) plan some development in the next year, according to the latest figures...

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Nébih: the food chain management fees should be reported

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Tuesday that this year’s electronic reporting interface for the food chain management fee is available from 3 May. According to...

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Dr Gerard selected the FLOW PR

One of the largest confectionery companies in Europe, the dr Gerard of Poland chose FLOW PR to manage the company’s community interfaces in Hungary. The agency won the mandate within...

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