News and articles

New Hungarian innovation to ease the problem of workforce shortage in retail

Laurel Számítástechnikai Kft. developed the first Hungarian self-service checkout system for grocery stores, which can help to ease the problem of workforce shortage in retail. Stores can set up 3-4 self-service checkouts...

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New key account manager at GA FOOD

As of 1 February 2018 Levente Matyasovszky is the key account manager of GA FOOD. His task will be managing relations with international partners. In the past Mr Mattyasovszky used to work...

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From next spring we can even pay with a selfie

From April 2019 Mastercard makes biometric authentication available to shoppers in Hungary too. A joint study by the University of Oxford and Mastercard has found that the majority of shoppers prefer...

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COOP wins sustainability award

At the end of October it was announced at the Word Sustainability Congress event in Dubai that retail chain COOP was rewarded with the Global Sustainability Leadership Award. //...

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Food saving programme is already running in 139 Tesco stores

Last year Tesco donated more than 6,700 tons of food to the Hungarian Food Bank Association. Tesco’s goal is not to waste a single bite of food in their shops. Since 2014...

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Persuasion-free advertisements

The Self-regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) analysed 1,211 advertisements in the press and on television in the November period, in order to find out whether they contain ‘persuasion’: are children asked...

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Magyarvíz sales grow faster than the market average

While like-for-like mineral water sales augmented by 3.8 percent in the Hungarian market in the first 10 months of 2017, in the same period sales by Magyarvíz Kft. – their brands...

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SPAR to stop selling eggs from caged hens

By 2025 SPAR Austria affiliates in Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and Hungary will stop selling eggs laid by caged hens. At the same time the retailer will start offering a bigger selection...

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Successful end of the year, exciting start of the year at NAK

Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) analysed 2017 and spoke about the objectives for 2018 to our magazine. From a farmer’s perspective, one of the chamber’s most...

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(HU) Coleslaw és tzatziki az ALDI kínálatában

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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NGM: retail sales may continue to grow

Growth in retail sales may continue, as the outstanding wage increase may increase household consumption this year – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Thursday. The Central...

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A poultry slaughterhouse was opened in Tata

A half automated slaughterhouse for the processing of 24 thousand poultry per day was opened by the Horváth Agrofarm in Tata, with an investment of 110 million forints – the...

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The EP has voted on the sheep and goat sector report

The Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the European Parliament (EP) has voted for the sheep and goat sector report containing Hungarian proposals as well. According to Erdős Norbert, Fidesz...

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Agroforestry against climate change

One of the important tools for adapting to climate change could be the use of the several centuries old agro-forestry production culture in Hungary – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture...

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BNP Paribas Cardif: the Hungarians are still afraid of unemployment

Compared with the previous quarter, the differences in employee confidence in some segments decreased slightly in November, but at the same time the index was still high, almost 70 points,...

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Tens of thousands of British cattle was slaughtered

Huge masses of cattle have to be slaughtered in the United Kingdom due to the spread of tuberculosis (TB) infection – wrote. The number of killed animals has exceeded...

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Long-lasting food will be collected in the Catholic churches

Long-lasting food will be collected from next Sunday for a week in the Catholic churches – the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (MKPK) informed MTI on Friday. The Catholic Church expects...

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The minimum wage gap is large in the EU

There is a huge, nearly eight-fold gap between the EU member states in the minimum wage. The highest minimum wage is paid in Luxembourg – according to a report released...

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BeeRides: car sharing can be money-saving and money-making sources as well

The Hungarian established community car sharing startup continues to expand with foreign capital involvement. During a trip to abroad, a large proportion of cars are out of stock. The Hungarian-based...

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Henkel achieves new highs in sales and earnings

Sales increase to 20,029 million euros, first time above 20 bn euros: nominal growth +7.0%, organic growth +3.1% EBIT margin* reaches new high: +40 basis points to 17.3% Earnings per...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 6.1 percent in December

In December, retail sales grew by 5 percent, according to the raw data. Calendar effect adjusted, the growth was 6.1 percent. In 2017, the volume of turnover – according to...

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Tesco’s customers can decide on the tenders

Once again, the Hungarian Donor Forum (MAF) will assist Tesco for the fourth time in the “We Choose, We Will Help” community program. In the program, each organization that will...

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The MVM Partner Zrt. and the Reál Hungária Kft. established an electric filling station node

The MVM Partner Zrt. and the Reál Hungária Kft. established an electric filling station node – a so called HUB – at the Kondorosi Street site of the chain in...

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Test cuts can start in the fall in the waterbird slaughterhouse in Mélykút

In the autumn, test cuttings can be started at the waterbird slaughterhouse of the Hunent Víziszárnyas Feldolgozó Zrt. (Hunent Waterfowl Processing Zrt.). The investment was implemented from about 12.6 billion...

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The EU has increased the allocation for the promotion of agricultural products

The European Commission has increased the amount of support to promote the European agricultural products within the EU and around the world to 169 million euros (about 52.4 billion forints)...

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Last year, the offices of the national trading house in Slovakia helped to conclude 420 million HUF worth business deals

The offices of the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) operating in Slovakia helped to conclude 420 million HUF worth business deals last year and more than 1 billion HUF, since...

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Fazekas: the EU Member States do not want to reduce farmers’ support

The Member States of the European Union do not want to reduce farmers’ support, the V4s are also committed in this – Fazekas Sándor, Head of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The number of small breweries in the Czech Republic increased further

In the Czech Republic, the number of mini breweries was growing rapidly in 2017, exceeded 400 at the end of December. According to the Czech-Moravian Federation of Breweries 50 new...

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New Zealand’s super-dairy

From the branded dairy products of the a2 Milk New Zealand company, already twice as more is consumed than the own-branded products of the chain of stores. The company’s value...

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Consumer confidence has worsened in the euro area and in the EU

Consumer confidence declined in the euro area and in the European Union in February, according to the preliminary estimate of the European Commission. The consumer confidence index fell by 1.3...

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