
Bocuse d’Or: the chairman of the Hungarian team will be in the meat jury

Hamvas Zoltán, chairman of the Hungarian Bocuse d’Or Academy and the president of the Hungarian team is taking part in the meat dishes jury at the Bocuse d’Or International Chef...

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The AGROmashEXPO and the Agricultural Machinery Show has ended

About 46,000 people visited the AGROmashEXPO and Agrárgépshow this year to see the products and services of over 350 exhibitors – Hungexpo Zrt. told MTI on Saturday. To the exhibition’s...

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The Bocuse d’Or World Final will be held next week

Twenty-four national teams will compete at the world’s most prestigious chef competition, the Bocuse d’Or World Finals, on January 29-30, in Lyon. Hungary will be represented by Pohner Ádám. Paul...

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Wines from Eger and Sopron won the Grand Prize of the Hungarian Wine Writers’ Circle

The Hungarian Wine Writers’ Circle awarded the wines of the wine regions of Eger and Sopron this year – the organizers announced at a press conference in the Déri Museum...

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The National Association of Hungarian Wine Orders clebrated the 30th anniversary of its establishment

The National Association of Hungarian Wine Orders clebrated the 30th anniversary of its establishment with the first meeting of the Carpathian Basin Wine Orders. The event was held on Tuesday...

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The Hungaricum movement should be renewed

After the period of fulfillment, the Hungaricum movement will have to be renewed in the coming years – Lezsák Sándor, vice-president of the National Assembly, member of the Hungaricum Committee...

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Excellent grape production is predicted in Ópusztaszer

Great wine yield, cheerful harvest were predicted by the farmers of the Carpathian Basin Wine Orders and the surrounding communities in the National Historic Memorial Park of Ópusztaszer at the...

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The wines of Debrecen were presented

A record number of red and white wines and champagnes were nominated for this year’s Debrecen City Wine Competition – the Mayor of Debrecen said at a press conference on...

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Mulled wine, pig cutting and champagne making at the Picnic in Etyek

In addition to traditional wine tastings, you can take part in pig cutting, and can get acquainted with the products of local craftsmen and the way to prepare them as...

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The world’s largest agricultural fair has started in Berlin

The International Green Week (Internationale Grüne Woche – IGW), the largest agricultural, food and horticultural exhibition and fair in the world began on Friday in Berlin. The Hungarian stand was...

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Gijs van Wulfen is coming to Hungary!

Gijs van Wulfen, the author of the bestseller The Innovation Maze is visiting Hungary on 19th February at the conference. Van Wulfen is a recognised authority and keynote speaker...

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AGROmashEXPO and AgrárgépShow again

Hungary’s Agrarian Industry Top Event is awaiting the visitors again to the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center between 23 and 26 January! Co-exhibitions are: Hungarian Garden, Vineyard and Winery. Agricultural machinery,...

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The Top 10 Most Interesting Hungarian Innovation Awards of 2018 were handed over

The Top 10 Most Interesting Hungarian Innovation Awards of 2018 were handed over on Tuesday in Budapest. The jury selected the top ten award winners from the 100 most interesting...

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(HU) Jelentkezés „Az év legsikeresebb promóciója” versenyre

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Bocuse d’Or: The Hungarian team’s preparations are well advanced

The preparation of the Hungarian team is well advanced for the world finals of the Bocuse d’Or International Chef Competition in Lyon that will take place on 28-29 January. Pohner...

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LG presents the smart kitchen of the future at the CES in 2019

LG Electronics (LG) opens a new chapter in smart kitchen solutions at the 2019 CES trade fair. According to the company, external partners will play an important role in creating...

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Magazine: Which trade fair to choose in 2019?

Szilvia Máté, managing director of BD-Expo Kft. recommends the EuroCIS, ProWein and HOFEX trade exhibitions to Hungarian companies. She told that trade shows have remained important in sales, but both...

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The wines of Sopron and Eger won the Hungarian Wine Grand Prix in 2018

The 2016 Leányka Superior of the Tóth Ferenc Winery from Eger and the 2015 Kékfrankos Gamay wine of the Luka Enikő Winery from Sopron won the 2018 Hungarian Wine Grand...

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Magazine: ‘When you communicate, think about your brand and not your company!’– Péter Geszti

RaM Colosseum was the venue of Péter Geszti’s GPS 2.0 marketing seminar for SMEs on 9 November. Mr Geszti started out by saying that no matter how big a company...

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AM: the AGROmashEXPO is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the agro-industrial trends

Knowledge-based agriculture is needed, so it is important for the industry to get acquainted with the latest agro-industry trends. The AGROmashEXPO and AgrárgépShow 2019 (Agricultural Machinery Show 2019) exhibitions take...

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High-tech Hungarian Treasures tour in Kecskemét

The autumn leg of the tour series organised as part of the Hungarian Treasures programme visited Kecskemét. Hungarian Product trademark users and partners had the opportunity to visit KÉSZ Kft.,...

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Magazine: The busiest street means something else for each brand

On 15 November members of the Trade Marketing Club gathered for this year’s last meeting. The topic was location-related differences and geomarketing research revealing these. Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed participants and...

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The Advent Fair in Budapest is the second best in Europe

In two years the Advent BasiliKa Christmas Fair in Budapest has improved seven places, from the ninth place to the second place on the public vote of the European Best...

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An unusual press conference about CEBIT and Hannover Messe

The unusual press conference / meetup of the Hungarian representation of Deutsche Messe AG (DMAG) was held on 5 December 2018 in the city center. The theme of the event...

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Champagnes and menus were offered on the Downtown market on Sunday

The champagnes of twenty-two champagne houses and matching dishes awaited the visitors of the VinCE Champagne on Sunday at the Downtown market in the Hold utca (Moon Street). The event...

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Magazine: Cooking was a real experience at the METRO Gastro Academy

METRO’s ‘Show off your cooking skills and win an unforgettable experience with METRO’ promotion campaign took place in October, and it was followed by a cooking contest on 30 November...

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Lamb Days throughout the country during the weekend

The Lamb Days initiative intends to promote lamb and sheep meat nationwide from the Friday to Sunday – the organizers told MTI. Lamb is a higher quality food, compared to...

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Magazine: Once upon a time… Business Days 2018 (Part 2)

Thursday was the third day of the Business Days conference and the first speaker was Dr Zsolt Feldman, state secretary of agriculture from the Ministry of Agriculture. His topic was...

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JAKSITY GYÖRGY a Business Days 2018-on


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