Company and Personal News

The price income of Dr.Kelen, dealing with cosmetics development increased by 19 percent last year

The Dr.Kelen preservative-free cosmetics developer and distributor increased its net sales by 19 percent last year, and its operating income was more than tripled, compared to the previous year –...

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SPAR partner shop in the capital

The first SPAR partner in Budapest has opened its doors on 18 July 2003, under Király street 35-37., Erzsébetváros, Budapest. At the press conference, after the opening ceremony senior officials...

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The Dove surprised the ladies of Pécs with compliments

In 2013, Dove aims to strengthen women's confidence worldwide and in Hungary, since their research has shown that only 3 perccent of the domestic ladies consider themselves attractive, while 49...

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The Matusz-Vad Zrt. is expanding its profile

The Matusz-Vad Zrt., distributor of frozen food products is expanding its profile with National dry product and dairy trade – the company informed the MTI on Wednesday. The new profile...

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The world's number one auction site performs well

The world's biggest online auction service provider, the eBay closed a strong second quarter. The company reached a revenue of 3.9 billion USD in the April-June period, which was 14...

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The Partner in Pet Food acquires the pet food division of Agro-Trust

The Partner in Pet Food, one of the leading pet food manufacturers of Europe announced today, an agreement was born over the acquisition of the pet food division of Agro-Trust,...

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Solid growth in first-half 2013 azt Accor

Gross revenue First-half revenue up 1.8% increase like-for-like, including 3.3% in the second quarter due to favorable prior-year comparatives. Robust 15.9% growth in first-half revenue from management and franchise fees...

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Unilever: 2.7 million HUF donation to the large families

During one and a half months, Unilever and the Coop supermarket chain has collected more than 2.7 million HUF for the National Association of Large Families. During the action, Unilever...

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With an open mind to new ideas – Lénárd György at the Human Telex Advertising Agency

The Human Telex Advertising Agency strenghtens its team with a new art director: Lénárd György (36) previously worked as the art director of Hung-Ister Zrt., the Cre-Vision and the DDB....

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McDonald’s has been present in Hungary for 25 years

The agreement over the establishment of the McDonald’s restaurant network in Hungary was signed on the 10th of November 1986. The first restaurant opened on the 29th of April 1988...

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HEINEKEN received record number of awards at Lions Festival of Creativity 2013 in Cannes

HEINEKEN has reinforced its strong creative credentials, with a total of 17 prestigious awards won at the 2013 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. The record number of wins for...

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The SPAR promotes Hungarian apricots with tastings

As the Hungarian apricot season starts, SPAR organizes tastings at its designated stores on 18 July 2013. The great Hungarian fruit will be sold at all stores of the chain....

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Tercsi, Fercsi, Kata, Kata, Klára and all names in the calendar: Coca-Cola’s Summer Campaign is highly succesful

Coca-Cola’s name campaign is running with a great success. The most frequent names are Zoltán, Tamás, Péter and Gábor. Until the end of June, nearly 25 million names were carved...

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Six companies are interested in the assets of the meat factory of Kapuvár

Two weeks before the deadline, six incvestors have entered the tender on the assets of the former meat factory of Kapuvár – Kisalföld writes in its Friday issue. According to...

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The first online cash register, made on the basis of the new legislation received the license

The Hungarian Trade Licensing Office gave green light to the first cash register that is able for online communication between the merchants and the NAV and it is complying with...

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The liquidation of the German Praktiker does not affect the operations of the Hungarian Praktiker

The Praktiker Építési és Barkácspiacok Magyarország Kft. issued the following statement today: Germany's Praktiker AG, will soon initiate the opening of the winding-up application at the competent court. This step...

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800 million personalized HP Indigo labels in the Coca-Cola campaign

Information technology solutions provider Hewlett-Packard (HP) has announced its long-run production of personalised labels on HP Indigo WS6000 series Digital Presses for Coca-Cola's 'Share a Coca-Cola' campaign. The campaign has...

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Praktiker: the air conditioning season starts now

According to Praktiker's experiences, only the summer heat forces the customers to buy air conditioners and refrigeration equipments. Traffic picks up each hot day, but there must be an at...

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A park was named after the MIRELITE® brand

In the history of the Hungarian brands, parks were named after only a few brands. A park in Albertirsa was named after the MIRELITE® brand, that is existing since 1945....

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Several tobacco shops could not start with the inventory management system

Several concessionaire winners were unable to start with the system, because some IT vendors – including some who advertised online cash machines – could not deliver. Last week we had...

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Birthday presents from Auchan

The Auchan Magyarország Kft. is celebrating its 15th birthday. On Monday, the Auchan Magyarország Kft. handed over 15 Suzuki Alto cars and one Suzuki Grand Vitara as the main prize,...

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New Leaders at HEINEKEN Hungária

New CEO manages the HEINEKEN Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt. The Dutch Joris Huijsmans  replaces Oladele Ajayi.  Joris Huijsmans arrives from Singapore where he was working as an integration manager at Asia...

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The Pápai Hús and the Pápa-Ser Kft. have become strategically important

The government classified the Pápai Hús 1913 Kft. and the Pápa-Ser Sertéstenyésztő- és hízlaló Kft. as strategically important economy organization. The government regulation was published in the Wednesday issue of...

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Henkel: 20 billion HUF investment in Hungary in the past five years

Over the past five years, the Düsseldorf-based Henkel group implemented investments in Hungary in an amount of 20 billion HUF in Hungary. Fábián Ágnes, managing director of Henkel Magyarország Kft....

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We visited the Rudi factory in Mátészalka

Pöttyös Túró Rudi, the real hungaricum has opened the gates of its factory in Mátészalka for a day , in order to answer questions like where and how it is...

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Pöttyös Túró Rudi: we can embrace the Earth fifteen times

Túró Rudi is 45 year old this year. The company prepares with a birthday gift of which every Hungarian children and grand children have long been curious about. The Pöttyös...

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Fire up your lips for the World Day of Kiss!

The 6th of July is the World Day of Kiss. Although the founder has shrouded in mystery, we have a lot of information why kiss plays such an important role...

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The Hungarian Kőröstej Group to supply the Jordanian army with cheese

The Kőröstej Group one of Hungary’s largest dairy exporter closed the first five months with an outstanding success. The company’s turnover was 15 billion HUF. However, the company is planning...

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The Piszkei Öko Kft. succeeded at the 11th Euro Regional Bread Festival in Győr

The 11th Euro Regional Bread Festival and Artisan Bread Meeting in Győr was held on 30 June. The festival was organized by the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry...

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Sole-Mizo is expanding its product range with a one billion HUF investment

The over one billion HUF investment, implemented with the support of the New Széchenyi Plan aims to extend Sole-Mizo Zrt.’s the product range for health-conscious customers – the food company...

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