FMCG retail and media types

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 02. 04. 10:22
Turcsán Tünde GfK

Tünde Turcsán
FMCG director

Multimedia sales house Atmedia and GfK Hungária analysed the media use habits of the GfK Household Panel’s main shopper groups, and compared them with FMCG volume sales. There were 3,477 respondents in the survey and according to Tünde Turcsán, head of the Household Panel division at GfK, the interesting and progressive project added a new domain to the many different kinds of information about shopping habits provided by the Household Panel.

Television, online and radio: they work best in combination

Karácsony László, Atmedia

László Karácsony
strategic and
marketing director

László Karácsony, strategic and marketing director of Atmedia talked to our magazine about the company’s experience that the different media types can’t replace each other – for greater efficiency they need to be used in combination in advertising campaigns. He added a rather surprising piece of information: 73 percent of total annual FMCG volume sales come from households where the main shopper is older than 40 years.

One of the questions in the survey was which media types main shoppers like to use the most. It turned out that practically each age group is very much attached to the internet. However, it must be noted that the respondents gave their answers in May 2021, when there was still a lockdown and people were really forced to do basically everything online.

Interesting findings from the study

Typically consumers older than 60 years gather information from television before shopping. Women attach greater importance to television than men. Before they go shopping, the 18-29 year age group relies on the internet the most for information. Men rate internet higher than women. Commercials are the most accepted on radio in all socio-demographic groups. Radio is more important for women than for men.

As a conclusion, it can be stated that to every media type belongs a main shopper group for which it is very important. Each group represents many people and significant FMCG buying power in terms of volume. If all three media types are utilised at the same time, advertisers don’t miss out on any of them. //

The above article has also been published in Issue 2021/12-01 of Trade magazin.

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