Posts From trademagazin

The rise in food prices drives up the inflation

Inflation rose in July, faster than expected, but this did not cause any particular surprise. The full year forecasts are the same, as the government’s expectations. According to the most...

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Small breweries strenghtens with special beers

A dramatic decline occured in the number of small breweries in Hungary: more than 300 breweries were operating in the time of the millennium, now only 50 left. Today, only...

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The Gyulai Húskombinát may be profitable again

Almost after ten years, the Gyulai Húskombinát (meat plant of Gyula) may be profitable again – stated the Chief Executive Officer of the plant. Ruck János, CEO told that the...

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The state marketing companies would be concentrated

The Ministry of National Economy examines the possibility of the merging of the Agricultural Marketing Center, the ITD Hungary and the Hungarian National Tourist Office. The three institutions were created...

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The quality of beer is being continuously monitored in the Sziget Festival

The Dreher Breweries Ltd. which provides the beer of the festival, this year also pays attention to the quality of beer: the quality specialists are in 24-hour supervision at the...

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The FruitVeB refutes the allegation of Air Working Group

According to the Air Working Group; most of the Hungarian fruits and vegetables are contaminated with chemical residues and the situation in Central and Eastern Europe is the same. According...

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Metro for the starving children of the summer

The most difficult period of the starving children is the summer break. Nearly twenty thousand children's physical existence depends on that they access food in schools, kindergartens discounted or free....

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Nestlé’s first half profit improved

The world's largest food manufacturerm, the Nestlé reported a 7.5 percent net profits improvement in the first half-year, and confirmed its annual growth targets, after its cut costs program has...

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Soft Nimm2 melted candy: sweet with sour

The Soft Nimm2 melted candy offers an elemental experience; filled in with thick juice and a lots of vitamins – from now with sour version. From now, we can taste...

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This year, the Hungarian economy can grow

Instead of previously expected 0.2% decline, this year a 0.6% increase occured in Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP), the average inflation rate can be 4.7%, instead of the formerly predicted...

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Taste in the water

According to the online survey of Nestlé Lifestyle Centre; Hungary’s mineral water consumption patterns increasingly resemble what can be seen in Western countries: the taste of the water is getting...

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More and more people believe in fast recovery

According to Nielsen market research company’s international survey of May; Hungarians are more optimistic, compared to the international average, over the recovery from the crisis. An average 21 percent of...

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The World Bank wants to avoid the global food crisis

The World Bank called on the countries to refrain from policies that can erupt a new global food crisis. The call was made after Russia steted the possibility to extend...

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Makói Market opened in SPAR stores

The SPAR follows the local strategy and focuses on local conditions. SPAR provides mainly Hungarian goods to customers in 400 shops countrywide. From August a true specialty is waiting for...

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Ipsos: Szentkirályi’s ad was the most loved

Ipsos ASI conducted a study, in connection with the 2010 FIFA World Cup. In this context, 1-1 TV ads of 4 advertisers (Pepsi, Coca Cola, Nike and Szentkirályi) were examined....

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240 million hours surfing per month

According to the joint gIA reasearch of Gemius és az Ipsos; Between 2006 and 2010, the average time spent on the Internet, increased almost to eight-fold. A significant increase occured...

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Consumer rush in the Tesco Extra

A major uproar occured on Tuesday in the Fogarasi Road Tesco Extra store – reports According to the informations of the website; 10-15 minutes lines were formed in front...

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A one billion development: 800 tons plus per year

The Naki Mezőgazdasági Zrt. has made a 1.02 billion HUF development this year. With the renewed pig holding technology, the company plans 2500 tons of fattening pig production instead of...

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Wooden weekend hobby houses from Tesco

The news were published in the Western press that the Tesco chain offers new homes in its webstore for only 10 thousand pounds (3.35 million forints). As it turned out,...

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Food may become cheaper

If the plans of several agri-groups may become real, an up 10 percent priice decrease can occur. The reduction of VAT protects the domestic products and may result the boom...

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Geothermal energy can make us a vegetable great power

Hungary, based on geothermal energy can be a vegetable great power in a short time – states the leader of the Institute of Horticultural Technology of the Szent István University...

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Domestic tourism boom is a global trend

The participants of the tourism industry now admit, that the a domestic customer is the number one customer in many ways. It is easier to reach, mobilize domestic tourist, and...

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The middle class of the emerging economies will be the engine of consumption

According to the study of McKinsey; In the next decade, the consumption of the middle class in the emerging economies may triple, which would exceeded the total value of the...

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The good German datas are good for Hungarians

Better-than-expected German economy datas were published on Monday. Since Hungary's most important trading partner is Germany, these datas can improve the prospects of the Hungarian economy as well. According to...

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The French master competition is the example to follow

The editors of Étteremkalauz 2010, missing an event similar to MOF, from Hungary. The MOF is a Best Masters competition in France for 120 professions. The goal of Étteremkalauz (Restaurant...

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This year, dry red wines competed for the Piarist wine title

The winners of the compatitions were given the honorary degree for their wines on August 6. The winning wines will be marketed as the Piarist wine of the year. The...

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New Executive Director at Duropack-Starpack Ltd.

From the 2nd of August 2010, Dr. Kocsis Róbert is the new managing director of Duropack-Starpack Ltd. Dr. Kocsis Róbert is 44 years old and he is the father of...

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Dissatisfaction often causes poor performance among the leading workers

According to the study of Salesjob; Experts mainly highlights the positive effects, such as the growth of efficiency, in relation to job satisfaction, but during the examination, the potential damages...

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The Kaposvár investment stopped

Last autumn, the construction of Kaposvár’s newest shopping center has begun, where among other things, an INTERSPAR store was planned to be built. One local representative of the town was...

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GKI: Exports have the main role

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. in cooperation with Erste Bank; the ratio of the mainly export driven economic growth rate will be around 1 percent. Hungary's...

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