Posts From trademagazin

Hungarian pálinka's success at Destillata

Hungarian pálinkas have collected a total of 120 awards at the Destillat competition of Thursday, this way interational schnaps-competition Destillat is making Hungarian pálinka more and more trendy among youngsters...

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Goodman notes successful IIF Unitholder

Goodman notes successful IIF Unitholder Meeting Date Release 17 March 2011 Immediate Goodman Group (Goodman or Group) is pleased to note that the Goodmanled Consortiums proposal to acquire all of...

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CSB-System International seminar for the food industry on 23–24th March 2011 in Munich

The CSB-System AG Company from Geilenkirchen, Germany, will hold an international seminar for the food industry on 23–24th March 2011 in Munich, Germany. Interested parties will get more information on...

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It should be coloured and have a draw tape, but first and foremost it should be cheap

Bin bags is typically a routine category that consumers only notice when there is no more at home or on store shelves. Bin bags are often substituted with free plastic...

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Credit card sales increased by six percent last year

After the slowdown of last year, caused  by the economic crisis,k the domestic credit card market already showed the signs of revival. According to the datas of the the Hungarian...

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Poultry producers to receive a four billion HUF support

According to the written reply of Fazekas Sándor Rural Development  Minister; The Ministry of Rural Development will give the highest allowable amount to the poultry producers, and the Agriculture and...

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Official open of new printers at STI Petőfi Printing House

The opening of the new KBA-type printer's machine was officially launched on 9th March, at Kecskemét-based Petőfi Printer1s House Ltd. The leading manufacturer of packaging material begin its service last...

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One can earn 1.5–fold more in Budapest, than in Northern Hungary

There are still considerable differences within Hungary, if we take the main economic indicators into account: for example, in the industry in Komárom-Esztergom County last year, more than 15 times...

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Job entrant males are more mobile than females

A recent study over job entrants found out that males change their residence in favor of their career much more easily than female. According to the results of the study;...

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The VinCE 2011 will be held in the weekend

130 winemakers and wine trading stands, more than 20 tastings and the lectures of international and domestic experts are waiting the visitors of the VinCE 2011 at the Budapest Grand...

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German Competition Authority fined due to cartelling

A total of 38 million euros fine was imposed by the German Competition Authority to the German subsidiaries of three big international food producers, because of price cartelling. According to...

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The long weekend was good for the rural hotels

The four-day holiday was good for for the rural hotels, but the tourism service providers are increasingly feeling that domestic visitors have a thinner wallet. Rural hotels reported about 30-35...

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Germans are looking for a Hungarian caterers

Germans are looking for a Hungarian hospitality professionals for jobs in Germany. A waitress and a cook can earn, more than a half a million HUF worth euros in a...

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HohesC's new campaign is successful

HohesC has launched a new campaign in February, which proved to be successful right in the beginning, based on the results of the first month. Sió-Eckes decided to work with...

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Plum-pálinka of the year created by Hungary

HUngary's going prepare its premium plum-pálinkan in the spring, which is going to be launched at the Budapest Pálinkafestival in order for the audience to test it. This year, the...

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Men’s shower gel trends move in the opposite direction to women’s

Adrienn Vida, Unilever’s junior customer marketing manager: – The value of the domestic shower gel market was just below HUF 14 billion last year, a little bit above the 2009...

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St. George's Day Agri expo will be held for the fifteenth time in Pápa

The agricultural and food trade fair and exhibition will be held between the 15th and the 17th of April in the sports hall of the city and in the surrounding...

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The new mall in Buda will be ready for 2012

The preparation of the Hegyvidék Központ, that situates at the Apor Vilmos suare 12th district has been started. The tearing down of the old mall and the building of the...

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The OFE proposes the indication of the components of spirits

The National Association for Consumer Protection (OFE) suggests that components should have been included on the packaging of the spirits and to raise awareness of the dangers of excessive drinking....

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Another Hungarian restaurant received a Michelin star

Hungarian high gastronomy has received an another professional recognition: The Onyx  situates in Budapest is the second Hungarian restaurant that has received the Michelin star. Good news that Costes has...

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The EU may prohibit the cultivation and marketing of GM products

The European ban on genetically modified foods may be possible – said Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister after the meeting of the EU environment ministers. Currently, the ban is only...

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VAT rate will increase in the Czech Republic in 2012

VAT rate will change in the Czech Republic. The three coalition parties have agreed in the details last week. Under the agreement, the current 19, and 10 percent VAT rates...

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Italy is one step ahead of the EU

The European Commission will investigate whether EU-wide ban can be used on plastic shopping bags, while proceedings are brought against Italy because, a ban was introduced on shopping bags in...

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Deteriorating business sentiment in Germany

Contrary to the expectations, the business sentiment deteriorated in Germany in March, partly due to the uncertainty caused by the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, partly because of the expected interest...

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The luxury hotel opened in Dombóvár was built from 2 billion HUF

The four-star hotel of Gunaras Zrt. opened in Dombóvár with a 2 billion HUF investment The facility will be officially handed over in April, after the test run – the...

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Mothers and babies are both maturing later

Demographic forecasts expect an aging of the Hungarian society, which is bad news for the baby category. Ilona Guba, Hipp Kft.’s sales and marketing director is of the opinion that...

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New printer-encoder by Zebra

Zebra Technologies Europe today announced the availability of its first high performance RFID printer/encoder designed to address the growing RFID market for high-volume item-level tagging. The R110Xi4 aims to streamline...

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ICO celebrates its 60th birthday

ICO Ltd., the greatest producer of writing- and office tools in Hungary and Central-Eastern Europe, throws a 3 day-long partner-meeting every year, and this time within the compass of the...

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42 million PET-bottles and aluminium boxes collected by Tesco custmers

A Tesco-Global Áruházak Ltd. has launched its campaign to collect PET-bottles in the fall of 2010. The campaign took place all over Hungary, from 24th September to 11th February, and...

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The introduction of the hamburger tax is under investigation

The ministries are investigating the effects of the introduction of the so-called hamburger tax. Matolcsy György, National Economy Minister told that the health nutrition studies of the recent years show...

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