Posts From trademagazin

Biomass Super: a Hungarian development may replace fertilizers

A new Hungarian technology has won an Innovation Prize, which not only solve the problems of sewage disposal, but can replace fertilizers with a biologically useful yield-enhancing product. As the...

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The new loan program of OTP focuses on the agricultural sector and on the SMEs

The OTP Széchenyi 500 Corporate Loan Program started on the 1st of June. The 100 billion HUF credit line will be offered to mainly the medium-sized enterprises – announced the...

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Sopron became the winner of the internet poll

Sopron is the most popular destination of the Internet vote, that received more than 20 thousand votes to 2,200 domestic settlements. One can vote on the settlements that the respondents...

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The ice creams of the Year

The honey-walnut pear ice-cream and a creation called mogyorella won the gold medal at the 14th ice creams of the Year competition in the optional category in Budapest on Monday....

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The dynamic expansion of global trade continues

In the first quarter of 2011 the dynamic growth of product trade continued in most of the industrial countries – published the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) yesterday....

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Three cakes are competing for the Cake of the Country title

The first three winners were the császárkörtetorta (pear cake), the peach cake of Kecskemét and millet cake made with peach dressing . Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister emphasized, that the...

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Messe Düsseldorf with a greater revenue

Contacts to the major economic regions can be established at Düsseldorf trade fairs. Exhibitors from around the globe make use of these presentation platforms for industry, manufacturing, trade and services...

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Soproni and Heineken both received awards

Heineken has received two awards in the category of Film at Clio Awards, and Soproni has won the golden award of Monde Selection for the 13th time. The success is...

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Online pálinka-center in Hungary

Within the compass of the fifth Plumpálinka Ceremony of Békés, the Pálinka Center of Békés has opened its gates in order to introduce the best pálinkas of the region. Now...

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Inclination to borrow hits bottom low

The proportion of people with loans has not decreased in Hungary in the last three years, what is more, it is still the highest among the countries of the region....

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Carbonated and still mineral waters’ market shares are converging

Mineral water retail sales fell by 6 percent in value in April 2010-March 2011; volume sales were down 2 percent on the 900 million-litre annual market. Sales amounted to HUF...

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Vámos: no unfair income occures in food retailing

The retail price of staple foods are often higher than the cost of goods – claimed the recently published study of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI). After the article...

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Vegetable sprouts are responsible for the diarrhea epidemic?

The consumer confidence is shaken in the domestic fruit and vegetables market – said Fazekas Sándor, Rural Development Minister. However, he said that the Hungarian products are safe to consume...

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Goose liver producerts to cooperate

In order to strenghten the positions of goose liver in both the foreign and the domestic markets, the participants of the sector esttablished an alliance; the city of Orosháza wants...

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The Ministry of Agriculture would alleviate frost damages

The Ministry of Agriculture develops a compensation package to help the farmers, due to the frost damages of May. The Ministry's deputy secretary, Feldman Zsolt said that at least 40...

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The 100 candidates for the Restaurant of the Year title were selected

On Friday at the MagyarBrands conference, the top 100 domestic restaurants of whom the Restaurant of the Year will be chosen were named. This year, the organizers changed the way...

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EU is looking for new ways in fish farming

Director-Generals of the EU member states' Fisheries met with the leading experts of the Union in Rétimajor, Hungary. Beside the 42 leading government officials, of the 27 EU member countries...

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6,700 square meters of retail space and office waiting for the tenants if the Hegyvidék Center will be completed

The construction of the Hegyvidék Center in the 12th district of Buda undergoes as planned. At Thursday's founding stone ceremony the developer, the WING Zrt. and Pokorni Zoltán, mayor also...

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The Russian import ban is contrary to WTO rules

Russia's import ban on import vegetables from the European Union, that was announced on Thursday, is contrary to the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) – said Fernando Valenzuela...

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Thirty thousand euros for a champagne

The world's oldest sparkling wine was sold for a record 30 thousand euros at a Finnish auction. The bottle spent nearly 170 years in the bottom of the sea, inside...

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Sunday-shopping is an integral part of Hungarian citizens' life

More than 48 percent of the Hungarian population, namely 1.9 million families are getting their shopping done on Sunday – TNS Hoffmann's new survey pointed out. The research project carried...

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Different cares for different hairs

Hair care is one of the biggest cosmetics categories, to which one of the smallest, hair styling is closely connected. Large companies typically manage several prestigious brands in parallel and...

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Fight agains counterfeit products

There are no limits when it comes to counterfeit-products, no matter whether we are talking about food, cosmetics or jewelry. However, the fight against counterfeiting cannot be successful unless the...

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Sándor Fazekas convenes meeting of the Council of Agriculture Ministers for Tuesday

As rotating President of the Agricultural and Fisheries Council, The Minister of Rural Development has convened a meeting of his EU colleagues for Tuesday June 7 in Luxembourg to analyse...

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Climate Talks Scheduled to continue in Bonn

Talks are due to continue on 6 June 2011 under the auspices of the UN Framework Convention with the struggle against climate change in focus. The European Union will be...

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The introduction of the hamburger tax would be unprecedented

The price of coke, chips, energy drinks, fast food, but even coffee and some cheese may increase by ten to twenty HUF, if the government adopts the so-called hamburger tax....

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Surtax and the economic crisis: Spar and Auchan did not have a good year

Partly due to the special tax, and partly because of the crisis, most commercial chains operating in Hungary suffered a loss in 2010. The Annual Report of Spar Hungary Ltd....

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The rent of commercial premises remained low in the boomtowns of Europe

According to the latest report of CB Richard Ellis (CBRE); New York remained the world's most expensive retail target market, after the traders focus on the capitals of fashion, thus...

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The Hungarian fruits and vegetables are safe to consume

The Hungarian fruits and vegetables are safe to consume, no one is threatened by any danger.  Infected vegetables and cucumbers did not arrive to Hungary – states Fazekas Sándor, Rural...

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Russia does not need European vegetables

The European Commission requires an explanation from the Russian authorities in connection why they banned the imports of vegetables from all of the EU countries, referring to the diarrhea- bacteria...

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