Posts From trademagazin

Sugar Commission: how only one sugar factory exists in Hungary, compared to the former twelve?

16 people are expected to examine, what happened, during the privatization of the Hungarian sugar factories 20 years ago. They also interested in why the Hungarian sugar industry in performance...

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Stagnating business and deteriorating consumer expectations

In June GKI-Erste economic confidence index adjusted for seasonal effects continued to deteriorate. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI with the support of the EU business expectations remained...

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The beer market can get through the nadir

On the basis of the experiences of the first six months, the ten years lasting decline of the domestic beer market seems to slow down, the domestic brewers are hoping...

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Are Egypt, fenugreek seeds responsible for the diarrheal epidemic?

According to the latest report of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; the diarrheal epidemic that infected in Germany and France, are due to seeds imported from Egypt...

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New Tesco in Kőszeg

The newest member of the Tesco supermarket chain opened on Friday morning in Kőszeg. The new store awaits the customers on about 3000 square meters, offering a rich supply with...

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The Four Paws attacks again

The Four Paws Animal protection organization has launched an attack on, among other things, against the Hungarian goose liver and against thedomestic goose breeders. Their action was successful in Cologne,...

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Joint marketing campaign attracts visitors to Debrecen and Hortobágy

Debrecen and Hortobágy offers tourism packages from July including travel, accommodation, meals, hospitality and a number of programs, like the flower carnival. The marketing campaign aims to increase the number...

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Selective waste collection at green festivals

Seven summer festivals join to the selective waste collection system of ÖKO-Pannon and Zöldövezet Társulás this year. With the increase of the number of visitors the amount of waste, also...

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The Herendi Porcelain became a member of the French luxury industry association

The Comité Colbert, the French national association compressing the luxury industry companies, elected the Herendi Porcelain Manufactory among its members – announced Elisabeth Ponsolle des Portes, CEO of the organization...

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Metro supplies the food and drink ingredients of the Sziget festivals

The Metro Kereskedelmi Kft. supplies the food and beverage ingredients of the festivals organized by the Sziget Szervezőiroda. The co-operation begun with the VOLT festival started on Wednesday, than will...

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GfK Group presents its new corporate strategy for a global and digital future

GfK, the fourth largest market re- search company in the world, will be operating under a new corpo- rate strategy from January 1, 2012. This new strategy is designed to...

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NIVEA celebrates its 100 anniversary with a limited series product

The Nivea brand is 100 years old. This is for the manufacturer Beiersdorf a reason to celebrate. Were it not for concerns over a takeover of the Hamburg group. Live...

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The first Budavári Beerfestival is on

The first Budavári Beerfestival is going to close the summer festival season on 25th-28th June in the Buda Castle, with 100 different types of beer, well-known domestic and international beer...

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Plaza Stop in the guise of sustainability?

According to the proposed amendment of the commercial law; the firms from January, should obtain the approval of the Professional Board for Sustainable Trade (FKSZT) if they want to open...

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The poultry sector expects modest growth with a 270 billion HUF in revenue

The poultry sector will achieve an expected 6-7 percent revenue growth, this year. Revenues are expected around 270 billion HUF, compared last year's 250 billion – told Bárány László, chairman...

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There are no uniform EU rules for honey

It is an untenable condition, that the Union has no common regulation of allowed antibiotics in honey. For example, the honey, that is “polluted and should be destroyed”, in Hungary...

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Budapest is cheap, but Vienna and Prague are still more popular

The same hotel room in Vienna, costs more than twice and in Prague one and a half times more expensive than in Budapest in 2011. The race lasts for a...

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A brand festival will be held in October in Budapest

Budapest hosts one of the major branding strategy summit, the BrandFestivalt in October. The two-day event is designed to show the the direction of engagement and brand strategy potential with...

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Poultry processing plant in Zala with cooperative collaboration

With a nearly 1.4 billion HUF budget, a poultry processing plant is under construction in Pacsa; the Zalai Baromfifeldolgozó Kft. is more than 90 percent owned by the cooperative producer...

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Instore marketing is facing great expectations

Even though 85 percent of the decisions made by FMCG-customers are made in the store while getting the shopping done, companies only spend a bare five percent of the marketing-budget...

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FruitVeB campaign for Hungarian melon

The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation and Marketing Board (FruitVeB) launches a promotional campaign amounting to 10 million HUF in early July, to encourage the sale of the Hungarian...

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When we cannot obtain food for our money

Each year, the production of agricultural products is short of consumption, so at the main agricultural products with the stock levels decreased to a low level. According to Jim Rogers,...

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Danube Wineregion will be re-positioned

Hungary's greatest winegrowing area, Danube Wineregion is going to be re-positioned by Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) soon – a press conference was centered around this opic on Thursday where joutnalists had...

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A further decline in German retail sales

German retail sales fell sharply in May, instead of the expected modest growth, while the revised April figure showed stagnation, contrary to the previously published 0.6 percent expansion. In May,...

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Competition Office fines milling companies for cartel activity

The Competition Office of Hungary (GVH) fined three Hungarian milling companies a combined HUF 50 million for cartel activity. The companies – H&T Kft., SIKER Malomipari Zrt., and Szecseny-Mill Kft....

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New special offer by SPAR

Each customer making a purchase of 2500 HUF in SPAR, Kaiser's or INTERSPAR stores from 30th June to 28th August gets a special card-packages to be able download music by...

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Even the European Union supports protein-rich diets

When you're talking about trying to build lean muscle tissue or “bulk up,” you've probably heard that protein-rich diets can help you gain muscle. It's true that protein does contribute...

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Mobile solutions to boost business opportunities

MobilCom Day, organized by GS1 proved to be a success in 35 countries of the world, in three time-zones from Japan to the USA. Hungarian TElekom was the home to...

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The petitioners of the chips-tax do not support the governmental amendments

According to the most recent proposal of Fidesz, the public health product tax would enter into force after the approval of the European Commission (EC). Koszorús László (Fidesz) submitted his...

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Hungary can be a vegetable growing big power

Hungary can be a vegetable growing big power with a better utilization of the thermal water resources lying beneath the Carpathian Basin. To reach this goal, the construction of the...

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