Posts From trademagazin

Minimal growth in U.S. retail

Compared to May, U.S. retail trade increased by 0.1 percent in June, instead of the expected stagnation. Moreover, the U.S. Commerce Department decreased the value of the May decline from...

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Hegyalja opened with a record number of visitors

Hegyalja Festival has closed its opening day Wednesday with a record number of visitors: by the time the gates opened, 15 thousand festival-goers were there, and later this number increased...

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Consultation on Rural Development Co-operation in the Carpathian Basin

As part of the National Rural Strategy – 2020 consultation series, discussions were held for the first time today regarding the national Carpathian Basin Rural Development Co-operation programme. Experts and...

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Getting an insight into public service at Lake Balaton – ReGeneráció Camp in Siófok

Sixty young people had the chance to glimpse ‘behind the scenes’ of the Government at the ReGeneráció Camp held in Siófok this weekend. Following the successful ReGeneráció Career Expo last...

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The Hungarian Selected Team of Winegrowers won a silver medal

The 1st Winegrowers' Soccer Championship – located in Hungary – has closed with a great success. Six nations (Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland and Hungary competed with each other in...

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KSH: grain prices increased over 90 percent, fruit prices over 70 percent

The agricultural producer price level in May 2011 was 37.6 percent higher than a year ago – reports the Central Statistical Office (KSH). In particular, the price level of plant...

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Is the Chips-tax unconstitutional?

The public health product tax, raises various legal issues – emphasizes Torsten Braner community lawyer, associate of the e|n|w|c Natlacen Walderdorff Cancola international law firm. The new law determines the...

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Dairy support: the EU approved the payment of the deposit

Brussels approved the advance payment of SAPS and the special dairy support. The Hungarian farmers can receive the deposit of SAPS from the second half of October. The European Commission...

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The Government intends to improve the situation of hospitality

Let the Széchenyi Rest Card to be used early next year – in the scope of fringe benefit – in order to increase the turnover of hospitality – among other...

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The VitalQuelle Kft. became the member of the Premium Hungaricum Society

The Győr-based mineral water producer and bottler theVitalQuelle Ltd. founded in autumn 2010, has been admitted among the members of the Premium Hungaricum Society, from the 1st of  July 2011....

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The KöKi Terminal opens in September

Approximately 1,500 new jobs will be established in the capital's newest shopping and business center in the KöKi Terminal in Kispest. Visualization of the KöKi Terminal The KöKi Terminal seeks...

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Health labels on Australian drinks

The Australian liquor manufacturers have launched their volunteer program, under they label their products with health warnings, presumably in order to avoid future criticism, namely that they contribute to the...

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The operators of the Internet markets can be make responsible for violations

The operators of Internet market businesses, including eBay can be responsible for the trade mark violations of their users – states the European Court in its judgments on Tuesday. In...

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The number of Hungarian tourists increasing in Croatia

The number of tourists visiting croatia increased by 20 percent in June. The number of Hungarian guests increased by more than 14 percent. According to the Hungarian tour operators, in...

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Asia is heading for Europe

On 10 May 2011 a large-scale conference was held at the Ministry of Rural Development, as part of the ‘Our future is in our hands’ series of programmes. The event’s...

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Virtual grocery store in the subway – video

South Korea is what you would call a technological hub. They have the fastest internet in the world per house hold, reaching 100MBps. We all know their love for StarCraft,...

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S&P upgrades Henkel’s credit ratings to A/A-1

As a result of Henkel’s improved financial profile and its continued solid business performance, the rating agency Standard & Poor’s today upgraded Henkel’s Corporate credit ratings to “A” long-term and...

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Vodafone Supertower

This year Sziget fans will be welcomed by the sight of a 10 floors high tower-complex at the center of the festival venue. The Vodafone supertower will host DJ programs,...

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Electronic cops against online frauds

The Ltd. has gifted the police with a useful guide, in order to help prevent and investigate online crimes. The book was created by one of the country's largest...

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Hungarian Tobacco Producers against unemployment

A well balanced new EU Tobacco Products Directive is needed which takes in account health, employment and budgetary considerations. Also a new EU position is required for the amendment of...

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IDEA: an average 10 percent price increase is expected from the chips-tax

The National Assembly approved the law  on public health product fee. According to a recent analysis, the burden can cause an average 10 percent price increase in case of the...

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Lower than expected inflation in June

According to the experts, interviewed by MTI; inflation in June was significantly lower-than-expected. They believe that seasonal food and fuel prices brought down the prices. According to the Central Statistical...

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VM: fruit production may accelerate in the wake of the chips-tax

According to the Ministry of Rural Development (VM); the public health products tax may result a boom in the Hungarian fruit production boom. According to the VM communication sent to...

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It is expected that at least one hundred of Hungarian companies will export vegetables and fruits to the Russian market

The Hungarian fruit and vegetable export restarted to Russia from the middle of last week, after the Kardeván Endre State Secretary, responisble for food chain surveillance and agri management successfully...

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GOSZ expects a minimum wheat cropof four million tons

Currently it seems that the amount of wheat harvest will be around or above four million tons – said Vancsura József, the President of the National Association of Cereal Growers...

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Elderberry cultivation is profitable

Elderberry cultivation is profitable, if someone does it professionally and with care. Demand is growing towards the fruit  used as a food colourant, so the domestic area can be increased,...

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Tesco: tents and sun lotions are the hits

The summer festival season can be strongly felt in the turnover of Tesco. In June, one of the best-selling commodity of the sports department was the tent, inflatable beds, foam...

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Tokyo is the world's most expensive city

According to the list of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU); Tokyo remained the most expensive city, but at the forefront many changes occurred, compared to last year. Tokyo retained its...

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A nearly three-meter long Finlandia-bottle by Lake Balaton

Festival-goers managed to witness a rather unique sight at Balaton Sound where two famous ice sculpurers have built a nearly 3 meter-long Finlandia-bottle of the newest type. Kimmo Frosti is...

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Wine-magazine leaving Hungary

The famous Hungarian winemagazine issued by Hamu is Gyémánt publisher is going to release its last issue in July 2011, because the co-operation of the British licenseowners and the Hungarian...

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