Posts From trademagazin

The new cellar of the Takler winery was handed over

Takler winery's new cellar and wine storage were handed over on Tuesday. The developments were created with a nearly three hundred million HUF investment, half from EU fundings. The new...

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More than four thousand farmers in Szabolcs asked support due to frost damages

More than four thousand farmers in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county asked for support from the agri-compensation system, due to frost damages  – said the regional government office to MTI on Wednesday. About...

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OKSZ: the current system of food vouchers should be retained

According to merchants; its is no need to change the use of food vouchers, and the limit food stores cashing. The National Trade Association (OKSZ) believes that the current voucher...

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Kométa launching 2 billion HUF investment

Kométa 99 inaugurated a 2 billion HUF salami curing plant and a renovated slaughterhouse at its base in Kaposvár. CEO Giacomo Pedranzini pointed out that the company had made investments...

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Ecotourism Training Center was handed over in Szombathely

The Ecotourism Visitor and Training Center of the nationally protected Arboretum in Kámon was handed over on Tuesday in Szombathely. The project was carried out from a more than 200...

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Tesco: the police investigation in Gyál does not affect company employees

The police action in Tesco's logistics base in Gyál did not affect company employees – said Tesco Global Stores Inc. on Wednesday to MTI, in reaction to the article of...

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Design Management Europe Award in Tallinn

The five winners of the Design Management Europe Award 2011 were proudly presented Friday, September 23rd at KUMU (Art Museum Estonia) in Tallinn, Estonia. The award ceremony kicked off with...

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Chinese winegrower's Hungarian brand is not valid

Four different wine-regions – Tokaj, Eger, Mátra és Villány – own the brand a Chinese winegrower wanted to possess – on 31st August 2011, the Chinese brand-name has been cancelled...

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This year's sunflower crop surpassed all expectations

Despite the changeable weather, this year was great for the sunflower producers. Thanks to the high purchase prices and the high yield, they will close the season with a nice...

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Food manufacturers will pay inspection fee soon

Food and agricultural companies will soon pay hundreds of millions supervision fees to the food chain supervising agency, the Agricultural Administration Office (MGSzH), if the Parliament approves the government's recent...

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Hungary has joined the Alps-Adriatic GMO-free Region

Parliament has passed a resolution requesting that local governments ban the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture and farming within their areas of administration, so joining a Croatian initiative....

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Consumer sentiment improved in Europe's largest economy

According to GfK research institute; despite the gloomy economic outlook consumer sentiment has improved slightly in Germany. Consumer sentiment indicator became 5.3 points in early November in the European Union's...

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New salami ripener and cutting lines were handed over in the meat plant of Kaposvár

New salami ripener and cutting line were handed over in the meat plant of the Kaposvár-based Kométa '99 Zrt. on Tuesday. The nearly two billion HUF worth investment was handed...

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The operator of the Gusta sweet chain may be liquidated

The Csemege Plusz Kft. operataing eight stores, produced more than two billion HUF revenue two years ago, but this year eight liquidatation proceeding were initated against them. The company was...

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Award for young entrepreneurs

The National Association of Young Entrepreneurs announces the National Young Entrepreneur Award for the third time in 2011, now together with Budapest Bank. The award recognizes the work of the...

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Six-language wine dictionary published

Six-language grape and wine dictionary has been published by the Mezőgazda Kiadó. The publications contains more than five thousand word articles in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian and Russian languages....

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Liquidation proceeding was launched against Electro World

The Electro World Magyarország (EWM) Kft.has not succeeded to achieve bankruptcy protection, the Pest County Court initiated a liquidation proceeding against the company – told the site to MTI....

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Békési Pálinka Zrt.: the revenue of the previous years is expected

Békési Pálinka Ltd. is expecting a revenue of 500 million HUF because this year's economic outlook is rather positive – owner of the company Zoltán Békési pointed out. He also...

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The hot meal-voucher is the most popular

There are a lot of fringe benefits, often there are such valuable opportunities as education, but the most popular fringe benefit is the meal-voucher. Employers provides hot meal voucher the...

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The subsidiary of Magyar Posta issues meal vouchers in a value of two billion forints

This year the Posta Paletta Zrt. is expected to issue and distribute meal vouchers in a value of two billion forints – the company said on Monday. The Posta Paletta...

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Magazine: Cleaning products: hypermarket is the dominant retail channel

In general cleaning product retail sales augmented in the first half of 2011. The biggest category was general cleaning and scrubbing products: annual sales were above HUF 11 billion in...

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EFFIE-award going to SPAR's POS campaign

The so-called Oscar prize of the Hungarian commercial and marketing trade is the 10th anniversary EFFIE-gala, where the POS campaign of SPAR Hungary Ltd and D'arcy Avenue has won a...

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Nestea Winter Plum is back

NESTEA is bringing back the old, popular beverage Nestea Winter plum for the winter season. The reason why this edition is special because it can be drank cold or hot,...

Read more doubled its sales

The community webstore has gathered 600 000 reistered users throughout the past three years, giving home to 300 brands. The traffic of this year is expected to be the...

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GMO-laws accepted by the government

Hungary has joined NOW the Alps-Adriatic GMO-free region, under a resolution approved by Parliament.The resolution was approved unanimously. The Alps-Adriatic GMO-free region is an initiative of Croatia....

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566.6 millionn public health tax paid so far

A total of 566.6 million HUF had been paid in the form of public health product tax – in everyday language: chipstax – in September, for the third quarter of...

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Furder decline in business and consumer expectations

In October the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjested for seasonal effects continued to deteriorate – the declining trend has been going on for eight monts. Business and consumer expectations also...

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The new industrial orders rose in the euro area, Hungary is in the forefront

In August, the new orders in the manufacturing industry increased in the euro area and in the whole European Union, after the decline of July. According to Eurostat; monthly orders...

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Vintage to be completed soon

At most of the wine regions, the harvest of the grapes has been finished; more than ninety percent of the plantations are harvested – said Horváth Csaba, Secretary-General of the...

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The mobile wallet is a good opportunity for coupons brokers

The spread of mobile wallets can fundamentally affect the future of  the Hungarian coupon broker firms – writes On Tuesday, we arrived to a technology historical milestone: Three Hungarian...

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