Posts From trademagazin

Tesco Hungary wins Sponsor of the Year Award

As an award for decade long support given to Robert Burns International Foundation, Tesco Hungary has won the prestigeous Puskás-Ferguson Sponsor of the Year award. Commercial Director of Tesco David...

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HARIBO doubles its capacity in Hungary

The company HARIBO company owned by the German Riegel family has decided for a rapid expansion of the capacity of their plants in Hungary in December 2011. The market-leading European...

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GMO maize utilized as animal feed

According to Világgazdaság Online; the maize identified during the summer  as GMO maize, is used as animal feed. 5 percent of the nearly five thousand acres of crops is matured,...

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Grüne Woche and Fruit Logistica start of the year

415.000 visitors attended from January 21st to 30th the “Grüne Woche” (Green Week) in Berlins Fair Center, and had the chance to enjoy KIKU®. Some Thousands visitors were amazed when...

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Ukrainian grain harvest may be smaller by one-fifth this year

Compared to last year, an about 22 percent decrease in the amount of grain may occur this year in Ukraine, especially due to the extreme drought, during the the autumn...

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NÜSZ: six million Erzsébet-vouchers have been produced until now

The production of the Erzsébet-vouchers lasts since the 21st of December. Since then about 6 million vouchers have been produced – told the voucher’s issuer, the National Travel Service Ltd....

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Hungarian and Russian hotel purchases in Eastern Austria

In Eatern Austria, Lackenhof am Ötscher was once a popular sport center. But since the 1990s, it was slipping down. Today, fun dominates the small town again, not least thanks...

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Volunteer of the Year: Balázs Cseh, leader of the Hungarian Food Bank Association

’The Volunteer Of The Year’ was Balázs Cseh, the leader of the Hungarian Food Bank Association, ‘The Year Volunteer Program’ award for NGOs was given to the KÖZ-Pont Youth Association...

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FAO expects a decrease in food prices

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization; the decline of the global food prices began late last year is expected to continue – writes MTI. The FAO analysts expect...

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Last year, the value of retail investments in Europe exceeded 28 billion euros

Despite the continuous uncertain economic environment retail investment in Europe closed with strong profit in 2011, despite – shows the survey of Jones Lang LaSalle. The preliminary datas show that...

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Last year's costs may also factor this year's bread price increases

Because of the weakening forint and the rising energy costs a continuous increase is expected in the price of bread and bakery products – told Werli József, Secretary General of...

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Big Mac index: the Swiss franc is the most overvalued currency in the world

he forint is one of the most undervalued, but the Swiss franc is the most overvalued currency in the world – on the basis of Economist’s latest Big Mac index....

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The Rétimajor-based Aranyponty Zrt. doubled its profits

After the 860 million HUF revenue, the Rétimajor-based Aranyponty Zrt. reached over 1 billion in revenue last year, and doubled its profits increasing it to 100 million HUF – told...

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Colza hit by autumn drought

The drought autumn affected the Colza badly in Békés county; crop will be so much worse than last year. The secretary of the Békés County Agricultural Association told to MTI,...

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The Chicago Tribune recommends Hungarian furmints

The Great whites under 15 dollars article of Chicago Tribune recommends dry Hungarian furmints. The article, wrote by Chicago Tribune’s wine expert, Bill St. John recommends three little-known grape varieties...

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Tokaj among the world's top wine tourist destinations

The American Wine Enthusiast Magazine has chosen the Tokaj wine region among the world's top 10 wine tourism destinations. However, according to the magazine, it is not only worth to...

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The world's longest sausage can be created in Tenkesalja

Colorful programs await the guest on Saturday, in Siklós, Baranya County. The event is open to anyone, where the country's longest sausage will be created, teams of ten will compare...

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Six large hotel chains created a hotel search website

Six of the world's largest hotel companies joined forces and created a hotel search website that allows web reservations among more favorable conditions than at most of the online travel...

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The Friendliest Hotel of 2011

The most important value for tavellers is friendliness – a recent market research of 2010 stated, with 8 thousand people's opinion. Thus, the team of has launched a competition...

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Magazine: Retail has no choice but to keep going forward

Laurel organised their two-day Retail 2011 conference in Siófok, where the company’s owner-managing director István Bessenyei highlighted in his keynote speech that the appearance of smartphones has a strong influence...

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EuroCIS in Düsseldorf with 200 exhibitors from over 20 countries

EuroCIS has been synonymous with retail innovations for over 10 years now. Every year in excess of 200 exhibitors from over 20 countries present all that’s new in terms of...

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Tamás Fellegi’s forward-looking talks in Washington

Minister without portfolio for negotiations between Hungary and certain international financial organisations Tamás Fellegi had informal consultations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington between 9-12 January 2012 to...

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The Export Imperative: Business Survey on Foreign Expansion

Companies are concerned about ‘place’ and ‘people’ when contemplating foreign expansion. Foreign workspace has to be flexible with only very short-term commitments. Opinion is divided over whether foreign operations should...

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The industry of the euro area further slows down

The euro zone’s industrial production fell in November: compared to the previous month decline was 0.1 percent, while compared to the previous year a 0.3 percent decrease occured –    reported...

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The Hungarian bakeries complaining of the Albanians bakeries

The Hungarian bakeries consider the presence of the Albanian bakeries as a problem, although some say its all about rivalry – writes Magyar Nemzet. Werli József, the professional secretary, of...

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Changes among the leaders of MIRELIT MIRSA Co.

Dr. József Losó József, president-CEO of MIRELITE MIRSA Co. is not going to deal with operative cases, but will move on to be the president of the leaders. Operative issues...

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The rate of cocoa increases at the commodity exchanges

In two days cocoa increased by 15 percent at the commodity exchanges. The rate of the raw material, began a steep rise after a nationwide strikes broke out in Nigeria,...

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IKSZ launches an awareness shaping campaign

The Beverage Carton Environmental Protection Association (IKSZ) launches a large-scale awareness raising campaign this month, with the 48 million HUF support of the European Union. The campaign can be implemented...

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The new Erzsébet-voucher can be used for eating warm meal this year

Erzsébet-voucher, which can be used to eat ready foods and cold food can be used for eating warm meal this year as well. The Erzsébet-voucher can be spent without contributions...

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Waiting for EU's arguments on disputed laws

Hungary is waiting for arguments from the European Union on disputed laws and when they are convincing, the government will be ready to consider modifying the legislation, Prime Minister Viktor...

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