Posts From trademagazin

The sharing economy is already knocking at the door

In many cities all over the world cab drivers were protesting against taxi service application Uber, a smartphone app that directly connects users with the nearest registered Uber cars, which...

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Analysts: the growth in retail sales continues at a slower pace

The retail sales growth may continue, but the growth rate is expected to slow down by the end of the year – analysts told to MTI, referring to the data...

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Domestic e-retail in heights never seen

The domestic e-merchants closed an excellent year again. A net turnover of 273 billion HUF was realized in the e-retail sector in Hungary in 2014, which is much higher than...

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Foreign webshops are popular among the Hungarian online shoppers

The data of GfK’s E-commerce Report shows the domestic online trade’s high degree of concentration in the first half of the year. 88 percent of the orders are by domestic...

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New cold storage from the co-operation of the Waberer's-Szemerey Kft. and the Mecom Group

A significant part of the activities of the Waberer’s-Szemerey Logisztika Kft. can be found in the BILK (Budapest Intermodal Logistics Centre). It is the largest logistics base in the Central...

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Japan terminated the ban on Hungarian poultry meat imports

Japan terminated the ban on Hungarian poultry meat imports from 2 June. The measure was introduced because bird flue was detected in Békés county in February. According to the communication...

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E nvironmental Protection Guinness World Record Attempt with the re-collecting of beverage cartons

The Italos Karton Környezetvédelmi Egyesülés (Beverage Carton Environmental Protection Association) (IKSZ) tried to set up the Guinness record of beverage carton recollecting with the participation of 500 children With the...

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Each year, 1.8 million tons of food products are thrown out in Hungary

In Hungary 1.8 million tons of food products are thrown out each year, of which only 2,000 tons are gathered to feed the needy – Cseh Balázs, President of the...

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The customers of ALDI collected more than 3.6 million HUF donations for the Camp Courage

The customers of ALDI significantly helped to a charity organization again: many of them took part in the action of the department store chain in May. Within the charity campaign,...

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SZEGA week: “Exciting Italian flavors”

From 8 to 12 June 2015 the SZEGA Foods in collaboration with the ICE-Agenzia Italian foreign trade institute will organize the I. SZEGA Italian week, within the ’Italian Festival’ program...

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Finlandia DJ competition

The favorite vodka of the Finns offers exciting opportunities to the DJs. The winners of the Finlandia DJ competition can perform in the Less Ordinary Bar during the Balaton Sound...

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Budapest also organized the Chance to the Food day

After London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and other large cities, the Chance to the Food day was organized in Budapest. At the event 5,000 meals were cooked in a huge cauldron...

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British American Tobacco is expanding in Croatia

One of the biggest companies in Croatia, the Adris Group, on Monday announced that it has sold its subsidiary, the Tobacco Factory Rovinj, TDR, to British American Tobacco (BAT) for...

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Hungarian Weeks in METRO


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Magazine: Coffee inspired by mermaid tears

Mocca Negra Zrt. launches a new HoReCa coffee brand, called Mantaro Café. These days many independent firms operate as suppliers in the HoReCa market, and those who don’t offer high...

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KSH: the growth in consumption continued in April

In April, the volume of retail sales increased by 4.4 percent according to the raw data and by 5.3 percent on the basis of the calendar effect adjusted data, compared...

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(CBA) Príma choice: Szintézis Retail

Good work takes time. In this case, the CBA Píma in Érd only needed a total of 10 days to modernize the shop interior and to install the new instruments....

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NGM: the growth in retail sales is continuous for 22 months

It is very positive that the growth in retail sales is continuous for 22 months – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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The METRO and the Kende Gastro Zrt. signed a strategic agreement

The leaders of the METRO Kereskedelmi Kft. and the Kende Gastro Zrt. signed an extremely important agreement in terms of the expansion of services for METRO partners. In the future,...

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The local government owned Gyulahús Kft. is operating successfully

Görgényi Ernő, mayor of Gyula considers the rescue of the former Gyulai Húskombinát as a good decision. Görgényi Ernő told MTI that the Gyulahús Kft., owned hundred percent by the...

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Rising wages at the Pick Szeged Zrt.

The wages are increasing at the Pick Szeged Zrt., due to the recently signed wage agreement between the company and the advocacy organizations – Mózes Tibor political vice president of...

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Retail sales of the euro zone and the EU increased in April

Euro zone retail sales rose and unemployment fell in April, the European Union's statistics office data showed on Wednesday, adding to signs of economic recovery in the single currency area....

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The consumers voted on the two new flavors of Hajdú grilled cheese

The customers were able to propose on the new flavorings of the Olympic gold medalist Hajdú grilled cheese within a game, organized by a social networking site. Within a week,...

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Twenty cigarettes for five percent more

Due to the EU tobacco directive 20 cigarettes will be in a pack from next May. Therefore, the price of a pack of cigarette will be proportionally higher, because the...

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Tutti’s salted caramel and walnut ice cream won a Gold medal at the Ice Cream of the Year competition

The salted caramel and walnut ice cream of the Tutti Élelmiszeripari Kft. won the Gold medal of the free category at the Ice Cream of the Year competition, held in...

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ÁNTSZ: the WHO and Interpol issued an alert on an illegal wieght loss aid

The World Health Organization (WHO) and Interpol issued an alert on an illegal wieght loss aid. The dangerous substance is called 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP briefly) – the National Public Health and...

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Pepsi’s Hungarian subsidiary builds a new market model

The Pepsi products manufacturer and distributor Fővárosi Ásványvíz és Üdítőipari Zrt. (FÁÜ) mineral water and soft drink industrial company noted in its report that the company closed its factory in...

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Ferrero realises 3.9-percent growth with new markets

Italian chocolate and confectionery giant Ferrero realised EUR 8.4 billion in sales last year, which constitutes a 3.9-percent growth. Pre-tax profit was EUR 907 million – 14.2 percent more than...

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910 million HUF remained on the Széchenyi Rest Cards

Last week, domestic tourists spent about 600 million HUF with Széchenyi Rest Cards, but a total of 910 million HUF remained on the Széchenyi Rest Cards – Ruszinkó Ádám, Deputy...

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The World's Biggest Cruise Ship Full Documentary – Video of the day

Can you imagine a kitchen must prepare 250000 meals a week, from a hundred tons of fresh ingredients and cooked by 250 chefs? They manage the work and how they...

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