Posts From trademagazin

The Wine Weeks in Balatonfüred to start on Saturday

From Saturday, the program series of the wine festival in Balatonfüred await the guests for three weeks. As a novelty, the presentations of young winemakers are also included this year....

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Pear against hangover

Drinking pear juice before a night of heavy drinking could reduce the effects of a hangover – a research suggests. Australian government scientists found that for those who suffering from...

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Romanian retail sales increased by 4.8 percent in the first half of the year

The volume of retail sales grew by 4.8 percent in Romania in the first half of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National...

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A KKV-knak kedveznek az új uniós pályázatok

– Jelentős változásokra kell számítani az utolsó uniós támogatási ciklusban, amelynek nyertesei a hazai kis- és középvállalkozások lehetnek. A KKV-k számára legfontosabb Gazdaságfejlesztési és Innovációs Operatív Programban leginkább a komplex,...

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The esspressionist – Video of the day

Check out self-proclaimed “esspressionist” Smile To-Go barista Mike Breach's creations. Coffee is his “medium,” and his subjects include Beyoncé, Edward Scissorhands, and the New York skyline. As pretentious as this...

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Emirates: more than a quarter of the Hungarians are having a holiday abroad

27 percent of the Hungarians are having a holiday abroad this year. Half of the passengers are traveling by plane – according to a representative research made on behalf of...

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Accounting 2.0 – changes in the financial institutions sector

At a seminar Deloitte organised for the financial sector on the latest developments, important legislative changes and new opportunities. Experts spoke about the positive influence the Lending for Growth Programme...

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Study trip by MVI and Coninvest

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) and Coninvest organise their study trip for the third time – this year to Vienna, Salzburg and Sankt Pölten. Detailed information: MVI secretary Bernadett...

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Magazine: Budget approved in the spirit of stability and predictability

The Hungarian parliament has given the green light to the 2016 budget, the main objectives of which are the protection of jobs, tax reduction and creating a stable and predictable...

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More eating quality wheat has grown this year

A huge change occured on the Hungarian wheat market in one year, because of the weather – the wrote. While last year due to the high rainfall 65-70 percent...

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No obstacles before the new Hungarian rural development program

There are no obstacles before the adoption of new Hungarian rural development program for 2014-2020 – the Prime Minister's Office states. The first calls for proposals of the rural development...

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KSH: increased exports and decreased imports

Euro-denominated value of exports increased by 2.3 percent, while imports fell by 0.9 percent in May compared with a year before. The trade surplus was 507 million euros, 225 million...

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Honey consumption increases in Hungary

More and more people consume honey in Hungary. This reflects the development of conscious nutrition and improving income conditions – the Minister of State responsible for agri-management said at opening...

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Auchan has opened its 18th fuel station

The Auchan Magyarország Kft. has opened its 18th fuel station, which now serves the customers of the Auchan supermarket in Szigetszentmiklós. The company's goal is to install a fuel station...

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Analysts: trade surplus remains massive

The Hungarian foreign trade continues to perform at a high level, but the analysts polled by MTI have varied opinions on the expansion dynamics. According to the data of the...

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PMI’s value decreased in July

The seasonally adjusted value of the July Purchasing Managers' Index was 50.0 percent, 4.9 percentage points lower than in June – the Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management...

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The Network Pharmacies Association recommends to facilitate the marketing activities of the pharmacies

The Network Pharmacies Association (Hálózati Gyógyszertárak Szövetsége HGYSZ) recommends a more flexible and permissive regulation within the pharmacies’ marketing activities. The proposals were sent to the Department of Human Resources...

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The tourism revenues of Budapest may increase with up to one billion euros in the medium term

In the medium term, the tourism revenues of Budapest may increase with up to one billion euros – according to the comparative study of the Roland Berger consulting firm, conducted...

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The number of tourists has increased in Romania by 15 percent in the first half of the year

In the first half of the year, the number of tourists in Romania increased by about 15 percent, compared to the same period of the last year – the Romanian...

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The web accommodation services increased demand for downtown apartments by 40 percent

The spread of the web accommodation services speeded the housing market up in the center of Budapest. The turnover in one year increased by 40 percent, while prices rose by...

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Spanish gastro-design the Museum of Applied Arts

The exhibition that opens on Thursday in the Museum of Applied Arts presents design works of art related to the typical Spanish gastronomy offers – the M1 news channel reported...

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Country commercial on a banana – Video of the day

More and more often, ads are showing up in unlikely places. Soon, grocery store shoppers will find a tiny ad promoting tourism to Ecuador in a curious place: on each...

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GKI: On slowing trajectory

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., the growth rate of the Hungarian GDP will drop to 2.7 per cent in 2015, after its temporarily extremely fast rate...

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Less but better quality wheat than last year

Farmers expect the wheat harvest to be around 4.5 million tons – less than the usual quantity but better quality. Experts of the Grain Producer’s Association – Hungary (GOSZ) reported...

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Tokaj Trading House ready to buy ten thousand tons of grapes

Tokaj Trading House Zrt. plans to buy 10,000 tons of grape and growers’ minimum revenue from this may be more than HUF 1.1 million per hectare. Price per kilogram can...

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The dairy sector can calculate with 43 billion forints

Next year the dairy sector will receive HUF 43 billion in funding, HUF 20 billion more than in 2010. In 2016 the sector will get transitional funds worth of HUF...

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The mountain village leader expects a similar grape yield to last year

Tornai Tamás President of the Mountain Village Wine Communities told Kossuth radio on Sunday that accurate estimation data will be communicated early next week. The mountain village leader about the...

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The Rossmann Magyarország Kft. expects an at least a double-digit growth result this year

The Rossmann Magyarország Kft. expects an at least a double-digit growth result this year, after last year achieved a record growth of 50 percent and 2.3 billion HUF after tax...

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It is worth to invest into quality wines

Investing in high-quality wines in Hungary is still a rarity, although a close to 30 percent yield can be achieved with it, which is higher than the annual yield of...

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The inflation of the Euro Zone and Germany was 0.2 percent in July

Euro Zone's annual inflation held steady at 0.2 percent in July, far below the European Central Bank (ECB)'s target and disappointing those who hoped monetary stimulus would provide a quick...

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