Posts From trademagazin

Stricter international tax rules

A two-year negotiation process came to an end in September, when upon the initiative of the G20 group OECD completed its action plan for addressing the problems of base erosion...

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Magazine: Hungarian steampunk

Krak’n Town, Hungary’s first steampunk-style gastro-pub opened in Budapest. The place combines traditional British cuisine with modern gastronomy, while most of the drinks served are craft beers brewed in Hungary....

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OKSZ: retail sales in December may exceed 1000 billion HUF

Traders expect a huge Christmas rush. The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) expects total retail sales to be approximately 50 billion HUF more in December than in the last month of...

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You can pay your checks in retail chains as well

The Magyar Posta Zrt. in cooperation with the CBA Kereskedelmi Kft. and the Rossmann Magyarország Kft. installed 91 check machines in drugstores and food stores nationwideto provide faster and more...

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Fazekas: the government will have to fight hard for the agricultural subsidies of the farmers

The government will have to fight hard for the agricultural subsidies of the farmers in the new EU budget period starting in 2020 – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said...

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Another SPAR supermarket was renewed in Budapest

The SPAR supermarket under Kerepesi út 73 was renewed from more than 750 million HUF. Not only the interior and the equipments were modernized during the renovation, but the technical...

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(HU) Az elmúlt tíz év legkiemelkedőbb eredményei várhatók az ingatlanfejlesztési ágazatban

The most outstanding results of the last ten years are expected in the real estate development sector The most significant results of the past 10 years is projected in the...

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The Hungarian National Trading House brings knowledge, export market orientation and relationships across the border

More than fifty Hungarian Transylvanian entrepreneurs took part at the first cross-border Export Conference. The Hungarian National Trading House organized an Export conference aimed at the training of Hungarian companies...

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Young people are easier to achieve with “cool, trendy, innovative” consumer accolades

The manufacturers are in renewal compulsion not only in connection with their products but also in connection with the related recognitions as well. A consumer fee can significantly increase the...

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Hungary is the guest of honor at the international wine trade exhibition in Krakow

Hungary is the guest of honor at the international wine trade exhibition began on Wednesday in Krakow – Gál Péter, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told...

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Production-linked subsidies and the terms of greening will change in 2017

Production-linked subsidies and the terms of greening will change in 2017 to make them easier and more transparent – the Deputy Minister of State for of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The NÉBIH closed a meat shop in Tolna County

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) held controls simultaneously in two counties. The inspectors seized 1150 kilograms of food in a Tolna County meat shop and withdrawn it from...

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Only 14 percent of CEOs are averse to the higher-tax cafeteria elements

Although for next year, it will be more expensive for the employers to provide fringe benefits to their workers, according to a survey, only 14 percent are averse to the...

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Spa providers urge a VAT rate cut

The members of the Hungarian Bath Association (MF) urge a VAT rate cut to 18 percent at their general meeting began on Wednesday in Hévíz. Czeglédi Gyula, the director of...

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Food industry renewal about to start

István Jakab, deputy speaker of the Hungarian Parliament told at a farmers’ forum in Székesfehérvár that a support scheme is about to be launched for the renewal of Hungary’s food...

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Another conference in the series introducing Central European regions

For the third time this year the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) organised a conference about export opportunities in Central Europe. Realised in cooperation with the county chambers of industry...

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Premium quality Hungarian wines and groceries in Washington

Feedback from businessmen, distributors and food industry enterprises was positive, so there is a good chance that orders will be placed by US partners. MNKH CEO Zsanett Oláh told that...

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Positive trends, optimistic consumers

Poland is the sixth biggest export market for Hungarian food products. In the first half of 2016 Hungarian companies sold EUR 181.5 million worth of food in Poland. This performance...

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Magazine: We are making an effort!

What is new in the world of cocktails? According to Attila Piri, marketing director of Heinemann Testvérek Kft., these days it isn’t cocktail types that we can call popular, but...

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Extreme Digital Black Friday launched this week

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Nielsen: Hungarians prefer to buy in shops with loyalty program

Almost 75 percent of Hungarians prefer to buy in shops where you loyalty programs are offered – the Nielsen international market researcher reveals in its survey. According to the summary...

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GDP grew by two percent in the third quarter

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.0 percent in the third quarter, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced its first...

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FM: the protected geographical indications represent market value

The number of protected geographical indications – designations of origin and geographical indication should be increased in Hungary, because they represent market value. Czerván György Minister of State for the...

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The local government of Badacsonytomaj: closure is an overreaction

The local government of Badacsonytomaj, the viticultural professional organizations around the Badacsony hill and the entrepreneurs of the business sector told that the communication of the National Food Chain Safety...

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GfK: the sales of technical products increased in the 3rd quarter

The sales of durable technical goods increased by 4.9 percent in the third quarter of 2016, compared to the same period of last year, while the total turnover amounted to...

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The chief veterinarian ordered the confinement housing of poultry in three counties

The national chief veterinary ordered the confinement housing of poultry in Békés, Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. The regulations aim to...

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Discount chains grew in the UK market

Tesco has not seen such an increase in the past three years as in the three months ended on November 8 – wrote, after Kantar. Although the German discount...

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The best red wines of the Lake Balaton will be presented in Csopak

The Red Balaton tasting will be held on 3 December. For a number of wine lovers the Lake Balaton is synonymous with diverse and excellent white wines. However, on 3...

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The population borrows more and more consumer loan in Slovakia

The consumer loan portfolio continued to rise by approximately 14.1 percent on an annual basis by the end of September in Slovakia and the pace of indebtedness continued to accelerate...

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The economic sentiment improved further in November in Germany

In November, the economic sentiment in Germany improved further for the second consecutive month – according to the survey of the Mannheim-based ZEW economic research institute. The survey was published...

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