Companies operating in a hybrid model are more optimistic

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 02. 27. 11:05

In a challenging economic environment, hybrid working can also provide a competitive advantage, as these businesses are more easily able to adapt to changing economic conditions. Some form of hybrid model can have a positive impact on the business outlook of companies, as flexible working brings cost savings, increases in efficiency and productivity, and talent retention.

A study by the International Workplace Group (IWG) of more than 1,000 business leaders found that three-quarters (75%) of companies offering hybrid working have a more positive outlook for 2025 than traditional companies (58%).

Flexible working – reducing office space and taking advantage of short-term work solutions – allows many companies to reduce overhead costs. More than three-quarters (79%) of flexible businesses report cost savings, and a similar proportion (75%) believe that hybrid working is a useful tool to overcome upcoming economic challenges (such as rising taxes, increased tariffs, etc.).

Amidst growing concerns about business confidence, businesses that prioritize flexibility are far more optimistic, according to new research from International Workplace Group (IWG), the leading provider of hybrid work solutions, including the Spaces and Regus brands. 63% of hybrid businesses report a more positive view of the economic environment than a year ago, compared to just 44% of non-flexible businesses.

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