
By: Ipacs Tamás Date: 2020. 11. 25. 10:34

One of the Gundel Award winners in 2020 was 47-year old Attila Molnár, the owner of Arany Kaviár restaurant.

trade logo 2x superbrands You won so many awards in the last 20 years. Where would you place the Gundel Award if you had to rank them?

Molnár Attila, Aranykaviár Étterem

Attila Molnár
Arany Kaviár restaurant

For me this is the most prestigious Hungarian hospitality award. I don’t work to win awards, but it is great feedback on my work and good motivation for the future.

trade logo 2x superbrands How does someone become so successful in the long run?

The fundamental thing is to like serving guests, love one’s profession and focus on quality. When Szása and I took over Arany Kaviár restaurant we put lots of work into it, expanding and making changes every 4-5 years. I was very lucky to belong to the Jakabffy school: I learned so much from him.

trade logo 2x superbrands What inspires you in creating the concept and the menu?

My life is one long learning process, as I keep monitoring the latest Hungarian and international restaurant trends. My older daughter attends the Basque Culinary Center university and I keep an eye on what she is learning too.

trade logo 2x superbrands What do you think would help the Hungarian hospitality sector the most?

I would give the biggest possible support to Hungarian farmers, as the Hungarian culinary sector badly needs more quality cooking ingredient suppliers. I would also invest lots of money in education, founding schools for future chefs.

trade logo 2x superbrands What would a course book mention about Arany Kaviár 10-20 years from now?

We have never recruited stars, those who work in our team learned the ins and outs of the trade at Arany Kaviár.

trade logo 2x superbrands What are your plans for the near future?

In mid-October we are going to launch our new project, Gold Season, with a 15-course special menu. This will star a completely new culinary concept in our restaurant. //


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