Sunday store closure: pros and cons about the number of the employees

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 06. 23. 11:45

The number of employees decreased by more than two thousand in trade and the number of overtime hours also jumped since the introduction of the Sunday store closure – the wrote. The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told Világgazdaság that there are no dismissals, it is worth to compare the fresh data to the previous year.


According to the Central Statistical Office (KSH), after the the introduction of the Sunday store closure, the number of employees have declined. Compared to February, which was the last month, with shops open on Sundays, the number of full-time employees decreased by more than five hundred in April, while in March only the number of part-time workers decreased. In the full range of trade, including wholesale and retail trade, two thousand two hundred fewer people were working as employees in April compared to February. (,,