Many wet condiments to choose from

Rita Bazsó
marketing manager
Univer Product Zrt.
Easter – just like Christmas, New Year’s Eve and the summer barbecue season – is an important period in wet condiment sales. The main places for buying these products are hypermarkets and discount supermarkets. Rita Bazsó, Univer Product Zrt.’s marketing manager told our magazine that in discount stores private label products have the biggest share in wet condiment sales. Branded products sell best in hypermarkets, supermarkets and small shops. Reacting to consumer demand, manufacturers have come out with flavoured and special products in the category.
For instance Univer launched a Light ketchup (it contains 40 percent less sugar than E-free ketchup) and a Pizza ketchup last year. In the company’s Hungarian Flavours range the new product was a Fisherman’s Soup condiment. In line with the current trends, Univer focuses more on online communication than before. In-store presence is also important in the marketing strategy: several thousand displays were installed in stores last year and the company will place just as many in 2018.

Rita Habuda-Salyámosy
marketing manager
Glatz Hungary
Glatz Hungary Kft. is the distributor of Lakeshore mustards, sales of which are growing steadily year after year. These premium products are the perfect choice when cooking special dishes. Lakeshore mustards are available in several versions, from extra hot Irish mustard to French mustard, and they go really well with meat dishes and cold meats, hams and various cold cuts. Marketing manager Rita Habuda-Salyámosy sees growing demand for premium mustards as the purchasing power of Hungarian consumers is on the rise. The company is working hard to

Petra Borsodi
product manager
Ed Haas
educate consumers about mustard, with the help of recipe collections and web pages.
According to Petra Borsodi, product manager of Ed.Haas Hungaria Kft., Haas mustards had an even better year than originally expected. She reckons that a growing number of consumers are looking for special mustards. Haas mustards are premium quality products and buyers are loyal to the brand. One of this year’s trends was consumers’ growing interest in the mustard seed content of products – in the case of Haas products it is very high, 19-32 percent. As regards packaging, the company prefers aluminium tubes with a screw cap. //
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