A tourism marketing campaign was launched in Gyula

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 10. 26. 08:31

A marketing campaign was launched with the coordination of Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. “Gyula is open!” with a tourism campaign, they want to draw attention to the fact that, despite the energy crisis, the main tourism providers of the spa town of Békés are not closing.

84 percent of the guests come from Hungary

Alíz Komoróczki, managing director of Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft., told MTI on Wednesday that at the beginning of the energy crisis, professional forums and comprehensive consultations were started with the mayor of the city, the owners and directors of the largest hotels, representatives of the catering establishments, Gyulai Idegenforgalmi, which also represents the interests of apartments and pensions. Association leaders and directors of the most attractive tourist attractions.

The decision was then made that the most important attractions in the spa town of Békés (castle, Almásy Castle, Várfürdő) will remain open, as will the hotels and larger restaurants. Only one hotel has indicated that it will temporarily close for the winter season, the Hotel Hőforrás és Üdülőszövetkezet, which mainly caters for member holidays. Among the smaller apartments, there will also be those that do not receive guests, but there have been other seasonal closures

– emphasized the manager.


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